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"Whatever we convey to you,
You think we're lying,
Better get real familiar cause loose ends are tying,
They love politics and the underlying,
You understand the half without innersighting,
Better get acquainted with the chakra finding,
Lacking discipline, cut out all that trauma dumping,
They tried to block the energy , there is no stopping,
Collecting all the data that they store like shopping"....

(full poem in link below)
Aaron Beedle Mar 17
The slender shades that eyes evade.
Pushing, rolling, breaking, fixing.
Working hard, draining days.
Thrashing, mauling, tweaking, cringing.
Crying pleas, the beggars' seal,
a veteran voice of tired appeal.

The pheromones of filthy beasts,
riches of the silver peaks,
a cocktail made to quench the thirst of the class that comes in first.
And off with the shades in a wooden hearse.

They find the fact the sun will shine down into worlds
of salt and lime a relieving sign, of better times,
but sedated is this state of hope and with it their ambitions broke.
Light indeed is what they are, of coin and health and lands afar.
And in this state of steam and shadows,
they long for rules and signs and arrows.
About: Being working class and selling your time off for a tiny amount of money and not questioning the state of things.
All thoughts considered,
It's all possible,
The sheep put on wolf's clothing,
Just to ward the wolves away.
Could be
Emery Feine Mar 2
Is a sheep no longer innocent
When it has grown up with wolves
When its fleece is no longer white
When it is stained with blood?

Is it justifiable when it kills
If it weeps afterwards
If it kills to eat
If it kills to live

Is the sheep no longer pure
When it is in a wolf’s fur
When blood drips down its teeth
The same blood in its heart

And when that “sheep” is torn apart
And left to die in the wood
Will its pack remember it as one of them
Will it be remembered as a wolf?
“In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same.” -Patrick Rothfuss
Louis Espina Nov 2024
My eyes begin to fail on themself, like the dawn—I begin to lose sight of my hometown. Lost in the footsteps of my own, I can only hope it'd leave me vulnerable.

I follow the trail of warmth—noticing that this'll only hurt. You trick me to be held on your lap, and I feel at home. The warmth becomes addicting, and it consumes my heart—encased with a sheep's wool.

Though, my eyes begin to deceive me, and as they shut I believe to myself that I've seen a wolf. I hastily become anxious of our time, despite the warmth you provide.

Just as I begin to close my tired eyes—the wool that once encased me had left. I begin to rub my eyes at a single realization. You weren't a wolf, but neither were you a loving sheep.

You were a lady with a loving heart, one that wasn't made for me.
Nostalgia Nov 2024
Would you still like me if I was a lie?
Would you back into a corner?
I cling onto the corner of the walls, I push myself away.
I am scared.
Will my sharp claws and fangs sink into your skin?
I don’t want to hurt you.
But god am I just so..
The pit in my stomach has never been so empty.
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
I've run out of sheep to count
Leaving me wide awake through this living nightmare
Sowing a seed of doubt
Is life's refusal to even consider fighting fare
Each step taken while walkin' about
Feeds on the back of my mind, whispering, "do it if you dare"
Fueling despair
Instigating internal warfare
Causing excessive ware and tare
Resulting in a head of hair gone bare
And I'm forced to bite my tongue completely off
To keep from admitting I no longer care

Zywa Nov 2024
A violinist

lightly strokes the sheep gut with --

tightly stretched horsehair.
Novella "De pagode" ("The pagoda", 1992, Gerrit Komrij), page 9

Collection "Specialities"
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