My arms are jello and my face is red,
I feel so weak and my legs are lead.
Because I've seen she's just walked in.
I can't explain- I can't even begin.
With eyes that sparkle like the moon,
She seems to come close much too soon.
I fluster and laugh and get all confused,
because with her I always lose.
I never know what to do,
Except to scrape the floor with my shoe.
What to do and what to say
To hide from her my ecstasy?
I love it when she's next to me.
Anything else I cannot see.
An invisible spotlight- and a wall
which is thick and impossibly tall.
I like her.
I'm sure.
I know it's true.
You know it, too.
But I can't tell her.
Not today, no sir.
I'm too afraid of denial
And to lose that beautiful smile.
So close but so far.