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Jamie Nov 2015
As more and more days go by,
I realise that you won't be in my future,
But you will always be in my heart,
That piece will stay for the rest of my days.

One day if we meet,
When I have someone new,
Only then will I know,
If I am truly over you.
innerThought Nov 2015
My heart races at the thought of her
More than happiness flows through my veins
If I wasn't going to miss her so much
I would......
I would......
nevermind I would miss her too much
But lets pretend I was strong enough to bathe the clouds in my blood so that the joy she makes my heart pump rains out into the world so everyone can see crimson clouds and say
" that looks like love.....
The love that make a the thought of you immortal.....
The love that erases all sinister deeds as it imprisons our hearts in an euphoric state of forever....
The love that makes time drag its feet across the day for it is weak with out you but yet flies to everywhere and back when im with you"
This is my love for you and if ever I am high and strong enough I'll prove it
But untill then please love me like I already have....
When you don't know how but you would do anything for her to know
RLP Nov 2015
believe me when i say
that id throw my life away
to just be by your side again
until my dying day
cause without you im not me
and im never gonna be
til youre holding me so tight again
that you are all i see.
RLF RN Oct 2015
One day from my dream
I saw your face across the street
Among the crowd where you stood,
As if sunshine has brighten my way.

One day from my dream
You came near and talked to me.
I felt your presence even more,
Had left me off guard, once more.

One day from my dream
You held my hand, and gave such warmth.
Security, what I had from you, and
Sincerity of heart, what I returned.

One day from my dream
Your eyes met mine halfway.
As I felt no other better way,
Perfection I have come to see.

One day from my dream
A confession was made,
Your promises of love and forever,
My heart’s your blissful home.

One day from my dream
Your embrace became a gift,
Your kiss became a seal,
As if we’ll never part, an assurance.

One day from my dream
I woke up, and you’re gone.
I searched, but every where’s empty
I asked, but nothing’s questionable.

One day from my dream
A dagger was stabbed to my heart,
Unofficial we have been, you declared,
As I watch you walked with her.

One night as I dream
I woke up and prayed.
Grateful for every tear,
For that one day in my dream
When there became “You and Me”.
Maria Imran Oct 2015
I will be ready, ready, ready
to let you go one day! I will be ready,
ready, ready.
And then I won't won't won't think of you
And it won't won't won't won't matter
or why
I see you
or not.
And nothing, no good or bad memories
will make me cry
and I won't wet my pillow
won't scream your name in the dark
won't slash my wrist, won't write more poems
about you.
Sierra Brown Sep 2015
One day we'll look back on all of this and feel at ease.
Because we lived through the *******, and difficult times.

One day we'll remember the times where we would sit and
cry over stupid boys.
But we'll laugh because we didn't need them after all.

One day i'll remember the times i stressed over money
only to find out i can make it another day without a dollar.

One day i'll look back and feel at ease
because look how far we ******* made it.
Forgotten Heart Sep 2015
i'm letting you go
hoping that one day
i might see you
and feel nothing
Umaizah Sep 2015
I'm so happy when I think of you!
You make my heart just soar.
To think a human being like you exists makes this tough world not so tough.
God really blessed me with you!
I didn't even know a love like this could exist.
My prayers for you are one of a kind.
I am envious of the walls that protect you and the people that get to see you.
What I would give to just be the air you breathe.
Umaizah Sep 2015
I wonder what you are doing.
Are you sleeping and if so are you dreaming?
Are you awake and if so are your thoughts drifting across state lines?
Either way I hope to meet you there.
Dreaming of oceans and stars with no end in sight.
Looking into each other's eyes grazing our hands down one another's face.
Feeling the gentle summer breeze.
Wondering how we managed not touching each other for so long.
Thoughts of what we didn't do in each other's presence.
All the words that should have been said.
Finally letting you know...
I was made from you.
We were created to understand miracles.
That flames indeed burn within.
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