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And suddenly I’m at your funeral                                              
                                                                ­   again. Your body is

          bloodied, laying in the little, black, box.        
                                                             ­  Your face is marred.

Or maybe it’s my tears                                                            ­              
                                                  ­     that make me                                    
   ­                                                                 ­                        how you look(ed)
              You shouldn’t be there.               I won’t be there.
                                              Unless you call for me.         But
                                                                              dead people don’t speak.
And then I’ll climb down to your bed
Just to make sure you’re still breathing
greatsloth Mar 20
If my desire of immortality
Was not delivered on Tyche's oak desk
And my neck accepted Death's penalty,
Make my funeral transient and modest.

Do not dump me bunch of would-wilt flowers
Nor weep with salty tears upon my earth
Instead scatter me some seeds of asters
For when they blossom it is my rebirth.

Though if God of Wishes grant me this dream,
Erase my name from your reminiscence
As I have ventured out this weary realm—
I'm with the stars flaunting my omniscience.

Either way I'll try to end it laughing,
A fitting mood for my new beginning.
Jonathan Moya Mar 17
I tried on several of my father’s
old Brooks Brother suits
just before his funeral,
trying to save myself the expense
of an outfit I didn't need.  

Each was too tight on the collars.
too short on the sleeves, each
crotch inseam strangled my manhood.
I had outgrown them all.

Almost all of it will go to Goodwill-
except maybe for those old coal wingtips,
(still in their slightly battered but original box)
heels and soles worn down from hospital rounds,
the leathers evenly laced, spit and
polished to a proper navy shine,
solid and smooth, enough to go from
monolithic to Marley vinyl
without missing a beat.

I could almost hear “The Great Pretender”
play as he glided my future mom
(literally,”The Beauty Queen of Fulton Burrough”)
across the ballroom floor, and then,
suddenly stop, and leave her,
as the hospital pager buzzed on his belt.

All my father- a short, balding but
approachable looking guy, with the
devil’s goatee- ever needed to win
my mother over, was Nat King Cole.
What he left her with, was Harry Belafonte
swooning his existential sorrows out to her-
“Day-o, midnight come and I want to go home.”

I smelled the stale odor of talc
distinguishing itself from moth *****,
and was tempted to slip them on,
but figured the cost to resole them
wouldn't be worth the price. Besides,
that oxblood polish would be too hard
to find.  I left them there for the next
tenant to decide their fate.
Gideon Mar 8
The day they lower me into the dirt,
I want to be remembered by my work.
One day when I am six feet under,
I want my treasures torn asunder.
I won’t need riches, wealth, or money.
After all, it’s kinda funny.
They won’t follow me to hell.
I want to be remembered well.
May my art lead others to glee.
May my work make others free.
After all, what’s the point, if it all ends with me?
Art and creation are for confronting mortality.
Zywa Mar 2
Condolences can

be a battle: whose loss, whose --

sorrow is greater?
Film "Ljósbrot" ("Refraction" / "When the light breaks", 2024, Rúnar Rúnarsson)

Collection "Greeting from before"
When I die
I wish to be

Cut up into pieces
of useful and useless
and distributed
where I'm needed

To serve the world

When I die
I don't want a coffin
Or to be dressed up and posed
as if I am sleeping
For we all know I am not sleeping

I do not want to be burned
Or preserved by chemicals that only
the inevitable

I want to be a part of nature's
To be eaten by my arthropod friends
and torn apart by wild things and scavengers
To assist proudly in medicine, science, and nutrition
for all the world's species

When I die
Do not bury my body
For I no longer inhabit it

Cast that rotting sack of flesh aside
and use it for good

When I die
do not mourn me
Do not say
"rest in peace"
for I am not resting
Do not say
"gone but not forgotten"
For I am not gone, and will soon be forgotten here

When I die
Celebrate all of the memories
The good and the bad
Tell all my secrets
Read all my poems and letters
Perhaps you will finally understand me
I've always found funerals and cemetaries beautiful, but a bit silly. After all, we all have the same fate: the beautiful process of decomposition
Raven Jan 9
This thing we built,
Made from Death and Broken Dreams,
I suppose it was doomed from the start,
But I never expected it to carry you away from me,
Across the boiling sea,
As you sail away in your black ship,
Eyes closed for good,
It was supposed to carry me with you,
But it took off too soon,
And I'm left here with a bleeding heart,
Wondering if you're enjoying the Next Life.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
The last breath
The last death
The last phone call
The last fall
The last funeral
The last burial
The last roll
The last poll
The last smile
The last style
The last flight
The last rite
The last crap
The last stop
Alas! Somewhere
There is a last
That we can bear
We need the past
To move on in life
After a barmy gaffe
We weep and we laugh
As we sail solo on the life raft.

Copyright © July 2022, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.
M Nov 2024
last month i summoned a ghost to haunt my own house

i could tell you why, but i don't think i know

i could i wanted something to point at and say
that's what hurt me, that's what did it

something you would blame at my wake
while you gather around and call me a fighter
gather round and call me brave

selfishly, i wanted to make a big deal
but in the end i felt too bad to make one
i didn't scream beg
tears in my eyes as i look at the camera
ask the audience for penance, ask for god

in the end, it got me quietly
i thought about waving my arms so you would see but
i waited too long to decide that
so you didn't see me through the window, pulled apart by some unseen force, some malevolent creature that got the best of me

so at my wake you will call me quiet
you will call it a surprise
you will still call me brave
i will not see, how would i know when

i left when i said i would when
i meant it when i told you i
wasn't coming back for what i left behind
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Mamá se ha ido
Ya no está viva
Mamá dejo la tierra
En el cementerio
Mamá está más allá
Ella está, en verdad, aquí y allá
Mamá está muerta
Y ya no sale
Con nosotros, bajo el sol
Mamá está en el cielo
Ella nos mira y nos escucha
Está pasando un buen rato
Para vernos quejar y gritar
Mamá está con la Virgen María
Ambos nos escuchan y ríen
Con tanta alegría que ellas lloran
En el paraíso donde nadie muere
Mamá se fue, de viaje
Apenas puedes verlo en las nubes
Mamá se quedó con nosotros
Ella es invisible, dentro de nosotros
Y todos deseamos a otras madres
Felices estancias en el cementerio
¡Que la tierra sea ligera!

PD: Este poema está dedicado a todos aquellos que perdieron a 'Mamá'.

Copyright © Abril 2024, Hébert Logerie, todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de varias colecciones de poemas.
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