Lowly, ornery moments, viciously crusade
Whispering damnable, through tempestuous winds
Seeking the core being of auspicious people
To wreck the wholesomeness they hold
Without merit; without claim; only with lurid enmity
These satirical shadows lurking
Crave our every fallen promise
Of living a full life of exemplary character
So they can manipulate susceptible thoughts
For their own ghoulish behaviourism
The tacky underhand played by cruel intentions
Mystifies the drunken stupor of our senses
Who strive to live abjectly without fear
In the torrid aftermath of our foolishness
Are left the maudlin remnants of our self-esteem
When harmony within us is weak
Tomorrow is left to renew
The rambunctious craze of melancholia
Hiding behind contemptuous eyes of disturbia
Propensely echoing through our minds
~••~»» some people seem hell bent on creating drama, hurt and destruction in their wake. Determined to corrupt decent souls who just wanna get on with this thing called life ~••»»