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A whole world at my fingertips
Mine to create and explore
To fill with people and cultures
To bloom from nothingness

Mine to take care of
Mine to destroy
Mine to avenge
Mine to protect
Mine to adore

I have sought love and found it a million times
Lived happily-ever-afters for millennium
I have crafted worlds where everything is perfect
And worlds where it doesn't matter that it's not

Boredom and loneliness are things of the past
For in this place I have all that I need:

A dimension
A grand adventure
A sanctuary for my soul
A place where I can finally belong

I live two lives:
My life there
And my life here
Here, in reality
Dull, plain reality
Where I am Cursed
And love skillfully evades me
Where my happily-ever-after taunts me just out of reach
Where there is pain and danger
But without the promise of love and adventure
Sometimes I wish I could stay
Stay in my world
But I could never pick just one
One Para or character to become
Because I love them all
One world to inhabit
Because they are all so wonderful
And good things wait for me
On the other side of the Metamorphosis

One day, everything will be great
We will always Triumph
Alii Semper Vincemus!

And my worlds will always be there for me
I will always have my power: to go wherever I please outside the realm of reality

Someday, I'll share my power with the world
But for now it is my sanctuary
My one reprieve
Can ever make me give it up
As a Maladaptive Daydreamer, I have a sort of real life superpower: to enter fantasy worlds in my head. Too bad they're so good I wish I could stay there. Even if it's the literal zombie apocalypse, I still find myself longing to live there for real, at least for a little while. Every blessing comes with a curse I guess.

The world I'm writing about is Lindsavadia, a fantasy world of my own design. I drew it, and am world-building and culture-building right now. I actually created it for a book I'm writing! Writing a novel is HARD, but really fun. This is the first daydream that I introduced Lindsavadia to. I decided to use my daydreams as a technique for world-building, because it needed a lot of work. So I threw some of my favorite Paras in there and took them on a grand tour of Lindsavadia. Best idea I've ever had! The world-building is going GREAT! Way better than if I'd stuck to writing only.

I never thought I'd get this far. Truly amazing. I don't know what I'd do without my Paras and worlds. I hope that someday, I'll be able to share this magic with everyone

Sorry for the ESSAY haha!
All of this can't be for nothing
We've worked too hard
Fought too hard
For it to be over
I have lost too much
I no longer know
They can't win
I made an oath of blood
He will die tonight
but not by my hand
like I wanted

I will be your sacrifice
It's the only way
I'm sorry love, but I have to do this
I was always doomed to go

The whole world is collapsing
These shards of truth I've clung to
pierce my soul
Bloodred wings and gilded mask
Will mark my

I launch myself into the sky above
shining brighter than the sun
and all you can see is my supernova
bright and brilliant

behind the mask, my face is expressionless
but a single tear slides down my face
as I hear the love of my life

I am burning
Pain blinding

I wonder what will happen
when it's all

Was I a savior after all?
or just a foolish boy disguised as a

My painted feathers burn like candlesticks
But I can still go higher!
crying out
But as I fall
like a meteor
into the sea
A part of me remembers

I will transcend to Caelum
as a warrior
it is impossible to transform the emotions in this scene into words.

Based off the song Icarus by Gio Navas (absolutely incredible artist)
This is written by one of my paras, Necare. He's done poems before, but he has a different backstory in this one. Pretty bad poem, but seriously, check out the song!
two, three,
Steps as I
Pace across the
Hard, tile hall-way
Making sure to keep beat.
My feet thud softly in step
with the music in my earbuds.
My hands whirl with the music quickly.
People are staring, but I don't notice,
Because I am not pacing inside my head.
In my brain, I am somewhere different and safe.
I'm not pacing with the music; I AM the music.
It seeps inside every part of my soul, heart, and being.
I grin with pure excitement as I spin in another world.
I used to love haikus. Yeah, because they were easy and quick and small. But mostly because I loved counting the syllables. Now, haikus aren't really my thing. But I still love counting syllables. So I thought maybe this would be more up my alley. Count the syllables as you read. It's fun!
What do I do now? I don't even want to think about it, think about
How my life is splitting apart at the seams and all of my panicked
Outcries are doing nothing to stop it.

Amazing, I think, that I've lasted as long as I have.
Maybe this is for the better?

I tell myself, but it tastes like a lie in my mouth.

If I cease to be Caligula, what do I have left
For myself. I am nothing, nothing!

Nobody truly understands that I am losing everything and am
Out of my mind with pain and fury. I can't stop
Thinking, why me? Why is it always me?

Can't I have good luck just one time? I'm not
Asking for much. I'm scared, no, terrified that my
Life is ending quicker than I ever anticipated. I wanted to die
Grandly, in a wild blaze of glory. Not with my whole life
Upturned, sinking slowly, suffering wildly,
Losing what I worked so hard to achieve,
And wishing I could go back and be great one more time.
Written by another para (who, obviously, goes by the name Caligula), in the future/ after I end his suffering and pack the daydream away to start over again
I used to wonder what it was like to be
Used to believe I was a monster simply because of what
I was.
Now I understand.
I choose to be a monster because
I choose to ****, to rip lives apart because of
what they did to mine.
Nothing will ever
I am not a monster because I am
I am not evil because I am
I am not feared because of my name or my skin, but because of my
I keep my promises, always.
They deserve what is
They deserve to see the same destruction they sent
and my people.
They deserve to weep, kneeling on the
burnt floor
as they mourn those who were
from them
And, if I die in the process, then I will
finally reunite
with my family in
My revenge will be as
as the
I was called.
Written by the same para (Necare) grown up/present day.
I wonder what it feels like
to be
Something I have never been and will
I wonder what it is like to have a
Certainly everything must be better when you're human,
Humans look out for each other,
I have never felt like a
But I know I must be, because people always
told me
I was.
Maybe, if I was human, I would finally deserve
to live.
Maybe, if I was human, I would finally belong, and no one would
hate me
My family says to keep it all
They say humans are the true
But that can't be true.
Can it?
Written from the perspective of one of my paras (Necare) when he was young.
Ink, spreading through my soul, my life, as I scribble endlessly:

Don't tell me this is normal, having two
Opposite sides of myself.
Never understanding how I can believe
Two opposing things at the same time.

Kindness always, but I long to be cruel. Love, but sometimes I
Need to hate, to feel the fire burning in my soul. The
Origin of this duality remains unknown, regardless of
What intense measures I have taken to try to understand myself.

Why am I so split? Why do I feel like I
Have to mask constantly to hide my dark side, to pretend like I'm
Only strange, not truly crazy.

I wonder sometimes what's wrong with me.

Am I falling deeper and deeper into
Madness every day?

Ask anyone: I'm "too nice". I'm sweet and enthusiastic and
Naive. But that is only one part of me. Nobody knows that every
Year I am forced to question if I am truly as good as the
Mask I put on. Yes, I am good. But I am also evil. My mind is an
Ocean, both life and death all at once. Am I just overthinking? Will I
Regret all of this worry, or regret that I didn't
Enlighten myself to the wonders and horrors of my mind sooner?
Another acrostic cause they're fun and simple and I'm bored
Existing in a haze
Daydreams crowd her brain
She surrendered and smiled
Said, "I think I'll stay a while"
As she stared into space
And her mind began to race
The belonging that she chased
No longer did it evade


Alice, Alice, bleeding soul
Fled into her rabbit hole
Dreaming of a better world
Broken, mad and all alone
Alice, Alice, don't let go
But Wonderland is her true home
She needs it so she can cope
Madder than a hatter, Alice

So now she sits alone
She's lost track of time
Gazing into the distance
She exists within her mind
Sometimes she comes back
But joy she cannot find
So in her mind she'll drown
Falling deeper down, down, down

Alice, Alice broken soul
Lives inside her rabbit hole
Seeking out a better world
One where she'll never be alone
And they cry, "Alice, don't let go!"
But Wonderland is all she knows!
Reality holds no more hope
Madder than a hatter, Alice...

Alice, Alice hopeless soul
Held captive by her rabbit hole
Her daydreams will not let her go
Lost her mind so long ago
Alice, Alice, now she knows
Her Wonderland was all a hoax
Now she's just a shadow
Madder than a hatter, Alice
Personal, poetic rewrite of ALICE by Peggy
Welcome to Wonderland!
Alice looks around and decides she wants to stay a while.
Inside her brain, she can be
whatever she wants.
Inside her brain, her pain no longer exists,
and she is no longer Alice, but someone
As she stares into space, she journeys deep inside her mind until she finds something new
and entirely perfect.
She found somewhere worth staying.
As she developed this new world
and her lovely characters,
she stayed for longer and longer
and was never bored again.
On the contrary, she was
Happier than she had ever been in reality.
So she wondered to herself,
But her Wonderland came at a price.
Dissociation was her plague as she fought to stay present
in what was once her reality.
As returning to her body became harder and harder,
Alice gave up trying
to fight the daydreams as they
leaving room for
But it didn't matter.
Because in Wonderland,
Alice was content
She belonged.
She accepted her insanity as
And chose Wonderland as her home.
Everyone warned her of its dangers.
Tried to keep her
in their nightmare
But Alice vowed to
as she embraced
her Wonderland
Halloween is here again
I used to love it so
But, now when it's shell out time
My face I do not show

I hide down in the basement
No light will people see
"No Candy Here" upon the door
There's nothing here from me

Ghosts and Ghouls and Spirits
Up my street they creep
But, I see them nightly
When I try to sleep

Four faces of four children
Out to trick or treat
Run down by a drunk driver
While trick or treating on my street

Seven children run down
Time....eight seventeen
Three were injured, four were killed
On that horrific Halloween

Each day for me is Halloween
Each day I hear them screaming
The worst part is that I'm awake
I don't hear them when I'm dreaming

Two who died, I knew them well
Dressed as cowboys on that night
Now they're gone, to ride the range
Their souls have taken flight

The street was closed for near two days
There were many questions asked
And in the end, nothing has changed
The answers hidden by a mask

The driver, he was plastered,
Didn't know what day it was
He's out now, paid his penance
I hope he feels a sense of loss

Myself, I cannot bear it
Every year I stay inside
I see those faces on new children
So, in my basement I will hide

No Candy Here, I'm sad to say
It hurts as much today
I still grieve for those poor children
In my own, respectful way
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