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Stxlle Oct 2019
She felt like the luckiest girl in the world
You made her feel special
You made her feel loved
You made her feel like every girl
you were ever with

You weren't gonna fool her
She knew

She knew
You play the same act over and over again
She knew what you were
She's seen your script
She knew your lines
Scene after scene
She knew you'd deliver a perfect

She already knew how your play will end
She could walk off the stage right now

Yet, she wondered
if it would end differently
for her
Boys like you - Dodie
The other day I caught you staring,
I don’t think you realized because,
When my eyes met yours we broke into uncontrollable laughter.

The incredible feeling of being in the presence of pure love,
Intertwined instinctively

Remember to never grow a day older,
But always grow a day wiser.

And know our love is a pre-written plot from the very beginning
A script sent straight from stars

           —letters to my sun ☀️
Pagan Paul Apr 2019
Wouldst thou not gaze again 'pon this humble fool?
For 'tis his script that doth countenance histories,
hence future repeats be 'pon his wither and whim,
thou shouldst see twice his story woven sisterlies.

Wouldst thou not read more of this humble fool?
Mayhap his words doth soothe thy enquiry,
his want and wander leadeth to a contentment,
thou shouldst not ignore content of ye Fool's Diary.

Wouldst thou not focus true 'pon this humble fool?
Perchance his poems doth resonate sweetness unbound,
pray do a'linger and a'loiter 'pon his fancy delicacies,
thou shouldst taketh thy fill of love and wisdom found.

© Pagan Paul (22/04/19)
Follow up to poems Fool's Diary and Fools Diary (Addendum)
posted on Mar 6th and 8th 2019
Pagan Paul Mar 2019
At the table of eternal sorrow
sits a fool with a crooked smile,
faking interest in a world obscene
and feigning the mood of yesterwhile.
Couched over bent with quill extended,
he writes his heart with a bitter beat,
floating in the mire of a memory stained,
poised with nib to command the sheet.
Capering words form across the weave
with capricious intent and shadow play,
smoke and mirrors intersect and disperse
whilst his mind carries the story away.

© Pagan Paul (04/03/19)
Tim Garemore Mar 2019
I'm so ready to feel spring again
I want tears on my face the day of
To wake up and spring out
Just dress in a shortsleeve shorts skin - and underwear
Then sprint out into a yard, either one
Then feel spring and feel young(er) and feel something
I've known you can't go to a golden past
I've just never learned, I don't think
from a set of writings when I was particularly yearning for spring
A disaster, written in
old English script,
flourished with dreams
and colorful ink
when all that's needed
was pencil and paper to think,

"all that was wished for
was a lover, or maybe
just another drink."

Drowning in words,
senseless and pale pink
on a glass table of dust
and faculties on the brink
of breaking to shards
pieces - this disaster of a being
is me, needing more than sleep -

Vanilla lingering, scenting the bed,
fairy lights enchant dreary nights
dancing and still the dreamer sleepless,
restless - dream catcher by the door
guarding, keeping wily dreams in
little does the little dreamer know
resentment and nightmares are what
he is keeping, and demons
in the shadows, born of his mind
loud secretly living in his abode.

A demon who remembers
how white wings once felt,
how heavenly light caressed once,
how angelic song sounded,
in silent rebellion of
what this demon is now -
a war waged against himself
for a chance to find light,
and fly feathers once again.

A disaster,
A dreamer,
A demon,
all in one,
all from
one life -
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

I have no need nor want
for a scripted

Feeling a lil better now...
Thank you so much 216 followers!
Lyn **
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