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jewel 4h
A series of numbers in which each is the sum of the two proceeding numbers. This is different than Pascal’s triangle.
The formula is as follows: Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2, where n >1. It is used to generate a term of the sequence by adding its previous two terms.
Solve the following examples.

1. flowers
    little people in dresses
    dancing in the ballroom
    the world is on fire;
    we bend faster
    when the wind howls
2. hurricanes
    the ocean is quite
    i let myself
    the sky rips
3. pinecones
    in the bed underneath
    a mother
    her children gather
    snow for breakfast
    breakfast in bed
4. spiral galaxies
    the naked eye
    beholds the beauty
    of hands we no longer see
    we are drowning in light
copyrighted, poemsbyjewel (2025).
Man Feb 9
Let us remember Aristillus & Timocharis,
Like Halley & Galileo.
Of Zhang Heng & Dao Lee,
Like Newton & Max Born.
Of Werner & Yermolyeva,
Like Curie & Oppenheimer.
Of Paracelus & Fredrick Banting,
Like Tesla & Pythagoras.
Of Richard Feynman & André Ampère,
Like Michael Faraday & Benjamin Franklin.
Of Payne-Gaposchkin & Joseph Swan,
Like Ignacy Łukasiewicz & Kikunae Ikeda.
Of Takamine Jōkichi & Berners-Lee,
Like Robert Hooke & Gutenberg.
Of Talos Attalus & Perrilus,
Like William Bullock & Franz Reichelt.
Of Abū Bakr al-Rāzī & Ibn al-Haytham,
Like Archimedes & Johannes Kepler.
Of Aldini & Henry Russell,
Like Edison & Graham Bell.
Of Carl Bosch & Richard Fiedler,
Like Mr. Hyde & Dr. Jekyll.
Of Brokkr & Sindri,
Like Gullinbursti & Hephaestus.
Michael Done Nov 2024
THEOREM: √2 is not a rational number

ASSUME: √2 is a rational number
i.e. √2 = X/Y where X, Y are integers with no common factors    (1)
      (cos by definition that what it means to be a rational number)

==> (√2)^2 = (X/Y)^2    (2)  (by squaring (^) each side)
==> 2 = X^2/Y^2    (3)  (by multiplying everything out)
==> 2Y^2 = X^2    (4)  (by multiplying both sides by Y^2)
==> X^2 = 2Y^2    (5)  (by reversing the equation)
==> X^2 is even    (6)  (cos 2 times anything is even)
==> X is even    (7)  (cos if X it were odd, X^2 would be odd)
==> X = 2P where P is some other positive integer     (8)
       (cos by definition that’s what it means for X to be even)
(4) and (8) ==> 2Y^2 = (2P)^2    (9)  (by substituting for X)
==> 2Y^2 = 4P^2    (10)  (by multiplying everything out)
==> Y^2 = 2P^2    (11)  (by dividing both sides by 2)
==> Y^2 is even    (12)  (cos 2 times anything is even)
==> Y is even    (13)  (cos if Y it were odd, Y^2 would be odd)
==> Y = 2Q where Q is some other positive integer     (14)
       (cos by definition that’s what it means for Y to be even)
(1), (8) and (14) ==> X/Y = 2P/2Q  (17)  (by substituting for X and Y)
==> X and Y have a common factor of 2  (18)  (cos we can see the 2’s)
==> The assumption at (1) is false  (19)
       (cos it says: “X, Y are integers with no common factors”)
==> √2 is NOT rational 

Lowkie Aug 2024
U + Me equals to a mathematical problem
Solve for x but there's no answer at the bottom
Believe me I tried calculating the variables
But no matter what, the answer is still unattainable
Y you ask? Because this equation is unexplainable
Remember the X you told me not to worry about
Yeah the one you said left a mark
I know you still see him in the dark
He still is the flame in your life
And I guess that makes me just a spark
But I'm not perfect
There was a X I had to subtract
I told you I did just so you don't overreact
But as our arguments multiplies
Our attention to solve this problem divides
I am no mathematician but
The sum just don't add up and after so many tries
Maybe it's about time to say our final goodbyes
Lowkie ©
Felix Andlar Dec 2022
You life, sinusoidal,
with it's ups and downs,
Touches with cosine mine:
once when it's up,
once when it's not.
And I long for that eternal range,
for you to stay in my domain.
Trigonometric love
Khoisan Apr 2022
A tree as it grows

stick drawing evolution

The laws and evolution of mathematics
jigyasa Apr 2021
life is an equation.

not a simple y = mx + b curve

rather one with countless variables
leading to one solution with each combination

think about it.

what I call variables, philosophers would call free will
and albeit a select number of variables are within our control
hundreds of others are not

if you find yourself stuck
with a conclusion you deem incorrect
or a development you know can't be the answer
always remember that your input controls the output

change the variables within your control
Thomas W Case Feb 2021
I sit at my window and look out at the
snowflakes; they fall vertically, horizontally under
the grey black sky. I watch the dog break open the
bone and lick the marrow out. I watch the
big white cat sleep, snore, maybe dreaming of
a fat sparrow in his mouth. I think of taking
a bite of the sunset, living in a cave; the way
a marimba sounds when I’m haunted,
how Hamsun took bites of his hand in hunger.
My mind drifts to Van Gogh’s potato eaters,
the ***** that rejected his ear, Lautrec’s withered
legs and beautiful heart. I think of the falcon in
the city, the stranger in the mirror, the brutality
of man and the wonder in the doe’s eyes.

Anything but algebra, I took the compass test for
college, 99% in writing, reading and 17% in math.
I have to retake the math and score a 25% or better.
I despise math, my girlfriend says, “You love math, it
gets you loans and grants.”
My brain bleeds with numbers and equations,
but she’s right,
I like loans and grants.

So I’m back at it, like a kid to
the dentist, and math does its job,
it pushes me back to
the word, the line, my dirt road
through the madness.
Chad Young Feb 2021
Math must be seen as a spiritual practice or else the ego will never be satisfied.
Math is a way to enlightenment, a way to gain invisible bestowals.
To further the field of mathematics is in the hands of God.
The difference in views is restless dissatisfaction versus equanimity.
Chad Young Feb 2021
Math problems usually don't use imagination, but physics has been helped by reflective similes when the math is correct.
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