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steven May 2015
Beautiful thoughts evade mi
casa, su casa
Blanched walls, Inner AnoMaly
                                                        A­ MESS
Hall with clean-faced mirrors walking
Talking the daily news & last night's
Midsummer party—I passed out drunk
                                                         ­       Onely.
KM Ramsey Apr 2015
i miss the dancing
and the unextinguishable lightness
of neon taffy sun rays
their barbed tails dripping
with honey as skates
flutter their wings in harmony
to stir sand and silt
and muddy waters
shatter crystal crysalises
cast shadow on frozen aquatic scenes
sandpaper skin
camouflages cartilaginous confessions

there is no dancing
in suspended animation
cryo-tanks where duplicitously drumming hearts
are stopped cold
atomic vibrations not buzzing
nor breathing objects
calling vivaciously to be consumed

tear me open
release the sensuous siren
whose diaphanous frocks
whip wildly in her
placid pirouette and
caresses my face like
a mother’s hand wiping away
tears which released the pain
that constant inescapable pressure
lance my skin
and bring forth that vile contaminant
slice the membrane around my heart
and in my crimson blood
in my metallic olfactory orchestra
separate dissonance from coalescence
and understand my conundrum
distill my banned message
and decode my heart.
Emma Henderson Apr 2015
You’re paper thin
Wearing a mask
Hiding behind the plumes of smoke from all the joints you roll
Behind trees, behind bushes, hidden away -
You’re always hiding away.
behind the slow closing train doors every lazy afternoon.
I’m losing you.

I wake with the birds,
you with the foxes,
searching among the sacred debris of your bedroom
Until the fix is in

I see right through you,
Your empty promises,
the silences you create- so thick and inpenetrable
I feel like I’m suffocating in a hot-boxed car.
Silence disperses when you joke about your future life;
Chained to a silver spoon.

Show me your deck,
Every card bears a picture of a white dove

I see right through you,
See fear so deep and real,
Your kind words die, swallowed up, withdrawing inside
Where I want to be,
Inside the recesses of your mind
where the voices reside

Poor Catholic boy
God doesn’t see right through you
Like I do.
Mark Lecuona Apr 2015
Give them what they want
Or make them want what you have to give
A pretty face makes you stupid
She knows it, that's why she acts that way
It doesn't matter why they feel the way they do
You fell for it, you deny it, but we know better
Nothing older than you can be questioned
You just have to decide what it is you wish to believe
It's better to take pictures of flowers in the spring
Than endure someone who can't understand your mind
It's not about getting there from here
It's about making there what here is all about
A transformed mind has forgotten his childhood
And must say no to his mother and mean it
If you ever decide you can be faithful
Then you are the luckiest man in the world
Emma Henderson Apr 2015
I was six the first time a boy told me he loved me,
pressed a little red note into my hand and kissed my cheek
We made our vows of marriage, and divorced within a week

I was eight in Spain when a boy of twelve
showed me his fake tattoo and kissed my hand on a stairwell
We shared mocktails in a bar where monkeys performed on chains

I was twelve when a man first showed interest in me
Whistled at me as I sat on my porch in leggings and sandals
Devouring an ice pop, juice dripping down my chin

I was sixteen when a boy first touched me
called me a ***** and placed his hands on me
I told nobody for three years

I was eighteen when a man first placed his hands round my neck
apologised because I didn't 'like it rough'
We'd only ever shared a cigarette

I was nineteen when I heard I was beautiful
And for the first time ever it sounded real
For the first time ever I felt loved
Emma Henderson Apr 2015
Why don't you want her?
She's everything you ever wanted when you were sixteen;
her lips drawn, eyes heavy,
ready to fall into your arms
drunk, gasping for air

Kiss her, you idiot

She's so ill, so sick, so tired of boys like you
who sit and stare at her from across the room
She's not made of porcelain, though her skin may tell you otherwise
She's not made of glass
She's made of living, breathing, flesh and blood,
all soft skin and rough kisses

She wants to hear you say her name,
voice strained from the pressure of her body on yours
But you'll just sit there
Maybe buy her a drink
Maybe tell her coyly that she's 'one of the prettiest girls...'
Maybe walk her home
And watch as she dissapears through her front door,
black space forming a vignette

Why didn't you just kiss her?
Heather Elise Mar 2015
You fall in love with everyone when they are talking about their favorite things
You fall in love with voices that rumble like the earth whispering all its darkest secrets
You fall in love with people who carry the moon in their chests
You fall in love with people’s scars, you dive into their stories, you memorize the maps of memories on their skin
You fall in love with the sorrow people cater to in their hearts, you wait to see how much of it spills out and where it goes afterward
You fall in love with a song you’ve heard since you were born but you never remember, you hear it humming in the blood of everyone around you
You fall in love with anyone who quotes Vonnegut and makes eye contact for so long it makes you feel uncomfortable
You fall in love with the way another person’s presence can begin to feel so much like home
You fall in love with the bits of cosmic dust connecting your veins to those of every living thing
You fall in love with the night sky and all its musings
You fall in love with absolutely everything
You surrender yourself
You shed your skin
You fall into love and let it swallow you whole
Iamdaimo Feb 2015
a palindrome at 6.06 in the morning,
drifting from sleep to wake,
back to dreams of reality.
The man in my dreams.
The man of my dreams.
Somewhere over the rainbow,
crows scream ****** at each other and the world turns.
Men at work.
6:16 says the flashing clock,
flashing to remind me,
flashing to forget.
The man in my dreams
The man of my dreams.
Pilots fly me onwards
to a knowing destination,
a truly murky crystal of logic and stupidity.
The Chelsea hotel reminds me
that love is not dead,
that it lives on in the hearts of the workers of song,
at least for those of them left.
Mountains of things,
wedding bells chime and time,
time slowly marches by,
one way streets.
Castles the colour of ink,
landscapes of pink mountains.
Snap back to reality.
The sun kisses the distant horizon,
as planes tear holes in the sky below
and the old women weep for the days that will never shine again.
But the children laugh for the days that are yet to be born,
the days of promise and peace,
war and understanding.
A new era?
A new beginning?
A twist in time to take us to where it all began
and the beautiful moon watches raucously from above,
smiling on his children,
sending kisses to his cheating lover, who still wrestles with the horizon.
Colour floods.
Grey, grey, grey.
A dulux of colour.
Man made.
Your body searches for me.
My mind wanders to other things.
The heat of your stare envelopes every pore of my being
and I freeze,
immersed in a mountain stream,
drenched in the sweat of love.
Doors open,
archways scream
and silence is our only food.
And yet reality still twists you from me.
The man of my dreams.
The man in my dreams.
Crows cry and children sing.
Happy nightmares, wearing thin.
Heather Elise Feb 2015
My mania tells me things and I accept them as truths
If you stay awake long enough,
everything will make sense
If you starve your body,
your mind will expand
If you drink another *** of coffee you will be calm
If you smoke another cigarette your hands will stop shaking
If you feel like you are going in the right direction,
turn around and run the other way
If you feel like you are alone,
stay where you are and never leave
If you stop speaking to everyone
for long enough
they will forget you exist
If you stop writing things down
it's like they never even happened
If you let another person stay near you for too long,
their aura will eventually leak out
and seep into you
and it will make your insides melt
If you try to figure out what someone else is thinking,
you will either only pick up static
or you will hear awful noise
If you love someone,
you will make them wish
you'd never met
If you try to forget,
the memory will only get stronger,
it will plant roots in your chest
while you sleep
Heather Elise Feb 2015
I never want to go anywhere without pressed flowers in my notebooks and I always want to have turquoise in my pockets and I never want to stop writing poetry and I will let it bleed me dry if that’s what it wants and I never want to stop staying up at night contemplating the stars and I never want to stop feeling every little thing like an anvil on my chest and I never want to stop agonizing over every little detail of absolutely everything and I never want to treat love like it is some big secret and I never want to stop filling up everyone I know with the same light they have poured into me and I want to keep growing stronger until I can swallow the sky and the sun and open my arms up and wrap myself around the Void until we become one with one another, until we can finally sleep.
Rest easy, sweet dreams.
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