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The path is within.
No need to change everything around us or chase anything. Look inside yourself first.
Izzi 4d
Your smile gave me hope
Your love brought me joy

Basking in the ocean of your eyes  

I miss you
I miss your laughter
I miss our talks

Our laughs
Our dreams
Our tears

I will always yearn for you
I will always value your friendship

You saved me
From me

And I will always love you for it

But I guess

I guess

I truly guess

That I have to let you go

I’m sorry

I love you,

Closure isn’t a neatly tied bow,  
not a chapter that ends when we say so.  
It lingers in the spaces between,  
in echoes of words that were never seen.  

It’s learning to live with the quiet refrain,  
with questions unanswered, with love left in vain.  
Not every thread will find its weave,  
not every heart gets time to grieve.  

Real closure is walking away unafraid,  
knowing some endings will never be made.  
It’s making peace with the stories untold,  
with messy goodbyes and hands left cold.  

So here’s to the silence, the pause, the regret,  
to things we move past but never forget.  
For maybe the truest closure we find,  
is knowing some doors stay open in mind.
Grey 6d
The war between,her,me and she

Funny a tale I tell you

"Her" was me a minute ago

So malleable, gullible
Easy to stir

But "her" was happy
Holding unto a dark mural

"Me" is I now

Lessons from "her"shaped me

To let go of steam
From others action

That some ain't -
Worth fighting for

"She" is my future
The all control
I want to be

Some war ain't-
worth fighting for

I'm letting go of "her",
"Me" in progress
So that "she" can live
Zywa Feb 14
Happy: not wanting,

solely letting go of what --

I no longer want.
Novella "Gezien de feiten" ("Considering the facts", 2018, Griet Op de Beeck), chapter 25

Collection "No wonder"
Phoebe Feb 10
I am allowing you to believe
everything is fine,
but to me, it is not.
Our dynamic is irrevocably changed,
never to be the same.
Over-politeness strikes our conversations,
but truly, it was never normal.
You planted a seed of dislike,
and it grew—
A tree.
It has been chopped,
but the stump remains,
roots tangled deep beneath.
Our cycle is over,
thank God.
And you—
you will now be left in the past.
dead poet Jan 31
if i could, i’d let it go -
long ago,
so you’d never know
how i felt
when you had me knelt
before the sinister
price i owe.

i gave you my world
with fists uncurled;
you gave me your spite
with a tongue that twirled
at the whims of a curse
so foul, it reeked
of a bane too vile,
and unreasonably

can’t blame you, though,
the things i know
could rip the heart,
and have it show
the crimson shards of
memories jarred,
and a quiver so bare
from all the blows.  

there’s still a place for you
in my heart, that’s yet
to know what’s true;
but i cannot allow
my head to bow
to scorn, and spite,
to name a few…
Charan P Jan 30
I failed to fail,
Stopped trying to stop.
Holding on to not holding on,
now I’ve given up on giving up.

Each attempt to crumble
only made me more resilient.
I reached for surrender,
but found myself still here.

I tried to let go,
but clung tighter instead.
I fought to end the battle,
only to discover,
I’m still in the fight.
oops, guess I failed at the note too. 😅
Here’s the real deal: it’s about trying to quit but somehow sticking around.
Charan P Jan 30
And the truth you can’t escape,
the one you bury under every brave smile,
is that a part of you still misses him.
Not the man he was—because he was never that man—
but the version you created,
the lie you clung to like a lifeline.
The lie that said he loved you back.

You hate yourself for it.
For the nights you still cry his name,
for the quiet corners of your mind where he still lives,
for the twisted hope that maybe, just maybe,
he looks at someone else and realizes what he lost.

But the part that destroys you the most?
It’s knowing that even now,
even after all he did,
if he showed up today,
with the same broken promises
and the same hollow smile—
you’re not sure you’d say no.

Because love, real love, doesn’t just leave.
It festers. It infects.
It becomes a parasite you can’t cut out,
even when it’s killing you.

And you know what the world doesn’t want to hear,
what no one dares admit?
You don’t hate him.
Not really.
You hate yourself.

For staying. For loving. For breaking.
For still wishing,
in the deepest, darkest part of you,
that he would come back
and this time—
this time—
it would be different.

But it won’t.
It never will.
And the hardest truth of all?
You’d have to tear yourself apart to finally let him go.
And the scariest part?
You’re not sure you want to.
~poem 1 of 5 from my collection-- “stages of grief.”

Denial—the first stage of grief. This poem isn’t just about missing someone; it’s about clinging to the illusion of who they could have been. It’s the battle between knowing the truth and refusing to accept it, the quiet hope that maybe, just maybe, they’ll come back and finally be who you needed them to be. But deep down, you already know—they never will.

~written for a friend. (Female POV).
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