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Harrison May 2015
I was sitting outside on the curb in front the venue
With Spaghetti string lights that curved into shape
Spelling out Baby’s Alright
Spilling out green and blue, green and blue all over the pavement
And thought if Care-Bears could ***** it would be like this
The band was finished and they were packing up slowly
Reluctant to leave
Maybe because they had a four hour drive ahead of them to Philly
I was smoking like I do after big crowds
The sun was setting here and rising at another place
And I was thinking about what to do for the rest of the night
Because I didn’t want to be alone but I didn’t want to be in a crowd
Everyone was talking about drinking and if not drinking, smoking
And if smoking then eating and all roads leads to Rome
So if they wanted to **** they might as well have just said it—
But I guess they wanted to be nice first
It was cool outside and the wind was kind to let me smoke in peace
I kept staring at the schizophrenic buildings changing voices one after another
Which is to say I just eavesdropping on the windows again
And I always have this strange habit of thinking that the people in those buildings are free
Or willing to spend sometime with me and talk about whatever
Like they had sometime to waste and I would have taken it
Lynn Legend May 2015
I woke up this morning
With a smile on my face

I woke up this morning
So my smile can't be erased

Somebody didn't wake up this morning
I can hear there family weeping

Somebody didn't wanna wake up this morning
smiling to get through their  bleeding

I remember not wanting to wake up
In the morning
Hoping the pills would  
Take me away
Caught up in the Rapture
Now  I'm free I wanna stay

I wanted to wake up this morning
I got a 2nd chance
To live in my freedom
Smiling while I dance
-Lynn Legend

Lynn Browning ©
I woke up this morning
PrttyBrd Apr 2015
A quiet life
A country life
Where the grass sways in the breeze
And the hues of green signify the beginning of balmy nights
A far cry from the city
Gone are the endless vibrant lights
Gone are the 2 a.m. trips across town just because they make the best doughnuts
In this place of air almost too clean to breathe
They stroll
A traffic jam is four cars at a stop sign
Battling rules of the road with polite hat tips of "you go first"
Fast feet and hot dog carts
Italian ices on every corner
Fifty-six blocks to a destination
A world of choices
A billion footprints at a time
Stoplight crowds of sneakers and pantyhose
Everyone is invisible and naked at once
The green haired freak and the business man
The limos and the gypsy cabs
The excitement only felt in a world of possibilities
The difference between pick up trucks and bike messengers
A hundred miles for supplies
Or fifty-six blocks of everything under the sun
Soot filled pores and too much traffic
Street sounds to sleep by and a world of opportunities
Crickets and junebugs
The world closes at eight
Nightlife turns into Wal-Mart and Taco Bell
The slow pace of growing grass
The warmth of a winterless Summer
Wishing for a trip across town at 2 a.m. just because they make the best doughnuts
asija Apr 2015
New York City is where
I most like to be.
It’s as noisy as a
Room full of bees.

When I’m there ,
I walk like a bunny.
Fast and quick hurrying
In the streets

People talking and
Horns blasting and
The smell of gas
Filling the air.

Oh New York City
You are the best city.
You are even better
Than Italy!
Similie and metaphor poem!
Mia Barrat Apr 2015
a word
passes between you
and I, dear city, when
you open my eyes then
veil them again. You like
to surprise me and I like
being led.  Surround me
with  noise  and lights: I
really don't mind being
blinded with beauty. As
I silently step into your
sad-skyscraper skeleton,
you let me know that all
these different humans
-the ones you birth, mind
you - tire you  terribly.
Sometimes, you even
wish  you could pop a
sleeping pill, or maybe
two or three (the secret
being that you'd swallow
the whole bottle if no one
was looking). Don't even
try to feign perfection. I
caught you sleeping that
one time: it was so
beautiful I
Who's my favorite personify-able city? Who's my favorite personify-able city? Yes! Yes it's you! Good city.
PS: The title means "the city that never sleeps because of the nightmares"
- Apr 2015
am i ready?
claustrophobic, anxiety ridden me
preparing for the constant motion of the big city
the utter anonymity?

am i ready?
to move so far from home
drain myself of money
surrounded by people who actually belong?
AndSoOn Apr 2015
Where I am supposed to be safe and sound,
It is where I am everything but fine.

I have a homeless heart, filled with mixed feelings,
And a house full of ungrateful human beings.
They make my house seem dark and twisted
And every time I am home, I feel homeless and tired.
I hope to feel fresh, and loved, and surrounded.
But my heart needs to flee again, to be well.

So I wake up late, and go to sleep early, to flee the darkness
Of my house, my supposed-to-be home, my nightmare.
So I leave early, and come home late, to leave the darkness
Behind me, buried in the warmth of my bed that is no longer safe.
So I love, as much as I may, the moments I share with friends.
So I count my breaths not to panic again, and I hide, hide, hide,
Deep in my mind, the scares, the scars and the dark thoughts
That haunt my soul every single time I spend in my house.

But I can still protect my secrets and myself from the world
In the cocoon, this safe I built ; in my bedroom, my sanctuary.
Still I need to move it far away from here, where I'll be able to be.
Where I'll be safe and sound, and everything but sad.
Then I'll fly like bees, free, and protected by myself.
I'll fly far away where buildings scratch the sky,
Where months ago, I found my home and heart.
sapphic girl Apr 2015
Hustle and bustle of work,day and life
steaming Starbucks and choppy high heels
bumping into other's shoulders
oblivious to the almost's from taxi drivers to schooling kids

But when the
sun descends to make room for the moon
the city's potholes
treasure every drop
of a drunk stupor
savoring burning tires of zooming cars
passers-by basking in the midnight lights

That's New York City
It never sleeps.

| new york city - m.m |
[just like me]
Leila Warren Mar 2015
school girl skirt
taste of corona in a coffee mug
sitting by the east river
red wine
drunk kissing
the beatles
harsh sunlight
wooden floor
no food in the fridge
only two coffee mugs
and a few beers.
Mia Barrat Mar 2015
don't follow me
if you see me running
down the street
into the subway
into the train
into the seat

i'll plug music into my ears so
the words won't spill out

i'll watch people think over their day;
did you get promoted?
is your best friend a mess?
do you wish you could be free?

the train's wheels screech against the rails
like a fat metal monster calling out in pain
a sound so stringent it plucks my heart's cords
stifled only by the loud murmur of collective Life
my city, my city, don't follow me now
i'm headed northward, eastward 'til i'm out of earshot

you're too much of a perfect storm, my city,
my city, you're too much of a muffled chaos

you're on my heels despite my warnings
i would run faster but the train is deaf as the people who wear headphones and complain when they hear nothing

i'm on your train, dear city, going further than i should

in this way,

i flee conflict.
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