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Lostling Mar 17
The darkness is coming,
You know this all too well.
You can see the drowning sun
Feel the breath of the icy wind
As the night stretches its claws across the sky

The darkness is coming.
And there's nothing you can do
But watch as the last rays of light shatter
And your fragile hope flickers,
Fading into ash.

The darkness is coming
You wait with dread
As ink bleeds into the sky,
And shadows crawl from the cracks
To dance upon your fears.

The darkness is coming
You fight for your life
But the shadows coil around your lungs,
Dragging you down,
Where your screams are swallowed whole.

The darkness is coming
And you almost welcome it,
Letting it pull you under,
Where broken dreams and forgotten prayers
Linger in the void.

The darkness is coming.
So you surrender,
Eyes closed,
Heart still beating—
Waiting for whatever comes next.
Archer Feb 1
I’ll smile
For attention
And then **** it
Within seconds
Cause you’re dumb
Rose Dec 2024
I want to quit,
I can’t do this anymore,
The weight of it all —
It crashes, it pours.

I’m drowning in feelings,
Too heavy, too raw,
I don’t want to feel them,
I’m breaking, I fall.

I need the hurt to end,
One way or another,
I need to escape,
To find something other.

I want to quit,
I can’t wear this face,
I’m suffocating slowly,
In this endless race.

I need a way out,
A hand, something solid,
I’m reaching, I’m sinking,
The world feels so pallid.

God, I need help,
I’m screaming inside,
I want to quit,
I don’t want to hide.
Nobody Dec 2024
giving up on this life, eating less food i'm going on strike. i hold the knife, i want to take my life. the cuts on my wrists don't hurt no more, but they start to when my mom opens the door. i **** in my stomach so that nobody sees, leave me alone, please. my heart has stopped pumping, stopped thumping, blood is clumping and i can't do this anymore. losing hope, i don't want to cope, wash my mouth with soap because i told you way too much. my teeth are rotting, my vision is spotting, no bunny is hopping and the world just isn't the same anymore. i don't trust you after you pushed me to the floor. but every single time, i come begging, begging for more, knocking on your door, asking your mom if you can play. i'm no longer welcome with my friends, i can't seem to follow the trends. i'm giving up, tbh.
a flower
on the pavement
struggling in the scorching sun,
even though it should help
it just makes it worse
too much sun
it stops

and the
rain floods in
left alone
it all balances out

but it doesn’t
the flower wilts

depression is just... so fun
Bree17 Oct 2024
I’m scared that if I sleep too much
I won’t want to wake again.
Like my book will be finished
If for a second, I set down the pen

I’m tired, yet I don’t sleep
My eye lids like a weighted blanket
As I live life half awake
While dreaming of a casket

I’m scared of sleeping too much
Scared of losing time
Or of being awake for too long
And instead losing my mind

So, yes, I’m afraid of sleep
Of what affect it would make
Afraid I’ll lose the will to live
And lose my will to wake

But how do I differentiate  
Between too much and just enough
And how do I say I’m doing fine
Without ending in a bluff

I have so little fight left in me
And so, I’m terrified
That if I’m offered a safe place
I’ll never cease to hide
ro g Sep 2024
i wish to be a bubble
light and shiny
floating and soaring through the sky.

i wish to rest upon the clouds
oh for i could finally rest myself
lay there
and be transparent
let light shine through me
absorb me
engulf every cranny of my being
air pick me up
and drop my body
let it drop from thousands of feet
and shatter upon impact.

i want to be weightless
let go of myself and let myself be taken
by everyone everything every breath
swayed and pushed
flying to nowhere

but to be a bubble
is as feasible as any other dream
for when i wake up
the clouds will fall
rain on me
and the bubble pops.

the brick didn’t shatter
so i tape the pieces that strayed away
and i’m back to walking
down the same road
to anywhere,


kel Sep 2024
everytime I'm with other people,
I get reminded of how talentless I am-
they're all ******* shining stars,
while I'm one of those that are glow-less,
tucked away in a lil corner.
maybe I'm born in the wrong era,
maybe I'll be talented in another day.
maybe, just maybe, I'm famous in a parallel universe.
but they're all 'maybes'
isn't it time to give up?
Sink me gently down into the quiet depth,
where time and sound hold silent,
subdued beneath the surface.

I escape to the air one bubble at a time.

I push myself out, one bubble at a time..

I force myself out, one bubble at a time…

A small piece of freedom
to give this up,
and breathe in the sweet wet air.
Heavy and thick in my lungs,
it slows my heart
with tired blood,
till last life lays me down
to sleep.

Glassy eyed and smiling from my murky bed,
I am home.
And what a beautifully horrible way to go.
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