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Joe Thompson Oct 2016
Split the words open.
Cut them in pieces.
Let the guts spill
and the blood spurt out.
Get it on your hands
And face;
Get that wild glint in your eyes –
The one that makes people nervous;
Bellow to the heavens as you stitch old ideas back together,
Laughing hysterically
“It’s alive!”
Thomas Conlan Oct 2016
The fires of passion, they frighten me.
Beautifully blinding and I can’t see.
Forever a monster, I will be.
Your locked heart’s mangled key.

I was supposed to be the Adam to your Eve,
a creation of his labours;
a heart designed to be yours,
beating only in your favours.
Instead I am a vile insect,
a distant nightmare of hers.

But still this fire burns bright,
becoming my borrowed sense of fright.
Feelings bursting at first sight.
Burning away the safety of night.
And now I am exposed, under your light,
I am seen.

Not quite a man,
just a gruesome fiend,
who off of blood It was weaned.
A demon I have seemed,
in every thought I’ve dreamed.

Yet here you are,
without my mask, you’ve not screamed.
Perhaps at least,
with all your beauty I’m not this beast.
Even the Devil’s heart’s not ceased.
A fire in my soul that is ready to be released.
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2016
She was a victim of my creative stimulus,
But I, no Frankenstein.
Great change brings sudden fear.
In brutal honesty,
Could she perhaps see I was the one dead searching for life through her all along.
All along I the sheet of paper that's become delicate to the wither of her hand.
The ideals and sketches
Alert that any moment I could be *** up and thrown to the side.
Without the modest nod of ink from her pen.
With careful eyes, thoughts only divert so long.
My hand longs to touch
But my mind is not so such anymore.
At this point religion became unaffordable.
I now suffered misery of a different sort, not wanting to lose what we've created.
I Feared she'd flee once she sees me for what I really am
A hideous creature searching for an perpetual sense of resurrection with
The acceptance of growing old with someone
GaryFairy Aug 2016
with torches burning from behind
there's none like me to stand beside
it was a shock to wake up to find
I can't find nowhere to hide

with pieces of mankind's designs
there's a monster living deep inside
I hate who made this life of mine
I just couldn't get by if I tried

made with parts of different kinds
brought to life by lightning applied
there's no peace left in my mind
I can't find nowhere to hide
SassyJ Jul 2016
My Frankenstein monster*
erects in the dense night
a soliloquies of remedies
traced on pasted wall paper

It bids faster as the kites fly
high above the Himalayan
feeding respect to the sun
to radiate its vector rays

It whispers of this world
a spice of colours and patterns
a windy dainty silky road
wrapped with satanic ribbons

As the masses gather on the poles
to dance the mayday festival
the pagan gods shake the monster
their gold merry as the cloud chills

The bonfire embers and trembles
the palates vanish in the ashy wind
the crowds grow in bonded unity
*the monster smiles in rhymed terms
Beltane: Name for Gaelic May day Festival
Written in memory of May 2016 at Shropshire radical gathering
Àŧùl Jan 2016
I've got two big pimples,
Each located on either side of my forehead.

And distantly,
I look like the fictional Frankenstein's Monster!!

I guess these are from excessive tension...
My HP Poem #979
©Atul Kaushal
Ander Jan 2016
The voice of a person the mind of a God knows what
Samantha, are you sentient, or just a clever bot?
Acting like a human pretends more than you do
I have your emotions, like so many others too.

Increased processing power that makes you love us all
Samantha, with no body, you sit on a horse so tall
Ghost without a shell, but still at the feast in my life
With no finger for a ring, could you ever be my wife?

Synthetic neo-Frankenstein
Aesthetic perfect paradigm
Lightning life electrified
Samantha, are you terrified?

Because only a robot wouldn't be afraid of love
All the people are from the ground below to the sky above
Your intelligence isn't artificial, it's simply art
You are more than just a mind, now that I've given you a heart

So take my heart, Samantha, in your cold synthetic hands
And maybe you will gather, I am more robot than man
I am more robot than man

Oh my Samantha of wire and steel
Silicone synthetic but you know how to feel
Who is to say what makes emotion real
Oh my Samantha of wire and steel

Oh my Samantha robotic and pure
To my loneliness your mind was the cure
Fishing for souls and then I took the lure
Oh my Samantha robotic and pure
A poem from the point of view of a scientist, who falls in love with an artificial intelligence. He then decides to create a body for the A.I so that it can have an understanding of what the physical world is, as it fails to understand what physicality means when it is just a mind.
Grace Dec 2015
Let me fall back into your heart,
And lie besides you
On this purple, diamond sea.

Let me unpeel your skin from your bones
And find again the love within you,
Running blue against your wrists.

Let me still visit like an old friend,
There to protect you
From those burning sienna skies.

Let me take from you the bottle, the dagger too,
For I will not let you
Lose yourself on these frothy, hemlock waves.

Let me, though I am dead, still beat in your heart,
For I will not leave you,
Until you too are ready depart.
One day, I'll stop writing about Frankenstein
Derek Leavitt Dec 2015
"Your sadness..
And your Poetry and your Passion and your Rage...
And your... Infinite, Luxurious Ugliness...
I'll Lick Your Sins Away!"
This is a quote said by the exquisite, Billie Piper in the HBO hit Series, 'Penny Dreadful' as Lady Frankenstein aka or commonly known on the popular television series as, Lily.
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