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They closed their thoughts.
Genuineness is unwelcome in this world.
Their purpose and cause remain hidden.
Smiling ironically with their sharp hearts,
they tied disappearing ethics with golden threads.

Now they invite you to the feast.
The milky blood of a thousand voices is served,
at the table's abundance of emptiness.

Who are they? Survivors,
shaped by silent consent,
walk through the vast field of lost values,
tainted with soulless conformism.
They are afraid, so afraid of their dark shadows…
Steve Page Dec 2024
It was the first minutes of the morning after.  
The feast of Stephen boldly trod across the threshold
and waded through the leftovers
of Christmas delights and indulgences,
the echoes of family festivities,
and the discarded wrapping
still clinging to twists of Sellotape.  

The delights repeated,
the echoes faded
and all the discarded
lay deep and crisp and uneven,
even as we followed the heat
of the good King's steps,
into the cruel cold,
seeking the blessing of fresh fuel
for the wider feast ahead.
After Good King Wenceslas by John Mason Neale.
Steve Page Dec 2024
Herbie ain’t no herbivore
He’s more of a feasting guy
His taste buds are testy
His jaws are real itchy
For a succulent turkey thigh

No, Herbie is no herbivore
And when he’s in the kitchen
He’ll alway stay focused
Ready to show us
Food is much more than nutrition

Herbie is no herbivore
There’s more to life than greens
But it shouldn’t be said
That his mum and his dad
Haven’t taught him to love chilli beans

Herbie is no herbivore
This Christmas there'll be no doubt
He’ll feast like a prince
On pies filled with mince
And turkey and maybe a sprout
With love to the Butcher family
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Thank you Almighty Great God for giving US
This extraordinarily blessed and gleeful holiday
The turkeys are being fried, baked or roasted
The cranberry sauce is protected from the snow dust
The children are happy because their stomach
Will be plentifully filled up with healthy food
Cakes and ice cream will put everyone in a great mood
The homeless will be feasting on the deck
Happily sitting around the well garnished table
Like everyone, they dream that every day
Was as special as today, where God’s graces
Are raining gold all over the United States
This is neither a tale nor an imaginary fable
Today feels like payday, today is a joyous day.

The Wednesday before this amazing day
Should be called White Wednesday
Since the day after this day
Is notoriously called Black Friday
Thank you God for this special gift
For this day of hope; it sounds like a myth
No other country celebrates like us
This is truly a blessed day
This is like payday, this is a happy day
We all wish that we had more appetite
We all wish that we could remain light
After so many richly varied and delicious meals
Throw away the scales and the diet pills
For just today, let’s enjoy ourselves
Let’s not worry, and don’t pay attention to our curves.

Copyright © November 24, 2011, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
I'm neither talking about the turkey
Who’s running for President
Nor the one which is a country
Now embroiled
And roiled in turmoil
I am talking about the huge pheasant
That we all like to fest on the last Thursday
Of November every year, and on New Year’s Day.

I can’t wait to enjoy its thighs and wings
I can’t wait afterwards to make the swings
Squeak and cry, because we all weigh more
Than before: the skinny, the rich and the poor.
Happy Thanksgiving Day everybody
The President already pardoned a gorgeous turkey.

Copyright © November 25, 2015, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Bekah Halle Jun 2024
I have a seat at the table,
I will feast til I'm unable!
Farah Taskin Apr 2023
I was eagerly
waiting for Eid
I felt
looking at
the crescent
Felicity! Felicity!
And Felicity!
Majestic Eid
is the magical
Beautiful morning!
Beautiful noon!
Beautiful evening!
And Beautiful night!
The cosmos has been flooded
with festive light!
Annalise Jan 2023
Climbing clouds on calamitous clouds
Which break underneath my feet.
Feat of power feast of kings
Milking blood from the plump vine discrete.
They tear man from limb and brother
For judges to goblet just few.
How was anyone to know
I reach for the smaller of the two.
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