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SelinaSharday Jun 2021
Hoping the sun don't fail by your eyes be seen. hoping light don't fail to show in the darkness where hope need grow.
Reaching where cruelty always strikes mean, as it's stealing comfort where love wants to gleam.
reflecting on a day was born.. and realizing this is where landed earths storm.
Trying to be grateful, and gives thanks. while being punished in sorrowful branks.
Imprisoned and legendary.. worldwide outside or small roomed inside. Your eyes can see whats visionary,. And nothing can steal your imaginary. Till away you go soaring where earthly eyes can't see... man can't understand God forgiving plans... Or how he makes you whiter then snow in his cleansing hands.
For every fed up day..
Just pray .... pray away walls.. scars.. pains and alls.. faith walk  just walk.. and heavenly talk.. God frees the caged lions...Gives them his blessing new beginnings..
Better then where you are.. you are better then what you have done..
your are better then what's said by any man.. Lift your hands.. Clap your hands oh earthly man..
LIFT Your HANDS.. IN WORSHIP LET FLOW God praise from thy lips..
Be ye comforted.. down to your bones...wrapped in psalms 91.. be covered..
selinasharday s.a.m 2021
confined, alone
YoussefM Oct 2017
I close my eyes to live Before i wake up to the reality where im suffering,
I feel , I cry , I believed
My days of suffering are gone ,
But the  scariness is still living inside me ,
The sun made me forget ,
The moon made me remember ,
The alcohol is relaxing me ,
One day for sure the happiness will shine for the heart to flutter in her morning tweeting the song of life .
Ambika Jois May 2016
I’ve walked on fire and thorns
Forgotten what the ground feels like
Every step I took were upon my wounded soles
How does a caged bird know to fly?

I rattled my gates every day
They were strong, metallic and I wasn’t strong
Every lift off was in vain,
How foolish was I to think, to the sky I belonged?

I, like a mother for her child, wanted more
To see within my veins, my being flourish at the mere tune
Every note was becoming a part of a song
How quick was I to dream of this music as a boon?

I feel that rumble inside me
My hunger, anger and desire upon my own pyre
Every day I wish for that first day again
How can I ingrain my liberty from this quagmire?
Ever felt so guilty about having done something you shouldn’t have done? How do we overcome such guilt? How do we forgive ourselves? Every crack of dawn and every approaching dusk, we fear being reminded of our wrong doings. All we want to do is forget that it ever happened. Sometimes, we live every single day with a constant reminder of such things and feel so lost yet liberated that the truth is out in the open. We feel so caged yet freed from the burden of bearing a hidden confession. We feel so ashamed yet lucky to be given another chance to once again become that person we know we want to be. We feel so neglected, undeserving of trust and at the lowest point of self-esteem yet we feel the power of our prayers would give us another life to live it like we could never again commit such a sin.

This poem emblazons the message underlying in our struggles to surmount our better selves from who we used to be. We know we will conquer our hardships and can see ourselves on the greener side of our own emotional quotient but let’s not forget how many doubts, fears, questions, rejections, isolation and punishments it takes for us to climb in order to stand right at the top. That top spot is very much ours, we very much deserve it, and we have every single step from the quagmire to the sky to credit for our liberation.
uzzi obinna Oct 2015
They grow in unattractive places,
yet, they are most adored.
Like a lilly you are darling,
but you remain disturbed.

I will go down the steepest valley,
just to pick you in my arm;
i will lie next to you all day,
to have a feel of your charm.

It hurts when you cry,
cos you look broken and in pain:
why don't you smile always,
so i can feel better and sane.

What do you hide behind your looks?
Is it happiness or is it pain?
Why do you still hurt badly?
Is it of any use or any gain?

Let go of the world behind you,
seek for the goodness ahead.
Find love in the space around you
and clear your cloudy head.
LovelyBones Feb 2015
Sadness is like a prison
A dark and awful place
The inmates will abuse you
And say you're a disgrace
The guards watch you struggle
And don't make a single move
Once you're down and on the floor
Be prepared for doom
The little cell starts getting blurry
You're consumed by deafening light
Sounds begin to disappear
There's no end in sight
But when you think it's over,
There's no way to stand again
A shadowed figure picks you up
And keeps hold of your hand
The very kind who hurt you
Can also heal the wounds
How is that easy to understand
When evil is always assumed
You can't just step out of sadness whenever you want. And you can't really be pulled out of it either.

— The End —