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Ryan Holden Oct 2017
I think I’m crazy,
I think you are too, which makes
Us perfect madness
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Her eyes glisten like
The drops on morning dew grass
Through beams of sunrise
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Drip your ointment in
My flask, let it bind us both
Together as one.
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
I have been waiting
For the day my hand will hold
Yours next to my chest
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Tip toe upstairs, creep
Into my bedroom and steal
My heart, thief at night.
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Walk through the sands of
Time, taste the desert air and
Drink my soul to live.
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
mark all my words
it's not absurd
to be deterred
from how I flirt,
if you prefer
lady, this stirred?
take this hand - dance with me my pearl,
deep breaths we twirl,
a voice unheard
unspoken birds
loose shoes, loose shirts,
loose dress, loose skirts,
and us poets
know which way - you would have preferred.
Just a quick silly write. Enjoy. 4-4-4-4-4-4-8-4-4-4-4-4-4-8.
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Whistle me a tune
Harmonically syncing
melody with mine.

Play me a chord just
so you can hear what I have
been keeping inside.
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
She broke the gateway
to my heart, and let herself
flood all the way in.
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Fragments of your soul
Still make me flutter every
time I think of you.
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