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gray rain Jun 2016
I remembered the words
but forgot the verbs.
Overall it went well.
Voy a baloncesto
was where I fell.
I can't go basketball, I know
but the rest was fine.
6 minutes of Spanish; I did my time.
Elena Jun 2016
Cada mañana comienza tu último día.
Cada mañana es el último te amo.
Cada mañana mi vida se detiene unos segundos
sólo para escucharte respirar.
Le temo a los días y a las noches,
a las horas y a los minutos.
No consigo una noche de sueño,
por miedo a esa pesadilla que pronto será realidad.
El recuerdo de tu sonrisa
siempre aparece en mi memoria,
aquella última verdadera sonrisa
y aquel último beso.
february 2012
gray rain Jun 2016
3 minutes of pauses between each of the words
but I remembered the ending of the verbs

2 minutes of questions,  maybe more
the pauses could effect my score

1 night left I'm in a better place
the practice showed me it's not a race

hands are shaking
heart is racing
the recording starts
there are no restarts
My speaking assessment is tomorrow morning but my teacher did a mock with me so I feel more confident
Alvaro Jun 2016
Hay noches cuando mi imaginación hace lo imposible; a través de versos y rimas te conjura a mi lado y te siento aquí. A través de recuerdos me aplaca y me soba la espalda. Me dice que todo estará bien.

Pero también hay noches cuando mi imaginación no me quita la sed de ti. Cuando ninguna metáfora o línea bonita me bastan. Cuando no es suficiente encontrarte en cualquier renglón o canción.

Hay noches donde lo único que necesito, es a ti entre mis brazos.
There are nights where my imagination achieves the impossible. Through verses and rhymes, it summons you next to me.
I can feel you.
Through memories it soothes me and rubs my back.
It tells me everything will be ok.

But there are nights when my imagination cannot quench my thirst for you.
Nights when no metaphor or pretty line are enough.
Nights when finding you in sheets of paper or in a song won't suffice.

There are nights when the only thing I need, is to hold you in my arms.
gray rain Jun 2016
El logro no es importante sí no lo disfruto. Hago algo porque lo disfruto no para ganar.

I should probably stop doing Spanish if I don't enjoy it. There's no point doing something I don't enjoy.

Achievement is not important if you don't enjoy it. I do something to enjoy it not to win.
This is one of the answers to a question on my speaking assesment but 'algo' was 'deportes' which means sport. I don't know why I dislike Spanish so much but I do. There is now two days left and writing about it help me learn.
gray rain Jun 2016
Why the **** is Spanish so ******* difficult to remember?
The teacher says "it just is! Stay 'til 5:30 tomorrow with the other twenty who can't remember either."
As my head fills with excuses about why school shouldn't be important or why exams should be stopped.
I say "ok" because it doesn't stop the fact that I have a speaking assessment in three days. Then in a year it can be dropped.
Elena Jun 2016
Cansada de besos vacíos
suspiro tu recuerdo cada noche
las rosas que brotaban de tu boca
el onix de tus ojos
la saliva enamorada
tu piel de miel tostada
Y me pregunto que será de ti
en las noches solitarias
¿Recordarás la sauvidad de mi piel?
la dulzura de mis caricias
lo conmovedor de mis miradas
los labios          que juraste amar por la eternidad

Y como pregunta se queda
flotando en el aire
aire de anhelo y extrañamiento
aire de recuerdo
imito tus caricias en mi piel
y con eso me conformo
porque ya no hay más

también las flores mueren
No veo En Eso tiene el dedo anular
¿Estabas esperando por mí?
Starting to take a deep interest learning Spanish.
gray rain Jun 2016
Two languages doesn't
seem to be enough.

I thought I needed two
but three is going to be tough.

Music is a language
an international one,

it's difficult to read, write
and only understood by some.

I don't have time to learn a third
as reading isn't natural,

so it isn't going to be easy
I have to learn
it's not catchable.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G
seven letters of a language, so complex
it's difficult I vaguely understand it,

yet A to Z  I understand.
maybe? A bit!

A menos que sea el Español
then I want to quit.
I don't know if the Spanish is correct but it's supposed to translate to unless it's in Spanish.
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