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Owen Jan 2021
And now I keep my distance.
Unable to trust,
to believe I'm worthy of love,
that I am anyones only one.
All  faith in good intentions
was torn out
when you left.
I cant share my heart anymore,
with anyone.
It's ******
and scarred.

So congratulations
you broke something
deep inside me,
punched through flesh and bone
to pull the plug
on my world.
Left me drowning
in insecurity.
And now
I flinch at the kindest touch,
and laugh at sincerity.
Trying to let people in again is hard she really did a number on me.
-elixir- Jan 2021
The walk's difficult,
along the strings of trust,
as you almost throw me over
into the chasm of ghosted waters.
My tears assimilate into the salted
waters as the strings almost snap
with each step.

While my heart, your heart,
an apocalypse
Eli Jan 2021
Why did you do that to her?
Why did you leave her in the dark?
After all, you were beautiful to her.
Why did you destroy the light in her heart?

This is maddening.

I want to understand.

What could she
have done to keep you there?

But instead, you strayed...
Leaving her betrayed...

Now, we've found each other

Two broken hearts melding together

Segments of our cracked souls breathe new life.

It's unacceptable to bring her such strife

I know you are still the same, Deceiver of Hearts.

Nothing will ever change.

But when musings
of your obscenities
intrude my conscience,

My soul feels her pain.
I wrote this several years ago while I was in a relationship with someone who's had a pretty significant impact on my life.  We're no longer together, but we're still friends.  And, I know us being apart is for the best.  Anyway, I was watching a video titled "The Science of Cheating", and it ****** me off. It made me think about the ex that had hurt her so much.
M Vogel Jan 2021
Stephan W

The sinking ship wasn't your life, my beautiful--
it was simply a series of messages, unfairly laid on you
so very long ago.. and in such a way
that they became a way of thinking;

    --and in and through them,   your mind..
      and also your life-view,  was formed.

And so, it wasn't one ship, whose porthole
you finally swam out of,   but many--
each time,  only after
  you had enough love  inside of you
  to be able to embrace the truth--
       ~that now told you that you had to exit the ship
       before it was going to take you down along with it~

It was love, that was able to show you
what was on the other side
and it was love that helped guide you to the surface
every  time you exited the ship
and each time you did, you developed a greater trusting
   of the process..

and each time you swam through the porthole
you looked that much more beautiful to me--

     Your beautiful face, glowing..
     Your gorgeous mouth, so willingly   pressed against mine
        so you could draw into your  own lungs
        the very air of mine that I breathed into you,
        as we both made our way up to the surface.

And slowly, in each ship that you exited,
your mind became more, and more renewed--
All the things that kept your mind and heart away from love
were the very things I would need you to
deal with before I could ever be with you

     or someone like you.

And so it was in my love for you
and desire for you to become whole..
and also, my deep contempt for the messages
that have been so unfairly laid on beautiful ones such as you
that have both  caused me to want to take the time  
to help you see..

That each ship who's furniture you were so tediously polishing
was in fact, sinking to the bottom of the sea..

But it was  you  that had to see it for yourself, Love--
in and through the view and understanding
that what you at one time found valuable and necessary
in its ability to keep you alive,
     now stood in the way of you taking in love--  
     the real thing.

So you see, love.. It couldn't have been just one ship..
but a whole series of ships--
and each one could only be exited once you had enough love inside..
and in truth, our bodies, (in their broken state of being) can only
take in as much love that the grace that we have been given
up to that point will allow..

Which is why the element of time is such an important thing,
and I consider it a great luxury that you and I were able
    to come back together
    time and time again--

               even when both of us thought every-thing was over.

I needed time to keep from continually throwing my phone(s) against the wall
(and out the window),
and you needed time to process what was coming towards you...
(and, also your anger at me)
     for pushing you too hard sometimes ..
     and other times being too harsh, or unfair..
     or from bringing too many of my own issues into the process.

But one thing for me I know for sure is true,
and that is every time you exited that porthole,
you became even more beautiful to me  than ever before
And, with-in the tenderness of your trust..
And the way you pressed your beautiful mouth to mine
as you took my air into your lungs.. as if your own..
     In the curve of your gorgeous hips, as your dress--
                                                          clingi­­ng to your skin..
in that warm, ocean water, as you slipped out of the portal
towards me and then up to the surface with me..
body, pressed against body..  as you took my air in

And the way that you learned along the way
to truly trust.. and take the risk to make your needs known:
   how to ask for help, now--
long before your heart, mind, soul  and that beautiful body
     went into despair--

That you would make your needs known to me
in the most beautiful of ways--
ways, which unknown to you,
     would draw me in-   towards  you
     in such a tremendously, deep way..

And so, you can see that our beautiful friendship was
doomed from the beginning--

   what has happened in my heart now,
              was inevitable,

       and is the outcome of your incredible response
       to all that has come towards you..
                                           from me.

-- I think I fell in love
but now I know.. I’ve forgotten how..

It will be ok.
Francie Lynch Dec 2020
We deserve sounding boards of truth,
Not sponges of deception.

My head is full of lies, equivocations and beguiling stories.
Who can I trust?
The poor?
The limb-lost warrior?
Residents in Cell Block A through Z?
Patients found out but can't breathe.

We must be sound,
And let the voices of truth echo.
Ashton Nance Dec 2020
When I was young I fell silent when my parents said they loved me
Because with my upbringing, that couldn’t be  

Brushed away when alcohol and a rush of nicotine meant more
If they couldn’t care for me, what did they have me for?

Promises to meet for lunch, have weekend visits, and for the drinking to stop
Each one broken, another disappointment to top

“You’re my world, my reason for living”
“I’m trying my best”
I can only be so forgiving
And only when all you’ve done has been suppressed

As I grew, I struggled to cope
Would things get better, can I hold on to hope?  

I fear for the day that I get the call that my dad is dead
He doesn’t sleep, still drinks, and thinks he’s invincible
The constant worry of losing him living in my head
No matter the past, doesn’t he know he’s irreplaceable?

My mom is sick, worsening every day
I’ve seen her change before my eyes
Caring for my dying mom, a role I never wanted to play
How will I forget all that happened when she dies?

All my life I’ve craved what can’t be redeemed  
A healthy relationship to cherish forever
It pains my heart to see others get what I’ve always dreamed
Maybe one day it won’t hurt (or never)

“You’re so mature!”
“You have to be older than what you say!”

No, that’s just the trauma, the things I can’t forget
The things I haven’t healed from yet

For the rest of my days I will pay the price
Climbing a mountain that never ends
But what is life without a little spice?
A recipe for disaster that transcends
Lazarus Bertsch Dec 2020
The saddest thing about being betrayed,
Is that it never comes from your enemies,
It comes from those you trust the most.
Quote of the night #3
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Where have you been
the last 10 years

So much has happened
that I've concealed
in the vault of permission

For the first time
I am revision

You've become more than all you've done
I tell my former self
As it balks at my
Progressive ideals

Now you see me
As I am

And I am
Fully me
Finally free
To be who I've decided
Is me

Change would not have come if I had waited

For some other person or some other time

I am aware
For change is a created thing
Among the masters of their destinies

Nietzsche says:

“I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses”.

I dream in order to act with grandeur

Essential dreaming is nursed in imagination
To know that form of love.
To know someone who takes another as they are is the highest form of light I can be
and belong

To the acceptance you bring.
Standing by

I tell my former self
To stay strong
You are a brilliant
Compass of madness

That has been
guiding yourself

You have arrived. I am grateful.

There is a point at which you start to feel that the intensity of all things is so unbelievable, in its enormity of will to believe better exists for you out there, you wonder how you’d ever been walking around at all.

With eyes held so tightly; slivers, chopped, before. How on earth did the light get in? To those desolate pieces needing to be filled so much?
How did I ever arrive here?

Perhaps, just in being led me towards the heat.

There are days when you may feel unable to move or, sometimes, breathe.

In these moments, one cannot fathom how there is anything left to do,
but let go and know
your own faith is working
the scene
Love begins.
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