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Zywa Feb 22
Relax, says a voice,

and menacingly: one two --

she starts to count down.
Improvisation-composition "Pole" (1970, Karlheinz Stockhausen), for two players/singers with two shortwave receivers, on the occasion of the Expo '70 in Osaka; performed by Robin Rimbaud (electronics), Jakob Lekkerkerker (*****) and Gareth Davis (bass clarinet) on January 18th, 2025 in the Organpark

Collection "org anp ARK" #59
silvervi Jan 8
I release the tension in my lower body.
I accept all sensations the way they are.
I release the tension in my upper body.
I accept the sensations the way they are.
I release the tension in my eyes and I close them.
Breath in, long breath out.
silvervi Jan 4
Tomorrow is tomorrow
I let go of stress and sorrow
Letting go, deep breath in
Long breath out, settle in.
Our mindset counts not only in the morning.
Zywa Dec 2024
Party-time today,

the world turns yellow: the stars --

my heart and my love.
Song "Yellow" (2000, Chris Martin, Coldplay), album "Parachutes" --- Film "Bird" (2024, Andrea Arnold)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Jack Groundhog Nov 2024
A simple draft of air in the lungs
like I’ve done a billion times.
Exhale to hum a song I’ve sung
that calms with comforting rhymes.

In and out and rise and fall,
to feel my stomach be moved
and breathe through fears and all
‘til wrinkles of worry be smoothed.
A snapshot of my feelings in light of current events
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I almost fell down the pit
But I was held up by a thousand strings
I was glad they saved me
But not the pain it brings

It took every muscle to hold me up
For the strings, I had to carry them all
But maybe I want a break
Maybe for once I want to fall
this is my 110th poem, written on 7/1/24
It's about time for
a much needed VACATION!!
but most off,
Let go of the FRUSTRATION,
BATHE yourself into
Take a BREAK, take a TOUR,
go on a TRIP, and
so much more!!
snorkel in the water,
JUST LET GO and just Be Free,
You need you a Break,
go on a LONG LEAVE,
a GET AWAY is what
you really NEED!!
Just take off, GO AWAY,
to a desserted Island,
and have a FIELD DAY!!
Ride the WAVES,
sail on a YACHT,
Or just do nothing,
go on and KICK BACK!!!
Have time for yourself,
you need to just BREATHE;
a much needed VACATION

Date: 04/30/2023
silvervi Sep 2024
My body is safe. It is safe to relax.
Long exhales. You are safe here. Look around you. Realize that your body is safe. Continue breathing <3
Zywa Aug 2024
The fountain is clear,

I dry myself with some grass --

The nightingale sings.
Ballad "Au bord d'une fontaine" ("By the edge of a fountain", 1500), set to music by Mozart in 1781 (K360, "Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant")

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Isaace Jan 2024
The evenings rang true at a time when we would engage in snooker or chess in the lounge, late into the night, waiting for daybreak to shine through.

On the weekends we would gather and watch the cricket begin: shirts versus skins on Emerald Green. Men versus women. The mens’ ******* seemed to ripple in the weekend air.

Mid-morning was reserved for artistic endeavours— honing our artistic sensibilities: a decidely symbolistic manner of preparition in which we would prepare. We would recite lines and manifest Shakespeare there, at the cusp of Emerald Green.
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