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Annie Jan 2020

How distant
How near
You’re the only wolf I fear

Beside my nightstand
You stay
Such a safe play

A hungry lion
Hiding in tall grass
Perfect moments never last

Slow, steady
You make no sound
Yet I hear you howl
Each time you step away
Whispering a spell
“Don’t you tell.”
Eitten S Jan 2020
We’re off to see the wizard
The wonderful wizard of Oz
The one with courage, a brain, a heart, and a solution
The powerful wizard of Oz
The man, no being!, who has these wonderful things
The wonderful wizard of oz
You walk into his room
The wonderful room in Oz
You ask your questions
Oh wonderful wizard of Oz!!
Will you give me what I need? What I crave?
Please oh wondrous magician of Oz!
‘Why of course’ he says
For he is the wonderful wizard of Oz
‘You need a brain? Courage? A heart? A home?
Asks the inquisitive wizened man of Oz
‘Take mine and go, for I have no need of them
I want to fly away from this confining land of Oz
Take everything I have and let me float away
The man in the sky from Oz
Waving from above the clouds
In a wondrous balloon above Oz
You’ve been off to see the wizard
The wonderful wizard of Oz
And you’ve found, that he is a lost man
The hopeless man from oz
Twilight Breaking Dawn, page 329, Title of chapter 17
Empire Jan 2020
tw: self harm

Something’s wrong with me
I need... I need something
I want to draw lines
Quick strokes
Then pause to watch
Then pause to feel
It fill in red
It’ll stiiiiiinnngggg....
I’ll see the garnet drops grow
Until they trickle down my arm
Leaving a carmine trail behind

And through it all
Relief will flood my body
I’ll forget about everything around me
In that moment
The pressure is released
And I feel okay again
At least for a bit
Fantasizing can’t be a good sign....
Ellie Grace Dec 2019
We held so much promise in our youth
Believing that together, we could change the world
It was a time before the darkness had settled into both of our bones.
Before pain had found a home inside our chests.
We were just two people searching for something more
Some grander purpose.

It wasn’t until much later,
With the consequences of the years that followed on our shoulders
That we realised,
Instead of changing the world
We lit a match
And watched it burn
We weren't the heroes after all
Ithaca Dec 2019
The sound of crimson rain descending from large, black clouds and landing with a vengeance on reinforced steel echoed solemnly throughout the night sky.

This post-demolition city was destroyed beyond recognition after the warhead hit.

Barren streets decorated with scattered rubble and the smell of decay saturated the night air. The radiation caused the rain to turn the color of blood; the blood of the millions of people that the projectile disintegrated.

Just North of the blast radius, a small, barely standing apartment complex stood ***** from the broken ground.

On the second floor of this hotel of hell, two teenagers, a boy and a girl, were quickly becoming men and women; their pleasure loud, but never heard.

Above them on the third floor, a woman hung **** from the ceiling. Her sickly body covered in boils from the radiation.

Two floors below, seven skeletons were spread equidistant from each other. The boy and girl had moved them surreptitiously after doing something with them that even I would not in right mind divulge.

The fourth floor was a horrible sight. A dying baby screaming helplessly; his mother and father lying dead beside him; they both shot themselves. The baby was born with six tiny, black eyes, and no legs to crawl. He’d take his last breath before the sun rose in the morning.

The boy finished his act, and took a large puff of a cigarette. The girl, completely satisfied and lying in blood, chose the needle. The boy followed.

It was their escape. A way to leave the pain of being orphaned by the war. Every single loved one and friend was slaughtered like cattle by the enemy. It was only them now.

This was their first night at the makeshift hotel, and they came willing to die. Together. They knew the radiation would overcome their sickly bodies.

There was nothing left to live for.
No place to call home.
Hölle auf Erden.
O night divine.
Sky, trees are
grey green but light
Still lakes, move sorrow motionless
Rotten leaves below –and above.
Rain water, deep

Who with who?
Where is where?
When is when?

DingDang TingDang Dinng
Will our party come up soon?
Fantasy dances but will reality confuses
Feelings are out of blue,
Suddenly breathing air;
(moonlight leaves shadows).

DingDang TingDang Dinng
Shall we open box of candy canes
Fantasy sight to see prettiest holly that will be
silver lanes aglow 
There silent images shimmer now
and - air breathing suddenly - break.

His and her stories world-over,
that your personal poet is
warming to record.
It doesn't  matter about rain or snow
But isn’t’ it beginning to look like in a
(Christmas Fantasy land now)
By Angel.XJ  20/12/2019/
Ithaca Dec 2019
A subtle wind gently eased wild hair from his smiling eyes; the faintest hint of her essence hugged his comfy winter coat.

Not a mile to the East, the same breeze drifted wearily towards a lonely house near a sparkling frozen river.

There, kneeling at the edge of the water, a beautiful girl felt a subtle breeze gently caress her shiny blonde hair.

The young maiden breathed in as the wind continued to brush past her shoulders. She exhaled with a giggle and a blush.

This extravagant December morning, the sun rose in lavish style over the snow-bleached horizon.

The lad had worked as a paper boy in this cozy town for a little over a year, and the morning before, he had spotted the most gorgeous girl kneeling by a riverbed.

The young boy nearly broke his bicycle, he kicked the brakes with such force. He sat with open mouth and marveled at such a sight.

The girl saw the boy out of the corner of her right eye, and shifted a little in a knowing manner.

The smitten lad turned a shade of red that would make the Devil jealous, and tried to call out to this beauty. His voice failed him.

Feeling the attraction radiating from the boy, the lass arose gracefully and walked towards him.

The shocked boy seemed to forget how to walk for an instant. He fell flat on his face. He heard a hearty giggle, and though he thought himself a total klutz, he began to laugh at himself, with each breath ingesting cold, wet snow.

“Saylor”, said the girl, offering a hand up for the boy.

“Titan”, the boy replied, taking her hand. Laughing seemed to restore his confidence.

“Sorry for staring” Titan said apologetically. “I’m sure you get that a lot”.

Little did young Titan know, Saylor had been watching him every morning for weeks. Through the dining room window, she would watch as he would throw the paper towards her house, and pedal over the bridge leading into town.

“Don’t apologize” Saylor remarked. “You should come back tonight. It’s been a while since I’ve laughed like that.”

Not knowing exactly what she meant by that, and also not wanting to make himself look like a complete invalid by asking, Titan got back on his bike with a smile as grand as his elaborate fantasies of the night to come.
Please let me know if you would like a continuation :)
And if you’re wondering about the names, the answer is yes.
Carlo C Gomez Dec 2019
She's in parties,
He's in options,
Diluted ideologies unite,
Mood rings and **** carpeting,
Time to ride
The swing.

A bit of nerves,
Warm the hands with Jamaican ***,
All the wives then merrily lift
Their skirts in tandem,
Advertising disparate *******,
The color of come-on.

Spin the bottle,
Pass the blindfold,
****-a-hoop and tied-up,
Guess who's lips you kiss next (?)

They had a lovely evening
--And in someone else's pants.

The couple who plays together
Strays together.
Argue it out in the car
Or go home now.

Once the keys are mixed up,
You're game for the ne plus ultra
Of strange bedfellows,
And even stranger inclinations.
Sylph Dec 2019
Im sorry
Again i couldnt do it
I disappointed you
Im Sorry
Your expectations of me..
I tried
I did
but my mask
it just fell apart
My demons
escaped his cage
The thorns broke through the surface
I sorry you saw that...
My monsters
A cunning small fox
Spiral horns
Coal black
Sharp teeth
dripping the blood
My past mistakes
I didnt want you to see
I hid them from you best i could
saved your innocence
How much longer did your want me to lie?
Lead on a fantasy
Your wanted to believe
but we have to face it
Im the same monster
This didnt turn out as good as i thought it would in my head but its decent i think
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