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Mary K Mar 2016
tile covers the floor and the wall and the ceiling
it sends my head spinning.
glorious white has faded to decaying yellow
cracks and grime populate this darkness.
a damp chill settles in the air
only broken up by the occasional subway train
out of the vacuum of the tunnels.
fast food wrappers covered in lipstick stains tumble in the wake of passing crowds,
the only testament to the world up above.
it's quite possible to believe that
nothing exists
besides these miles of tunnels
and endless rows of splintered tiles.
from the depths within
demonic sounds terrorize
and with the red lights that draw ever closer
right on schedule,
it's not hard to believe the veil is thinner here
in this never-resting place
and an energy surge
or the blink of an eye
could turn these diluted colors
to black and red and white
with no way back up to the city streets you once thought you knew
Brianna Feb 2016
I found you somewhere between the subway to heaven and hell.I felt like we were always destined to be lost together.

I saw you staring at your one way ticket and your empty luggage with such disdain and yet such curiosity.

I saw you cursing at the flickering light above you but pacing the hot ground below you & I couldn't help but wonder if we were headed to two different places for the first time.

It Was then you saw me leaning against the wall with my ticket in hand and my empty luggage. For the first time in years you looked at me instead of through me.

You said " please know... That no matter where I go, heaven or hell, PLEASE know I never meant to hurt you the way I did."

And I said those words... The ones I knew I needed to finally say. The words that I didn't even know I was holding on to for so long.
Three words that held such power to destroy or change.

I said..." I hate you."
And we went our separate ways.
Frank DeRose Jan 2016
Subway lights fly by on the metal bar ahead of me,
Which demarcates this world from that.
The lights--
Sprightly specters of hope.

The bar is transient--
The sprites exist within it, but never outside of it.
I am enclosed in a tunnel--
The sprites dance about;
My only proof of a world
Outside this train car.


So noisy
Yet quiet.
There is sound everywhere,
But we are all alone.

Some would rather stand
Than sit next to a stranger.

Most of us choose our phones over interaction.
Like the tunnel.

Don't make eye contact.
Stare straight ahead.
If someone sits next to you,
Say nothing.
Make sure your coats don't overlap.
Such a large humanity gap.

Don't make eye contact,
If you do, look away.
If again,
A nod,
To show you're no ******.
Never allow a third time.

A mindless cacophony roars about me.
While I sit in silence.
Watching the lights of this godforsaken


The tunnel is all we know.
Written while on the subway. Meant to reflect the attitude/mindset of many people in the millennial generation during public transport. An enormous shoutout and many thanks to JR Rhine for his help revising, check out his stuff as well.
E Townsend Nov 2015
Underneath the rushing world
our situation at a glance
has yet to quietly unfurl.
I am only a lonely girl
who's never had a slow-song dance
above the big rushing world.
And you, you look like you could twirl
me, and trap my heart in a trance,
which has yet to slowly unfurl.

On these tracks, there is a pearl
among the others in a stance,
underneath the rushing world.
Suddenly the train stops and hurls
you toward me. This is my chance.
I should take it. But it unfurls,

I need to say before this whirl
    I have not met you. In advance
underneath the rushing world
our love will not ever unfurl.
Trevon Haywood Oct 2015
A future New York City Subway car ordered for the B Division.
It will replace the aging fleet of R-32s and R-42s and expand the fleet for the Second Avenue Subway.
The contract to build these cars has been awarded to Bombardier Transportation who will build the cars at it's Plattsburgh, New York facility.
The base order for the R-179 will be approximately 290 cars with an option of 300 cars.
And it's expected to enter service between 2016 and 2022.
A poem about the R-179
Tcodee Jun 2015
Slow jerking snake like
Pierces dark runs on iron moves
Below under the city
#nyc #subway #haiku #motion
Tcodee Jun 2015
Train moves jerkingly north
Commuters ignore each other
Waiting for days end
Ezra Apr 2015
We all cough.
You hear it at home, outside,
Out the streets, in the subway,

If you think about it,
A world without coughs would be quite

Stranger perhaps than a world without love;
Coughs are ubiquitous; Love is not.
Just Caleigh Mar 2015
It is the most intimate a situation he had ever found himself in.
On a public transport, after someone had left their roost,
He had replaced himself in their seat.
An odd sensation went through him as he sat down,
The feeling that he was trespassing in someone else's skin,
Learning things about them they hadn't meant to leave behind.
He felt their warmth, the way the seat contoured to them
And he knew not their name.
There were feelings left in the seat
Sadness, depression and pain saturated the resting place,
Yet something lifted his heart out of his chest,
Rising from his perch and flying to the sky.
Hope had also been found through the prior resident,
Remaining in the seat like a lost wallet.
He drew on this remarkable gift amid the monotony of the rocking subway;
The gratification he felt toward this unknowing Maecenas was not to be extinguished,
At least for that one blissful moment found on
Public transportation.
Read to the end if you start. The beginning's slightly rocky, but it gets better (I think).
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