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She's letting you go

She knows
You were never hers
You knew
It will never work

Please don't give anymore hopes
Don't slide into her DM
Tell her how much you misses her
Cause at the end of the day
You'll never come
That breaks her so bad
She loves you
One which will never change

Yes, she's stupid
The most
Ahmed Elsherbini Sep 2020
Adoring a girl, fighting a virus
I love and fight both nonsynchronous
I am a mere lover in a quarentine
Long distant misery, that's what I mean

Time passes, I misses
Playing cards, smoking cigarettes
Writing all the day, dreaming all the night
My heart is beating, my brain is still in a fight

For your loving in a condition of a loneliness
In my boring silent bedroom, where darkness
A poor heart yearning and love sickness
That's a love in a quarentine

I'm in love isolated in my quarantine
Drawing with words, catching scene
Looking to your photo, reading your posts
I'm in a deep love issue, I have never seen

I'm writing to you honey with my bored tears
How cruel the world to put us apart
You know how I'm living, y'know how we feel
Still hoping honey, all of this is temporary
And my love for you is real..
Incognito Jun 2020
I shared so many firsts with you
That I wasn't prepared for our last
I just realize something
Colm Aug 2019
I miss the way we used to sit
How you'd fall asleep on my shoulder cold

How you quietly would look at me, and I at you, because we'd know

I miss the everyday secret things
Which we used to do and could've been

With a oneness and once unified breath
I miss these more than anything
Missing miss
CM Lee Feb 2019
Drinking coffee in the morning
Got my laptop on and start writing
Wonder what I’ll write about today
About how I left or how I wish I had stayed?

That one song came on and reminded me of you
Our memories stuck on my mind like glue
Sat on my chair and stared into nothingness
I tried to move on, God knows I did my best

In my head, we’re flying into a clear blue sky
But when I open my eyes, all I can do is sigh
There’s not much I can really do
You and I are just simply through

I don’t hate you, I miss you
Wish you could say the same about me too
I’ll keep you forever in my memory
One day I’ll smile when I think of them, you’ll see

You’re my first love and best friend
Yes, it’s bad, the way we had to end
But I still wish you’d always be happy
You’re the best guy I know, you’ll always be
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