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Josh Hill Oct 2021
Who Am I?
A question too romanticised
To have one answer;

Maybe I'm a butterfly,
Spreading my wings
And becoming a metaphor for creativity

Maybe I'm a spirit, a ghost,
Wandering and gliding around
This plane of existence for answers.

Maybe I'm a leaf,
Fallen from a tree.
I glide and glide and I am free!

Or maybe I'm just me.

I'm myself.
And sometimes I write words
And people like them.

I exist,
And sometimes I do things,
And other things happen after that.

Maybe I'm self doubtful,
Maybe I lack a certain narccism,
Maybe I'm missing my confidence.

But to be honest,
When you ask who I am,
I answer:

I am me.
Big Virge Sep 2021
There’s So Much Today...
That Now Seems To Change...
BEFORE Many of Us...
Can Even... ADJUST... !?!

So My Question Now Is...
What’s Behind These Things... ?

Like What’s Really Behind...
New Gender Drives...

But The Answer When It Comes...
To... Homosexual Guys...

Is That Behind Their Bums...
Is A... LOT of ****... !!!

In Fact They GO IN...
To The Place That EMITS...
What’s Known As ****... !?!

Now Isn’t That Something... ?!?
When You Take Time To Think...
On How The Two Are Linked...

And Those Words Are FACT... !!!

So To Those Who Take Offence...
What’s Behind That Stance... ?

Girls And Guys Do It TOO...
And That’s Clearly Now TRUE... !!!

What’s Behind THAT FAD...
To Need To TAP THAT ***... ?!?

In Ways NOT Seen As Cool...
In The NOT So Distant Past... ?!?

It’s A Whole New School...
of... ****** Moves...
And Use of New Tools...

Like Modern Day Tech...
What’s Behind The New Trend...
of Tech Now Being Used...
To Track And Trace Our Moves... ???

As If We’re... CRIMINALS...
Whose Movements Need To Be...
By New Tech That Is DIGITAL... !!!

The Changes Keep Ringing...
Just Like Web Heads Be Clicking...

So What’s Behind The Way...
That People Are Now Living... ?!?

Connecting And Transmitting...
And Zooming To Get Visions...
of People Locked Away...
Is How We Live Today... !?!

And Clearly Now Tomorrow...
While Corona Causes Sorrow... !!!

It Seems That We Now Follow...
Too Much That’s Clearly Hollow...

So What’s Behind The Songs...
Being Played... Nowadays... ?!?

That Don’t Rock Airwaves...
Cos They're Now Played...
In... DIFFERENT Ways... !!!

Streamed And Now Downloaded...
And Now... Online Promoted...

What’s Behind All The Commotion...
That’s Comes From Videos Showing...
Our Young Artists... Gun Toting... ?!?

I Don’t Know But I’m Glad...
That I’m NOT A Young Man... !!!

And That My Young Days...
Are Behind Me Now...
And That Seeing Old Age...
Is Where I’m Now Bound... !!!

Because Too Many CLOWNS...
Are Claiming Artist Grounds... !!!

And What’s Now Behind Them...
Cos It Seems To Be BAD MEN...
Who Are Causing PROBLEMS... !!!

Just Like These Heads...
Now ABUSING Women...
On Movie Sets...
And Casting Couch Beds... !!!

What’s Behind Their Moves...
And... Forms of ABUSE... ?!?

Cos’ They’re Clearly NOT COOL...
And Need To Be REMOVED... !!!

UNLIKE... The TRUTH... !!!

What’s Behind These Crews...
Who REFUSE What’s TRUE... ?!?

And Would Rather Confuse...
Than Let The Truth SHINE Through... ?!?

And FINALLY … To End...
What’s Behind These Cancel Crews...

What’s Their Problem... !?!
With Letting People Air Their Views... ?!?

They Seem To Be FRIGHTENED...
of Hearing Views Expressed...
That Cause Them Offence...
And Seem To Get Them UPSET... !!!

What’s Behind Their Wish...
To ZIP Peoples Lips... ?!?

Which Now Brings Me...
To The End of This Piece...

What’s Behind MY Views...
Are Things That Deal...
In... Poetic FREE SPEECH... !!!

A Thing That We...
Should NEVER Leave Behind... !!!

It’s A Part of Life...
We Need To Keep ALIVE...

And That’s Why This Script...
Is Questioning... How It Is...

That We All Now Live... ???

And This Need To RESTRICT...
Peoples Wish To Express...
What It Is They REALLY THINK...

So My Final Question...
Is Simply... THIS...

... “ What Is Behind It “... ?!?
An interesting question ......
Big Virge Sep 2021
Okay So Today...
Its Clearly Fair To Say...
That Questions Still Remain...
When It Comes To Race...

What Makes Some Think...
That It’s Okay To Link...
Themselves To Thinking...
That Is Ignorant And Clearly Racist... !?!

When You THINK About It... ?!?

It’s A Question of WHY...
It Seems That Some Whites...
STILL Can’t Clear Their Minds...
of... Racist Lines... ?!?

And The Type of Vibes...
That DON’T Recognise...
What’s Wrong From Right... ?!?

But Of Course Nowadays...
... DIVERSITY Claims...
Are Those That Sway...
With New Gender Veins...

While Poor Black Folks...
Are STILL Treated Like Jokes... !?!

To Be Laughed At...
And Be Treated Like Crap...
To Be Thrown On The Heap...
When It Comes To Disease...
And Making Money... !?!

Unless You’re Down...
With Corporate Mouths...
And Hollywood Crowds...
Who... DON’T Upset...
The Cancel Culture Set... !!!

And Now Technology...
Has Become The New Friend...
of Some Racist Heads...

The BIG Question Now...
Is Will New Tech DROWN...
These Enforcement Hounds... ?!?

And Do MORE Than Defund...
... IGNORANT Policeman... !?!

Cos’ Like A Lot of Humans...
Now Corona Has Come...

May Now Become...
A Word That STUNS...
Like Their TASER Guns... !!!

And What of Questions...
For... Mister Biden... ?!?

The New President of America... !!!

Is He Suddenly Now...
A Man Whose Views...
Can Be Seen As Sound... ?!?

When It’s Clearly True...
That His History Proves...
That He’s Said Some Things...
That Were Seen As Racist... !?!

But Now He’s Seem...
As... Mister Clean...

WITHOUT Any Doom...
Or... MF Tunes... ?!?

Rest In Peace To That Man...
Cos’ His Loss Is Sad... !!!

But Sleepy Joe...
Seems Good To Go... !!!

But Is He Really Though... ?!?

Why... Because of Kamala... ???

People Need To Look Harder...
... At Her And Obama... !?!

Because The Question Remains...
About Political Names... ?!?

Aren’t All Politicians...
Trained To Be The SAME...
When It Comes To Race... ?!?

About What They’ll Do...
To... BALANCE The Scales...
And Make Things EQUATE...

When It Comes To How...
Things Will Go Down...
In Future Scenes...
When It Comes To Police...
And Blacks Being Free...
To Walk The Streets...
And Make Money...
Just Like White Peeps’...

But In Times Like THESE...

Surely It’s VACCINES...
That Will Be What Supersedes...
How Racism Feeds... ?!?

I Guess We’ll See... ???
But The Question Would Seem...

To Now... REALLY Be...
What’ll Make Us HEALTHY...
And Able To Fight Corona’s RISE... !!!

... It’s A Crazy Time... !?!

Where Gender Rights...
Have Already Been Signed...
As Being What’s Required...
In Working Environments...
And Further Afield....................

So I Guess That’s The Type of Equality...
That To Him Is In Fact A PRIORITY... ?!?

So Of Course If Your Black...
And Are Part of The Pack...
of... Alphabet Letters...
That Apply To Gender...

You’ll Be A Defender...
of... Good Old Joe... !!!

But The Question Remains...
About... OLD Joes’ CLAIMS...

As It Does About Race...
In This Modern Age... !!!!

Which Is A DISGRACE...
When You Think About It... !!!

Shouldn’t Being Racist...
Have Been Extinguished...
Quite A While Ago... ?!?

And That’s A Quote...
That Is... NO JOKE... !!!

Because Black Folks...
Have Suffered WOES...
And A Lot of NO GO’s...
That Election Votes...
HAVEN’T Seemed To Stop...
Like... Inequality Wrongs... !!!

Now I’m NOT Gonna Lie...
As An Older Black Guy...

Things Still DON'T Seem...
To REALLY Be Focussed...
...... On EQUALITIES..... !!!

There’s Much That’s BOGUS...
That Runs In Speech...
From Political Teams... !!!

And Too Many Blacks Seem...
To Be... Easily Pleased...
By Pretty Scenes At Ceremonies...
As Well As Poetry That Apparently Means...

That There Is NO Question...
That Things Will Get Better...
Now That Trumps Been Ejected...
From The Whitehouse Seat...

For The Second Time... !?!

Well I’m The Type...
Who Chooses To QUESTION...

Instead of Think That Smiles...
And... FANCY Processions...

Prove That Black Lives...
Are Those That Really Matter...
Just Because of Chatter...
From Political Tribes...
Who Are Known To LIE... !!!

When It’s Clear That Chains...
Are STILL In Place...
Because Like Trump Said...
The Status Quo Has Been RESET...
With Biden Becoming US President... !!!

Now I’m NO Trump Fan... !!!

But Is Joe The Man...
Who’ll Take A Strong Stance...
When It Comes To Blacks...
When You Look At His Past... ?!?

Oh Let Me Guess...
Like His Friend B.O....

He’s Gonna Bring CHANGE...
Well That I’m Afraid...
Are Beliefs of Washed Brains... !!!

Because President Joe...
And The Type of STRESS...
That’s STILL In Place...
Just Like RACE HATE...
That’s STILL Here Today... !!!

I Believe That The Phrase...
That Comes To Mind...
As I End These Rhymes...

Is That...

“Things Do Change...
But They Remain The SAME.”

So When It Comes To Race...
And The Same Old Claims...
That Return Like PLAGUES...

The Last Thing That I’ll Say...

Is That... In My Brain...

... “ Questions Still Remain “...
So many questions, but what are the answers, especially when it comes to stopping racism, the corona virus, and what the future holds for us all, under Joe Biden's leadership..... ???
My tongue stays tied around my throat.
It forms an unbreakable noose around my neck.
I choke on my words.
Hanging the sentences I've not yet found.

Thoughts race past like speeding cars.
Yet I remain speechless...
I can't speak...

How can my mind hold all these questions but no answers.
All these new ideas, but no idea how to execute them.
I remain speechless.

I grab at the air in hopes of better days,
'cause all I seem to get is bitter days.
I am too young to grow cold...
This noose tightens the more I dissolve and suppress.
I need to find words for that which troubles me and show no neglect.
I must find the voice that has evaded me.
I have not written in many years. Starting up again. some of the things I will post are works in progress and will be tweaked...
D Fury Sep 2021
If I think that I know, I stop asking questions.
If I stop asking questions I stop learning.
If I stop learning, I stand still.
If I stand still, I die.
Odd Odyssey Poet Sep 2021
Are we;
are we are?
To be;
what is love,
Love is what?

Who are we,
Are we just who?
Why do we live;
Or rather,
why we live & do?

How we are to be;
be it how; we are-
Us; Love, All Creations of God.
GQ James Sep 2021
Can you trust me?
Can you love me?
Can you submit to me?
Are you in love with me?
What is it about me?
Do you need me or do you want me?

I'm asking you so what are the answers,
We always question ourselves,
But let's questions our partners,
Love is simple and kind,
Not painful and complicated.

Is my love easy or hard?
Does my heart comfort you or hurt you?
Does your heart call for me?
Is your life complete with or without me?
But why?
How long is a moment in a lifetime?

Will time heal what it helped destroy?

Can a heart beat count the scars on a beaten soul?

Where do the lost wander to when they can't see where their going?
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