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Sebastian Mar 3
Cars pass by
One goes, one comes
Taking turns.

Some might stay
Perhaps an hour
Maybe a couple of days
Some might be flawed
Broken parts
But they work just fine.

Maybe a quick fix
So that it lasts a little longer
One more mile
One last drive.

…this isn’t about cars.
dead poet Feb 24
at the end of the day,
with my illusions at bay,
when bound to obey
a truth so gray —
i travel the depths
with sondering footsteps,
to see if they help
or merely cast a vignette
of eclectic readings,
and years of heeding
the lives preceding;
still bleeding —
like a pair of lips,
torn at the tips
in sorrow’s grips;
hardly equipped —
to deal with ‘the self’
blowing dirt off bookshelves,
too dry to spell  
the thought of oneself.
How will I know
When I'm free to go
If I'm always thinking so
Self belief
Always low
I can't seem to find a flow
Oh no
I can't begin to grow
Was it the accident
All those years ago?
The dripping of melted snow
Blood, blood, blood
A doe
The overflow
The fear rushed through me
A foe
Family put in escrow
A tear drop falls
Whoa whoa whoa
The life I must forgo
An inch of life
I bestow
To the people that I owe
Who's eyes glitter and glow
Without saying a simple hello
I knew that I'd plateau
A love I'd never leave
I'll always stay
Like they said
The loyalty of crow
Our very existence is a fascinating thing
Nancy Maine Jan 27
In a study of sonder, I found your words,
Like whispered secrets from unseen birds.
They fluttered through the air, soft as a sigh,
Inviting my mind to wander, to fly.
Each line a current, deep and profound,
Pulling me gently to places unbound.
With every stanza, the world expands,
A mosaic of hearts, of dreams in your hands.
I'm moved by the echoes you weave through the night,
By the subtle shadows, the tender light.
In your verses, I see the truths we all share,
The hidden connections, the souls laid bare.
Your words are a map to lands yet unknown,
Where thoughts and emotions can finally be sown.
I follow them, guided by each careful thread,
A journey where silence is also said.
In a study of sonder, I found my own voice,
Awakened by yours, I made the choice…
To write, to dream, to seek and to find,
A poem of my own, now forever entwined.
Inspired by the work of Geof Spavins
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2024
Noun. sonder (uncountable) (neologism):

The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.

Dear One:
it is one of those days, when everything becomes a poem,
every mundane, brushing my hair  be/is a philo-treatise,
& the errands of the day, starting  at 6:45am with an assessment,
a weighing of oneself on a numerical scale of justice,
requiring one to rethink his moral behaviors of a prior day,
a kind of confessional I guess, for I have never been inside one,
(a confessional and actually confessing) but my hebraic genetics
require Veduei (1),
constant awareness of one’s
everything deeds, making confessing a ongoing process 24/7
process unceasing, onerous and relieving,
by reliving our each~very individual action,
which means that I am in a sensory paradise / hell and
sleep comes in bursts of exhaustion,
as I misplace my compass
daily, and the re-search required to obtain, nay, reGAIN,  
my footing, my true directionS,
and it is worse than never ending, more akin to the
regularity of irregular breathing…

Thank you for “Sonder;”
restoring the awe for not knowing it, and occasionally forgetting, that there are words, ready, willing, and able to become poems, as I exegesis, excise, and exercise their purpose
to better to remember the worth of everyone and every thing within in a too oft / clouded, self centered
“I exist , therefore I am”
very limited filtering device….
so sonder becomes a poem, an essay, un écrivez,
and I study your photograph, and fly away,
I am in a garden,
you may have (no, probably!) planted,
(like the sonder word in my brain)
and the colors, the soils, the colorex (2) variety
teaches me you better than words…
while I am sundering, sondering, you,

and so many others
who give me the great pauses
of my existence,
the purposed understanding
of the arrogance of pre-judgement…

I am breathing salt air, luscious greens, a variegated
bluey (love that show)
and all my voices rise, in a choir of one,
fo forgive me, forgive myself,
for failing not to be bigger than
than the distances
my aging weakening senses
and my low powered sensibilities
physically provide,

I hear you,
I sonder you,
and so many others,
and I
bind and bound myself to you
thus emboldened!

to go forth and walk in unfamiliar gardens,
to read better  and be,
between the lines
y’all provide

here’s where a a modest thanksgiving
is due and herein provided,
and the inspirations keep coming and
coffee need re~reheating, so the brain can
all over again,
just like a (wink)
An American in Paris,
the next poem is aborning,
it’s very own
an embryo,
asking to be

so thank you,
dear one…
(1j Viduei, (our words of confession) has become our sacrifice. Atonement is as far away as your lips. Don't allow your silence condemn you to a prison of guilt
(2j. colorex ~ index of colors visible and even invisible .

Fri Jul 19
two thousand and twenty four
J J Feb 2024
on the phone
you talk and talk until suddenly
  you say you're going to let me go.

i stare out empty, filling in images
  over the blank wall, it's became a sort of silent mantra as of late;
the vague daydreams are bound to crumble back to memory
some way or another
if not wear it's bite marks like tiny wounded flags

i let grow swollen.  i only wish you never changed me like you did. i remember gathering rugburnt rashes
on our underthighs, making each other's jaws twitch
with the electric heater as our modern day campfire.
it's a good day for a warm shower, to burn my skin red and peel an unrecognisable face out of the mirror, a clense, a diy baptism;in the aftermath: i showered as many times as i had to,
i saw the outcome miles away (it was a certainty any time i dared to speculate on the possibility)
O why am i so sickened ?
i had to figure out if i had any right to be

and the days dragged on so long.

your eyes glowed like chasms once,
they've grown oxidated and cold since.
i hope i've done my part to change you too.

Sometimes I've felt like a pawn being puppeteered to trapeze a thin string,
Knowing for sure that I'm drawing a noose but waiting to know who it's for.
galaxys archive Oct 2023
Pantone noir skies
but a thousand buildings glow
not with light, but life
people working, watching, waiting, living

through the rear window I see thousands of lives
lives unaffected by my presence, unaware
thousands of realities, stories, perspectives even more

humanity reflected in each pane of glass
i yearn to have a human life too

a life of possibility and not restraint
to do, rather than watch
I S A A C Jul 2022
goon in love
too soon to trust
that's my inner dialogue, just a fire moving along
gazing above
wondering what watches over me as I repeat the mistakes set out forth for me
generational trauma, nature works in cycles
generational drama, focus on plastic idols
daydreams in the white room
unfaithful to the divine fruit
We've got this worldwide think-tank
where the digital ink's flowing;
They call it the web but it's more like an ocean.

On and on it goes,
All of it flowing,
Out into the world;
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