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As I sit in the darkness,
The light from the TV screen,
I escape this body,
And reflect on life, death, whats to come and what has been.

I've come to a conclusion.
That life is just like the sea.
Every drop of water, every wave,
Is the worlds life force, including you and me.

Life can be hectic, hard to control,
Like the waves in the perfect storm.
Wild, untamed, relentless and unforgiving,
Crashing down, on rocks now worn.

Life can be easy, soft and bliss,
Like the sea on a perfect sunny day in paradise.
Easing in, washing away the imperfections of the sand,
Absolutely perfect, but no where near precise.

Life happens, it comes and goes,
Like a tide it changes, its inevitable.
It comes in and out, like lungs breathing,
Fighting this rhythm is unintelligible.

Life flows through us and the world,
Like the currents that you may not see,
Don't fight them, work with them,
Use them, and life will become a little more easy.

When you see this too, the simularity,
You'll realise all emotions are needed,
Happiness, sadness, love, hate,
With this, life is full, yet, never completed.

Go with the flow, and take advantage,
Life is relentless, yet compassionate.
You'll never control it, or keep hold of it,
Life doesn't mother you, but what it gives is adequate.

Life happens. You can only control your own actions. Whether life lifts you up, or drags you down, just take advantage of the situation. Use it. Pull others up with you, on a life raft if you will. Or learn from the mistakes when it drags you down, a riptide, you'll remember to not fight the current next time.
I started writing this at 4am, after having a brief conversation with an old school friend, both suffering with our sleep patterns during this Covid-19 pandemic. I hope you get something from this. I hope the good out weighs the bad during this moment in time we call life.
Nica Monet May 2020
Why do we default to living inside our heads?
We think of the future
and when we reach the end,
do we look back at our life and see that we planned everything ahead?

We tend to base our futures with the knowledge learned from the past
But wouldn’t that just lead us nowhere new,
but right on the same path?

As kids we’re programmed to think that our present; now makes our future.
What we’re not told is how our past disrupts and unfold,
itself right in front of us.
As a reminder to fear what’s near our grasp.

So live in this moment, breathe it all in
Our past may shape us but everyday we choose a mask that has the power to molds us.
During this quarantine, I encountered my inner demons. My attempts failed so I seized a new perspective.
Serene May 2020
I’ve seen in many different shades
Painted from a plethora of palettes
Worn glasses that changed my world
That obscured my vision at night
And worn the wrong prescription some days
I’ve worn rose colored lenses
Far more than I’d like to admit
Ignored signs directly in my line of sight
Because I didn’t want to see it for what it truly is
I also have a bad habit
Of seeing things in black and white
Seeing things from only two sides
I forget about the gray areas
And the entire color spectrum
Decide if things aren’t going perfect
Then they must be on the verge of falling apart at any moment
I jump from one extreme to the next
From black to white and back again
I have to remind myself to take a deep breath
Step back
And admire the range
That life is actually a rainbow
Bright and spectacular
But also sometimes dark and brooding
And that it’s all apart of living
It’s all just as necessary
You have to observe the entire canvas
To really admire, fully, the masterpiece
Serene May 2020
Life is ever changing
Evolving, shedding layers, growing
Seasons change and leaves fall
Turn to different shades
Plants constantly dying then being rebirthed
Desert land once desolate plots of dirt
Become lush vibrant fields between winter and spring
It’s the circle of life really
And it’s quite a beautiful thing to see
Maybe life’s only real constancy
Is the way it’s constantly changing
That you can count on the fact
That you can never truly know what tomorrow may bring
This lack of constancy, in and of itself is a constancy
It’s this contradictory consistent lack of consistency that keeps life interesting
Serene May 2020
It’s quite the contrary
For the things that nearly broke me
To end up as the very foundation of my rebuilding
The same things that caused my crumble
That left me in wreckage
Buried in debris
Questioning if I could ever again stand on my feet
Became the cornerstone of my very being
That which didn’t **** me, though it nearly
Truly did make me stronger
I once stood with shaky knees and trembling hands
Legs threatening to buckle beneath me
It was the hell of it all
Collapsing into myself
The final straw that caused my longest darkest fall
That forced me to pick up the pieces
And build myself into an indestructible wall
Because it was either build or wallow and die amongst the wreckage
Either craft myself a lifeboat
Or drown in the sea
But I chose to stay afloat
And now all the bad things
They’re what make me, me
Of course I don’t think
I deserved what happened to me
But these were the seeds that were planted
That which nourished my growth
These are the cornerstone
They tried to break me
But all they did was make my structure unwavering
nif Apr 2020
above her feet
and lil tummies
above her teeth
tiny necks
and chubby arms
in final form
a female physique
all cheeks
i am woman
Luna Maria Apr 2020
I am lost in the dark
but maybe it is because
I close my eyes
since the sun
is too bright
sometimes we can’t see the positivity we are surrounded with
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2020
Turn your pain into positive energy.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
What a wonderful day to breathe upon the earth,
We're now aware there is a moment for death and birth.
The time is not ticking if you notice this,
But our very precious kicking life is.

Every second life is ticking passing away,
Is it sensible to be happy each and every day?
Don't forget when you wake up if you wake up just smile,
Life is ticking for all of us, make your life worthwhile.

We're here today and maybe gone tomorrow,
Is it time to be joyful and forget about the sorrow?
Everybody is just passing by if you notice this;
Within you, there is a hidden bliss release it, don't resist.

Happiness is a choice so please don't frown;
Despite the circumstance create positivity around.
We all have ups and down if you notice this,
Kindly face it gracefully it's just the way it is.

How treacherous is death when he comes;
He will **** all the air in our lungs.
Sooner or later he will arrive;
Thrive to spend time when we are alive.

Gone in the wind see you no more;
Death had come knocking at your door.
Can't escape even how fast you run;
Your day is done death hunts everyone.

Yet though we've forgotten where we come from,
The closer we get, the happier we become.
Remember when we were born we have none;
There is enough for everyone but have we become numb?

Some say our time is up when our candles melt;
Then lonely to whom is left is what they felt.
Candles melt but it shines so bright;
Death comes like a thief in the night.

Can't fight, can't fight death always win;
Unseen but stays under our skin.
It seems we could never cheat death;
He holds the key to every breath.

Hey, death! Hey, death! Why do you come?
From time to time you steal from some.
You are the one we want to overcome;
But in the end, you always won.

None not even one escapes from you;
We run we hide but you always knew.
So few, so few want to be with you;
You leave no clue when our time is due.

True so true you are only there;
As the wind blew you flew in the air.
Unfair for us that always care;
You share the burden we couldn't bear.

Unaware where we will meet;
Bittersweet the way you greet.
Beat heartbeat it pumps so fast;
If it ceases! Dust to dust we wouldn't last.

We trust, We trust to you mankind;
take care of our land if you wouldn't mind.
It's time to be sensible that would kind;
Negativity could blind you drop it behind.

If there is nothing  best when you say;
Kindly not destroy everyone's whole new day.
Could we not waste the You and I;
Can we respect each other as we try?

There are greater things in life in plain view but still unknown;
But sometimes when it hits you, you tremble on your bone.
There are things in life our hearts could understand but the mind and mouth can't say;
Beyond any words can express the happiness that stays
forever and a day.

Make us humble when we are so proud;
Take away our grumble when we're so loud.
As we face the cold cloudy storm;
Embrace us hold us tight and warm.

Yes, we’re lost in confusion, all the illusion, delusion,
our life in transfusion, but where's the conversion?
It's like a cosmic explosion, and we're in seclusion,
is death our conclusion? have a positive emotion.

Be a part of the solution, not the problem;
In what so ever circumstance just try to solve them.
Complaining will do nothing if you notice this;
Even the world is fixing itself, it's just the way it is.

I reminisce as I write you this;
A simple letter sealed with a kiss.
Sincere regards I'm just no one;
I fear my words are already done.
Skyler Apr 2020
Could we be the same?
Is this what forms us?
Or it keeps us tame,
And unable to discuss,

The troubles and trials,
The pain and hurt,
The laughter and smiles.
All which we exert.

I keep searching.
Then a look shared
Let's me see what's lurking,
It tells me you were scared.

Scared of your power,
Sweetheart, now you know
You no longer have to cower.
Let your power grow.

It's only a reflection
What separates you and I.
No more rejection,
I bid you goodbye.
This poem is about what it feels like when I look in the mirror sometimes. The self-doubt and negativity that runs through my mind and how by the end, I say goodbye to any rejection of self I have felt and embrace me for me
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