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the Sandman Jul 2014
I punctuate with close precision,
aware of where
I'm placing my semi-colons and
using Oxford commas
like a grammar geek.

Your punctuation always bothers me
but you, with your misplaced apostrophes
and oddly abbreviated words
that you cradle in speech marks,
never care.

You were constantly callous in your conduct,
your handling of punctuation marks.
I assumed you never understood
the significance I attached to your words.

I could feel the excitement
and anxiety and apprehension
build in my belly every time
with your exclamation points!

I could feel my brows furrow together
deep in confusion,
every time you sent me just
one little question mark?

I suppose I never did tell you this
but when last month you ended your sentence
(accidentally, of course) with a dash,
well, I knew then that we’d be for ever.

and when last week you sent me
a comma to end your speech
I knew for certain that
more was to come.

but I see now it was silly
to attach such hope to a hyphen
because yesterday you concluded
with the biggest full stop I've ever seen
and let me know that that was all.

I felt that period’s punch
deep inside my gut
like you were trying to make me
throw up my jam and toast.

I had never before known
one small,
to be so powerful
and hurt so much.

It did though,
and you couldn't even tell-
Becky Littmann Jul 2014
Her eyes are so big & brown
& her face never has a frown
A smile brighter than sun rays
It'll quickly lighten up your darkest days
She's something terrific
Sure she may be a little eccentric
But her positivity is contagious
This girl is overly vivacious
To some it seems a bit odd
& that it is all just a big facade
I can assure you she's not at all fake
But that's how the people judge her, which is their mistake
Since everyone is slightly flawed here & there
Place & time will never matter, assumptions will happen anywhere
Some more than others, obviously
They're the ones getting teased & mistreated, unfortunately
Some people can just be so extremely ruthless & downright mean
& the effects it does aren't always immediately seen
Insulting words that unknowingly abuse the mind, settle in quite deep
But there's no telling how long it'll be, before it begins to outward seep
The pain will surely scar the soul
& nothing can or will ever completely repair the hole
It's like a pair of jeans with a grass stain
Wash after wash it fades but still slightly the green does remain
Never again perfect or close to new
How could it be after what it's been through
So much is attempted to hide & keep concealed
That it slowly but eventually healed
Words one says out loud
Really do make more than just a sound
They leave quite a dent
No matter how they were meant
They can never be unheard
Not even the quietest whispered word
It just lingers in the back of your head
Never forgetting what was said
"Just joking" or "You know I'm kidding" won't make it disappear
It's already vanished into your ear
Even if your response is always defensive
Some are just too slow to look at it from your perspective
& they'll just continue to say snarky *** comments
It's manners they're lacking, thanks to their parents
No bother responding, it won't make it better
They're so **** CLUELESS... Ugh AS IF, WHATEVER!!
There's no effect from their negativity
No sense in losing your dignity
You don't want to stoop to their level & do what they do
That's just stupid, there's no good reason to even want to
They're just a sad, lost cause
A show without a final applause
They need so much attention
Constantly craving & searching for some sort of affection
Like all those misfit toys stuck on that remote island
Happiness is too hard for them to attempt to pretend
Even a smile is becoming harder & harder to fake
So they serve up sarcasm like it's a piece of chocolate cake
Far from sweet & delicious
More like rotten & malicious
BUT that's fine you see
It won't change a thing about me
I don't give a ****
About any opinions you continue to chuck
I really don't care at all
So don't expect me to help you up if you fall
My hand won't be there
Honestly it won't be near, not anywhere
Your sarcasm is rather weak
& gibberish is really all you speak the way, you're HORRIBLE at pretend
From the very beginning I knew you were an alive version of an invisible friend
Sometimes you were around
& other times, nowhere to be found
****!!! Vanishing like a magic trick, disappearing like a ghost
When I needed a friend the most
I should've realized
You have such vapid eyes
Well I guess you live & you learn
I'm sure someday you'll learn a lesson, unless you've missed your turn
Until the time comes along
You'll continue on like Lamb Chop's never ending song
Going on & on just because
You never really knew what it was
Maybe eventually you'll figure it out
Although that I really do doubt
The truth hurts, yes I know
No sugar coating it, SO THERE YA GO!!
Sweetness wasn't hard to replace
But honestly, for years I've wanted to punch you in the face
I know surprising for me to say
I'm not a fighter in any way
My buttons can only handle being pushed so much
That's when my fists want to react by throwing a punch
OH WELL....what's done is done
A fight is never fun
It's pointless, there's no reason to be fighting
It's like trying to eat & chew without any biting
Or a cotton ball wind chime
.....just a complete waste of time.
Tyler Man Apr 2014
Just a kiss... To make me calm
just a punch to make me wrong
hit me once the open palm.
My mind confused for so long.    
Finding solutions that didn't change.       
 Now it's time to rearrange        
All the things to make my life  
Ups and downs a constant ride
cut my heart with a knife
Tear it hard until I died.  
Wish to god I never lied        
From a kiss to a punch what a ride...

— The End —