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Marla Mar 2019
The space in between time is filled with fish,
swimming through dimensions.
They say hello,
if they see a friend,
but mostly they're just red.
All the girl can think of is colours and the wish
to pay attention
to what's moving in the yellow
abyss of distent
in the continuum of dread.

She can not perceive the reason why she'll cry,
but in her heart, there is a cloud
and in her head her own blue voice
that sings to her
day in day out.
When in the young parts of the dry
december night it speaks aloud
by twisted choice
the fish consider
what tomorrow she will smile about.
Marla Mar 2019
I wander through the broken door,
the red paint of which is split.
A room I've never seen before,
in which strange faces sit.

They sit and smile, yet do not speak;
I blend into the crowd.
My face, it melts, my breath grows weak,
The faces are so loud.

I try to ask them who they've been,
But cannot find my voice.
I search the room I'd never seen
For some form of second choice.

As I navigate the careless room,
My body disappears.
I'll be one of the faces soon,
A smile forms through my tears.
Marla Mar 2019
The burn of the past is in the pain of my fingers
as the clouds of tomorrow loom overhead.
The fear of today should have died, but it lingers
and the key to control is in the purr of a cat.

It asks: “What's that sorrow that you speak of so fondly
and profoundly you cling to in the depth of the night?”
And you cringe and you crouch and you cry so resoundly
that the stars' tumbled tears fill with wisdom and fright.

“Even spiders have hearts that are deemed non-existent,”
says the cat who's own heart has never known cold.
The traces of truth in its words are insistant,
so you crumble and crawl to turn heedless things gold.
Nicholas Mar 2019
Fragile cosmos; not expanding but exploding what it wished were a
soulful, solitary display

All of His contemplations;
a quarry of quandry for
which the upper depths of
space are the baseline

Stars, no longer an expression of a
dying Son, ethearalize upon a canvas that can either
crush The Father

or remain
painted on the dark side of the
moon; a face mistaking it's
frown for a grin, nobody to correct him

Of His own volition;
a never-ending shift of balances

throwing Everyone into it's tantric evolution

Shotten wishes, raining onto the unawakened

Hushed gasps collapsing into
vacuous nothingness
Rambling spurred by an extended mediation on art and why we even create it to begin with.
Frankie Gestone Mar 2019
Cover up your skin
Those who abandon us wear us neatly thin
The only way to win is to fill your empty heart
I will give you what I don’t have as it is who we are
Cover up your skin
Hear the singing bowl or the mountain stream
If we blend, what could it all mean?
You and I or one and the same
Cover up your skin
From blonde to black
If you hide from me
I will always find you in my dreams
Cover up your skin
The crow cries in the trees
Its tears sing a repeating melody
The wind always blows you back to me
Cover up your skin
The last bit of flesh I want to see
Underneath the art you can bleed
And I will taste it, but not for free
stream of consciousness love music
Dirt Witch Jan 2019
Wet pupil-ed gaze of pink
Petals of a peony stretch 
the refraction of flighted insect: ***** dissolves to salt 
lusting for maternity unrequited. 
Soppy petals, 
liquidly fall.
Mohannie Jan 2019
B * A * N * G



j      m      !
   u       P    

into a new WORLD

don't stop your  ~D R E A M S~

let your paintbrush

onto the canvas
                 and into your
                               <3 HEART 3>


               ...then you will...
trying out a more odd side of poetry for today. I have an art project about surrealism and became inspired by its whimsical ways. Hope you enjoy!
Taliesin Jan 2019
Electric snakeskin
Draped, casting green-grey shadows
Over the pine trees
James LR Dec 2018
Strange thoughts, strange dreams
Bulging at their seams.
Teeth that feel and think and breathe.

A shattered sky, a shattered mind
Locked and thinking out of time.
The satin droplets from on high
that sink into the burning snow,
The mountain stoops to squint at stone.
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