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DubJDaddy Sep 2015
He gave me this everything
I never knew I had it all
I'm sorry for what I didn't say
And when I didn't do at all
I'll call you more often
Look to you for my strength
You gave me my footing
So I can carry this weight

Here in this amazing grace
On this blue little ball
After work my wife's embrace
To my children I call
"Come back home for dinner"
Sit hear at the table we pray
Grateful for this moment and
Thank God for everything
Things can be worse and maybe I should be thankful for what I have now.
Ntsika H Sep 2015
You've cried more tears than waters in oceans.
You've felt pain deeper than the lowest valleys.
You've had more sleepless nights than the light from the moon.
You've seen more than the sky has stars in the sky.
You've been momma since I've opened my eyes.
You're my first smile, my first tear.
You're my first friend.
You're my first protector, educator.
You're my first word.
You're my first love.

You're the first to rescue.
Always there when my lips utter any needs.
You're a provider.
You're my first example.

You're the last to leave when I'm down.
You're the last to cry because you strengthen your smile to stand stronger than your tears.
You're the last person I'd want to disappoint.
You're the last I'd ever wanna hurt.
You're the last person I'd wanna leave
You're the last person I'd wanna see leave this earth.

I've never felt your pain.
I've never cried your tears.

I've felt your love from day one, and after the last day your love will remain the same as the day you held me for the first time and looked me in my half opened eyes with a smile bigger than all the disappointments life had for me.
Through my trials and tribulations, I remember all your teachings.

I've learnt more from you than I could learn from a lifetime in school.

Thank you, Mother.
I love you ❤
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Many have forgotten love, and throw the word around as if some test dumby in a crash car. In true meant to be love... God ordained it long ago; before two Lover's ever meet. Though, yes, he gives us free will to choose who and what we want, he also has preordained us for our "true soulmate's". As before he created all the beauty we see around us, he already mapped out everything to be, before its existence! As tis so many look around, and see the world and us being's as a mistake, or some big mess, though all has order, the plant's, creature's, the star's, the moon, the sun, the planet's all around us, and universe in all completeness. As all has order, all has purpose, whether good, or bad. Yet so many are engulfed by the materialistic pleasure's the world has to offer, and alway's think to ournselves, tommorrow will come, WRONG! Tommorrow shan't always come. Tommorrow doesn't exist. Today does. As heaven and god's kingdom has NO TIME, he's on a different schedule, not man's, he goes by his own law's, not man's...Today we have the choice to love, to give, to forgive, and love another. If family, friend's, soulmate's, no matter the case. Our purpose is to love, as I have found mine soulmate, mine life, and predestined amour', who in all actuality, I've been waiting for, since before birth... When I speak to her I know all is right, all is amazing, as she is; I know she is the home I've been waiting to reside in, as tis she is home to me.......... And when we "me and her" both know when something's wrong with one another, our soul tell's us, as tis God who tell's us when our lover and soulmate is in trouble. And it's even more amazing at that moment you realize even more how much we were meant to be with that lover because when both having trouble's going on our soul and God Whisper's to us " go talk to your queen, or king" because something is wrong, that's a major sign, two of us and two of anyone are meant to be... Free will choice I choose to be with her, and choose to love her and give to her mine life, spirit, love and soul. Though at same time its predestiny. That's the part that blow's mine mind away. Knowing it's already predestined. For the good of God's purpose for us and for him as well...........As I will NOT take for granted ever, mine soulmate, mine freewill lover I choose to be with, and what mine God predestined for me. And honestly, I'd rather have him predestine me her, then anyone else. Because I want noone else. I want mine Jane, mine soulmate, mine home I want to reside. Mine HOME period. One of mine favorite singer's, a new age singer who sound's as from the sixties said it best in his song with his band ( Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zero's), the song called " Home ". His lyric's read............
Home, let me come home, Home is wherever I'm with you.
Home, let me come home, Home is whenever I'm with you.......
As its more then true... When we can feel at home with someone, and know that soulmate is our home " as mine Jane is", and we know when something's wrong with the other person. Because God and our soul tell's us, it's even more a sign, saying "HELLO" you two are meant to be, and I shant never, NEVER, take that love for granted. As I'm more than happy, and blessed. As tis so many forget their blessing's of their soulmate's, and take for granted even waking up!!! Though I am blessed and shalt never forget that.... and love is about working on it daily... Even though we don't have to try in love, in true love we still try anyway's, because we want to please the other person, not ourselves.... And that's something I love doing, one of mine favorite part's is the trying part.... and trying is what we do, because we love the other, and want to please them... Love in all aspect's of life isn't taking, or wanting for you, you, you!!!! Or about what you can get. It's about what we can give other's. As I will give mine queen all of me, because that's mine free will... Because I love her.... Because she's mine soulmate.....
And for that
I'm more than blessed.......
And because she loves me more than she could ever tell me as well; and for that reason, I thank mine God daily, as tis not every day, God send's us down a piece of heaven on earth. And tis NOT every day God give's us an angel to watch over us... And we all have angel's, I am more than grateful. I've got mine... And I won't take that for granted......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley/ truth on love dedication
NeroameeAlucard Aug 2015
This is a poem for those that think we have it easy,
So I'm giving you warning. These verses may make you queasy
Mom, had you wondered why I took up writing
My feelings down in metered rhyming?
It's because there have been days when I desired dying
Days where I had to put on a brave face, and continue silently crying
There were nights that I couldn't bear to see the morning Sun
Fighting my insecurities and trying to iron out my flaws, I felt like I was the only one
There were times when I fell into a hole and all anybody did was laugh or make fun of me
So I dug the hole deeper because no one wanted my company

There were days when I was sure I wasn't good enough
For anybody to care about or even consider knowing, my living was for naught
But every single time that desire became too great.
When I held that knife to my wrist or throat and my heart began to race
A voice in the back of my head would say
"Brandon, what would your mother think,
If she walked in and saw you bleeding in the sink?"

So I forced myself to get up and keep going, at the very least for your sake
And it wasn't easy with somebody judging or criticizing every step that you take
I'd have thought that saying, "I've taken 19 years of life what more can you bring?"
Would be enough to make the angels in heaven sing
But I guess I was wrong, like in Bart gets an F
No matter how hard I tried it seems like my destiny is to never know happiness, like at the bottom of a well.
So thank you Lord, for keeping me with a reasonable portion of health
And thank you mom, for keeping me going through my own personal Hell.
I'm at my best
When i'm surrounded with people who love and respect me
When i never asked for such an honor
But i thank God every day for this to be granted to me
It's like i'm being knighted by the Queen of England daily
And i hold that same sheepish smile inside every time
But it's a signature of who i am
I'm so proud of the things I've done right
Because those words that tell me the opposite like to swim around my ears like a fairy who turned to the dark side
And has been engulfed with hate and bitterness
I'm putting an end to the lack of oxygen
And allowing the world to breath again.
Because some people are losing oxygen and things they think they deserve.
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015
Chipmunks, squirrels collecting
bitternut hickory, chirping
against a small owl cruising
low beneath the trees.

Everyone has gone this morning
to school or work. Laundry rolling,
carpets vacuumed, cleaning
in the bathroom on my knees.

I'd like to be Whitman, praising
the pure contralto, Wynton practicing
all day. But like my father dying
I cannot hear what I cannot see.

Locally there's politics, processing
points of view. Eventually coming
to a decision, building or not building
windmills on the sky, bridges in the sea.

Insignificant and mighty happenings
seem the same from my vantage ageing
gratefully, inexorably, planning
how to die in my own **** way.
emily grace Jul 2015
i am grateful for the short time i had with you
and the way i was loved so incredibly
i lived for the little infinities we created
on the back roads and in your bedroom
where time mysteriously disappeared
and all we had was the way our hearts synchronized

i am grateful for the hours we spent
discovering who we were as one
instead of two troubled individuals who spent
too much time divulging in their own dusty skeletons they keep in totes underneath the bed
finding each other in the small corners of the world
like on top of a bluff
or in the middle of a river
where the only thing that mattered
was the way lips warm and the way bodies melt together

i am grateful for the heartbreak
for the tears that have been shed for you
because without you i would have never known
what it feels like to be broken by someone
who i love unconditionally
and what it feels like to live without the other half of me

between the sadness and the hopelessness i felt within me
i learned how to sew my body together
to make a whole being once again
even though the scars and the holes still remain
i'm someone again
i hope you are as well
sorry for the barrage of poetry, just getting around to posting some of my old stuff that i think is half decent.
Lily Jul 2015
I'm sorry for the lonely,
I'm sorry for the mad.
I'm sorry for the poor,
For the things they ever want.

I'm sorry for the hungry,
I'm sorry for the bad.
I'm sorry for the rich,
Never contented of what they had.

I'm sorry for the fool,
I'm sorry for that lad,
For that girl who trusted him
For his gift of broken heart

I'm sorry for the world.
I'm sorry for those blood,
I'm sorry for these sins,
Oh please forgive me God.

© **Leigh Herondale
Impromptu eh
We are so close, but not just by physical touch;
I can feel you the way I feel my cheeks warm up,
after you have said something
that inevitably causes me to blush.

Its as though our souls are connecting
on the same frequency
radiating off the core of this Earth.
This pleasure is unnoticed by most,
but we can feel it
like we feel the blood dripping down our thighs
on a substandard night.

Before we started talking, so many years ago,
I never believed in true love
or really love at all.
I always assumed it was just all in the head,
and two people could only connect to a point,
unless you were related to each other.

After the first year and a half or so of talking to you regularly,
you proved me wrong.
You proved what I grew up believing
for 16 to 17 years was completely false.

For if I had never met you,
to this day, I more than likely would of continued preaching
to myself, that everyone else
who has experienced this feeling called
'love' was insane.

Life without you would of still been bearable,
but only because I would still be lost in ignorance.
I am more than grateful you walked out of your way
to meet up with me that night three summers ago.
I owe you so much, and will cherish every moment
I'm blessed with standing by your side.
I'll make it a point to provide a nurturing life for you,
one worth living for.

You are my world, my inspiration,
the main reason I look forward to waking up,
or falling asleep cuddled in your lovely arms.
I cannot wait to see you later today and hug you,
while my heart races with satisfaction
like the first time you put your arm around me.
This is more than just some fairy-tale,
this is still the beginning steps of our long journey together.
So we mustn't give up when things go south,
for if we do,
it will be the undoing
of what our relationship has always been about.

You truly are my best friend,
the one person who'll never let me fall
if you know you are capable of preventing it,
even if i don't want your help at all.  I appreciate that,
even when my words or actions do not acknowledge it.
You truly are the only reason i was able to climb out of that dark lonely tunnel of agonizing depression;
for everyone else either dragged me father down or walked out.
You are my life saver, my sweet guardian angel.

I love you, my dearest, Chris, forever and always.
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