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Moonbeam Sep 2016
Come with me down the rabbit hole
It does look scary
But it'll awaken your soul
Knowing the truth is worth all the pain
Keep ahold of yourself and you won't go insane
Every problem we face DOES have a solution
There is a way to have a peaceful revolution
Keep your heart present and don't get lost
Choosing hate over love comes with a cost
Right action, compassion, and empathy we need
Not fear, propaganda, judgment, and greed
Moonbeam Aug 2016
What's up with this planet, who's in charge here
Obviously ****** up people whose minds aren't clear
They're clouded with greed
They bribe people who lead
Deaf are their ears when we plead
Get out of our society, just leave
You're not welcome here
You make us hate and live in fear
It's hard to believe people still fall for your games
The world is blindly covered in your chains
We will free ourselves just you watch
We are raising the vibrations another notch
Maybe you should run while you still can
Before everyone finds out your sick twisted plan
Revolution will be lurking around the corner and in the dark
We need to inform everyone and ignite their spark
Our souls know something is horribly wrong
The caged bird sings the prettiest song
Look at the music and what people say
They're fed up with the planet and it's evil way
Life here is horribly unaligned
With Mother Earth and the divine
Don't be distracted just open your eyes
Get in tune with yourself, feel the vibrations rise
You'll change the world if you look within
Knowing thyself is how we win
Don't stop growing, you'll never be done
Love yourself and make your changes fun
See the silver lining, the light, the sun
Look at what's in front of you, don't just run
Feel awareness in every part of your soul
A loving world for all should be your goal
Happiness isn't far out of reach
Ignore false prophets and what they preach
Let your experiences and your higher self teach
Be a sustainer and not just a leach
I promise we can change the world if we try
Listen to what people are saying when they cry
We should come together with love and compassion
Quit self loathing and quit people bashin'
Lend each other our heart and our hand
Quit fighting over oil and this sacred land
The Earth is for all of us to share
To create something beautiful with endless care
It's not all about you, it's all about us
Now come join me on my hippie bus
Apollo Hayden Jul 2016
Why are you holding back?
If only you could let go...
Hard times would get easier to handle, if you just embrace the natural flow.
I speak to you with a book wide open, from lines that give light to mind. I am on a journey just the same as you are, so not all that I say may be right. And as life goes on, I'll gain more sight, and know that I was wrong. Yet when the feeling comes from the marrow, I know I've held it in too long, and know it is time to write.
Take those kinks out of your head and give life to what was dead and become resurrected. O sister, we connect telepathically, and O brother, I know you know there is something within us that most can not perceive. There is more of us than the grains of sands in the ocean; our hair is like that of the waves upon the sea. Just open your minds eye to who you are, let go and live naturally.
But how can you know if you don't search, tell me how can you remember if you don't seek?
It's time to erase the lies and unshackle the mind to the truth of your own history.
Miss Grim Jan 2016
Life's a ying and yang
Darkness and the light
A balance must be found
To separate day from night
To be happy on this ride
You must try to understand
The obstacles that you face
In this hourglass of sand
Your soul is like a coin
Each side must be faced
Your angels and your demons
To be accepted and embraced
Do not fear dark or light
For you surely will be lost
Accept it all entirely
No matter what the cost.
Learn to know thyself
Instead of drowning in the pain
Avoiding any part of you
Will make you go insane.
In a time where communications can travel and traverse distances and speeds that make a blink of an eye seem to be that of the wagon wheel in bumpy and troublesome ways and means.

Here we find the simplest of acts, the simplest of ways, the simplest of deeds a word can create, we find it hard to decipher the means and ends to each and everyone.

We find each person seems tipped to tally the tilt kilter of any angle a must to best on any and all ends. no matter the means it stirs in the end of any beings listed and nested trust, or the fading and waning desire of most to listen and hear the actual truth or even need that be expressed.

We can call it natural a reaction, this wading pool timid timely trust that is draining in the people, for it be a reaction to the bested busting of all clear and concise communications that are to be expressed by beings capable of being the highest shelf of *****, all clear and without imperfection in the transparency one desires to achieve in being "clear" about what it is they are saying or expressing.

Now some might feel that I am speaking to or about them, No, not at all. In fact I am speaking simply of this noticeable adherence to some trend or faze it seems, ,,well, putting it nicely and putting it in a manor indicative of lacking the desire to be as vague as humanly possible when it comes to either relaying what it is they mean or what it is they even know of themselves.

Not to be confused with being rude or mean, no, not the angle of communication I am going for. Not at all.
I am going for the simple interesting actuality that we all , including myself, have been and seem to remain aloof to speaking our minds without any doubt or double speak. Why? oh hell, the reasons are vast and ranging and all full of absolute ****... for it is simply this, why put yourself out there for all to beat to hell, when no one seems to grasp the dire need to be clear and concise in this day and age? Well I must say, there is a reason.. because we are not alone in being clear, there are many whom do and many whom have and received far worse beatings, ( debatable for many but you get the point..) that utterly devastated them. and the fact that this day and age is quit literally pivotal to the survival to this entire species  called human beings. and the mix up is about the last **** thing I can think of that any of us need. but that's just me, out swinging blindly in the fog of a war over the very soul of man and myself. Not that that is any great feat, no, not at all. For it seems few are to worry over such things, yet, those who do, are some of the most amazing creatures I have ever had the privilege to know exist. For many i have yet to lay eyes upon in the flesh, yet know of their existence and continued struggles in this very same battle that rages. and rage we must, or fear going silently into the there good **** night.

So, I hope I was clear and if not, then, blame it on my fear. for fearing is one thing we all need not have in our hearts, but do not mistake, do not be foolish in thought, that that fear has no place , for indeed that fear motivates, and can sure as hell devastate the likes of hate, that is if you care to know the difference.

Smile. though we may rage into that wild wilderness of creation where few have respect for their own responsibilities in this here recreational sport, those who do, sure as hell, do it for more than them selves, in fact they do it even for you. Though, mistake no fear for the rule in and of the new laws, for many shall not have the gusted gut to hold a posture well enough to even see such beauty as the truest land and world made of and by the free, a place where suffering is considered a disease, and one that is to be a by gone memory of times only spoken of in museums and class rooms in history books. At least this is what I hope to see.
Nothing important, nor in any pointed manor to nor at anyone. just a thought after a few miscommunications about simple little things that can truly get away from ya and turn into serious issues. like water for pets. the little things mean so much to people like me. call me weird or foolish but yeah, they mean a lot.
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Taking endless photographs of yourself.


So you'll know who you are?


So they never will.
The selfie life is a weird phenomenon. I think it's less a matter of vanity  and more one of identity. I love photography, but photographs can be such false memories especially when they shout "say cheese"
alice Jun 2014
I am who I am;
no one else.
I wonder who you are;
deep inside.
I hear the slamming of keys on a typewriter;
faster, faster.
I see beyond this dimension;
the Earth is minuscule.
I want excitement;
a strange bond by words.

I am stronger than I think.

I pretend my issues don't exist;
burry them in the caverns of my soul.
I feel the warmth of your caress;
my body pulsating with love.
I touch my hip bones;
wondering if they'll always be there.
I worry my life will be incomplete;
somehow stolen from under me.
I cry for the souls who fell short;
into the hands of a living death.

I am reincarnated.

I understand very little;
this is only the beginning.
I say nothing when I should say something;
silence is the only sound.
I dream of peace;
remove the panic.
I try everything;
nothing left undone, nothing left untouched.

I am who I am; no one else.
The "I Am" poem template expanded upon. I first received this template in the 4th grade, thus opening the grand doors of Poetry within my mind.

— The End —