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Rockie Jul 2015
We all have to grow up some day
Get a job,
Earn money,
All that jazz.
It's funny,
Because it comes sooner
And more quickly,
Way scarier
Than some of us realise.
It dawns on us
Like a tidal wave on an unsuspecting village,
Or hurricane that didn't show on the radar.
Just think,
Everyone grows up.
Even if we don't want to.
Hailey Ngo Jul 2015
Everybody's rushing around
with one eye on where they're going
and one eye on their phones.

Everybody's got something to do.
Something to rush to.
Something to complete.

Everybody's got limited time
to do all they want to do,
so they rush through all of it
only to find
it feels like they haven't done anything
at all.
Because once you put a time limit on something,
once you rush through something fast,
you'll never enjoy it
as much as you would
if you just stopped
to think,
to really notice,
how short life is,
and how precious it can be,
if you just took the time
to do it slowly.

Everybody's got a place to be,
that they never pause sometime in their day
to put down their phones,
and their plans,
and their wandering mind,
and just realize,
that life for one more day
is something that can never be replaced.
Nikita May 2015
If you touch me
Do it gently
If you hug me
Do it tightly
If you leave me
Do it quickly
If you stay with me
Do it forever.

— The End —