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the fear
that binds the wall
that hides the truth
is non logical
but rational

divides the self
and keeps me aloof

must be named
but not shamed
to make me whole

it serves a use
that has no use

fear is the function
of the wound
the causation of confusion
and its taken root
kind hands Mar 9
i had
a slice of normality
the other day

it was
******* delicious
kind hands Mar 9
dont feed me
to the vultures

im already
skin and bone
AE Mar 7
You would say something about the push and pull of every day. And we would plop down with ideas. Think of this and think of that.
Throwing words like imagine and wouldn't it be amazing out into the open. You would even make plans, with patterns and colours for something to go on your wall, your own wall, whenever you'd have a wall. How many of those open docs do you have on your computer, with half-finished chapters and riveting denouements? I know it's hard to believe the people we once used to be. And sometimes fistfuls of carpet can feel like your only way to grip onto the world. Sometimes it feels easier to tear yourself limb from limb than look for your voice. It feels easier to sink into your bed, asleep or searching for sleep than to walk the miles ahead. Waking up every morning, de-shelling yourself, and stepping outside of who you are and used to be can make your bones ache deeply. There isn't much to say about the push and pull of everyday, except that there is a wall, your wall, and it's blank.
kind hands Mar 3
give me something real
a hand to hold
so i can feel

not just a flailing soul
in lifes bitter gale

torn and tethered
hands of steel

give me something real
a hand to hold
so i can feel
kind hands Feb 25
this nauseating numbness
eats away
day after day


and still
the water drips
tipping me
from restless

ripping me
towards a man
whos broken and helpless

it wears me down
hoarse and breathless

it dont change
day after day

grab it
but i cant catch it
its my life
and its passing me by
kind hands Feb 28
this rubiks cube
is spinning & dancing
and im always ******* grasping

empty hands
clasp again
im tired of this grey noose

house of straw
built once more
or will it take root

share your words
share your thoughts
help me navigate
RisingUp Jan 24
Internally, she crumbles.

She doesn't know where she's
been the past few months.
Living in a bad nightmare.


As the robot mask of herself
pulls her along.
Drags her through it.

As her personality fades,
Sense of self depletes.

Others question why,
or why she couldn't have prevented this.

"You should have known better" -
A phrase that feels like a dagger
piercing her heart.


She's a bird with a broken wing.

Mere months ago, this wasn't the case.
She was a bird soaring high.
Felt helpful, useful, proud.
Ecstatic to be using her knowledge
for good and supporting and
advocating for those she cared about most.
Using her intelligence and learning.

How dare you shame her
blame her.
She has more guts and strength
than you'll ever know.
She conquered darkness,
a feat few can say.

She built a life worth living,
and now that's slipping away.

So call her flakey
Call her stupid

Judge her all you want.

But she knows she is powerful

A force to be reckoned with
A phoenix rising from the ashes.

She'll shut other voices out
Listen to herself
Come to terms with her self doubt
and forge forward reclaiming her Self
Man Jul 2023
I don't want you have no difficulty,
With the things you're still in motion for.
Likewise those you have emotion for,
Physical love. Those who came before,
Those you still adore, and new flames
You think offer more.
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