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Kagey Sage Jul 2014
Job searches getting me down
I wait a few days and build up expectations of a keyword,
only to be hit with my inexperience in strange computer programs
Secret knowledge, have the behind the curtain research consultants
No one wants to understand a fleeting past

It’s all about what’s profit present
an internet job board is a long look at the priorities of this nouveau world "culture"
The top jobs are in marketing,
turning spy loot into algorithms that explain to magistrates how
the top brands can stay above the clouds
It’s the only way they can look down

My college has a vapid radio commercial
advertising zesty summer programs
- and I thought my prestigious public college
was above that
rs Jul 2014
men ask us
"what is a **** culture?"

when a woman's "no"
enters through the mind of a man and comes out as
"convince me"
that is a **** culture

when i cannot walk down the streets at night
without my keys between my fingers
that is a **** culture

when a victim is blamed
and a criminal is sympathized with because
"he had such a bright future"
that is a **** culture

when he was an adult and i was a child
and you dare to ask me what i was wearing
that is a **** culture

so if you're asking me
"what is a **** culture"
i will tell you

*it is our ******* culture
november Jul 2014
did you know
the shade of
your skin
appropriates some behavior
and not others?
your world
already knows how
to treat you
nameless one
D Dee Jul 2014
No Tease Tonight

I’m too tired to tease
What I need is
To be on my knees
For I am so ready to please

Ready to kiss my way
Up from her knees,
To her hairless pink lips
Glistening with her need.

Her little bud protruding
Just begging to be ******
She’s just what I need
She’s so ready to be ******.

My lips circle her bud,
My tongue dances on the tip,
Her hands in my hair;
Keeping my fire to her wick.

He fire is raging
Growing strong and brighter
With each ******* kiss…
With each probing lick…

She cries out, I need you too,
And I spin myself around
Never loosing contact;
With her jerking mound.

I lower my hips, to
Her waiting lips and tongue
I cry out against her
As they make contact as one.

Two women needing to ****
Two women needing to please
Both getting ******,
And I’m still on my knees.

©May 16, 2014
D. D.
Suzy Q. Stories Publishing
Ronni McIntosh Jul 2014
Her lips were red
red like passion
red like plastic cups in dark rooms
red like tiny pills and flushed cheeks
red like the soft folds of rose petals,
freshly bloomed and cut.
red like sirens flashing, blinking fast,
hot white fire burning.
red like the glow of coals, after.
red like ink, signed papers,
red wet tongues lying.
red, at last, like a gaping wound,
in an open wide,
red beating heart.
Jacey Scheffel Jul 2014
"it's going to be your fault" she said.
"what?" I replied.
"your predestined choice of forced molestation,
that wish you don't comply."

"what you wear is not good,
the amount of all the skin.
one man might get the urge to look and then pull you in.
the slit in your back,
it gives skin no place to hide.  
it will make him think,
'mm, she must be mine'.
your skirt is very short,
it will surly pull him in.
and he'll say these truthful statements,
while he does his deeds.
you need to think about your clothes
or you'll be begging on your knees."

as I stand there drowning,
in her morbid a words.
the thought came into my head
and then I got the urge.

I said right back,
"you say I must be asking for it?
if it happens, it's my fault.
his natural state is predator,
and his instinct is assault.
you say, my outfit speaks more than my words.
and you're surley right.
I wore these clothes because its hot,
I will stay comfortable through the night.
but not to them,
they think it gives them the right.
the right to say foul words.
'hey ****', 'that ***', 'i bet you could get *****'
these slurs of great disgust,
you say are mistakened for flirting.
once he sees some skin, you say
he'll no longer have a choice.
once he sees what he wants
he'll surley make his point.
now, don't tell me not to get *****
or to avoid a man.
tell the men to control their urges than to let it control them."
Morrissey Smith Jun 2014
Youths, the sight of thy pants menacingly looming over the waistband of your ill fitting trousers doth not fill my heart with joy this fine afternoon.

Nor doth the stench of your rancid marijuana which oozes from your pores and combines with your ever present lynx masked body odour.

I see you stroll with all the grace of a strategically shaved ape,
as you migrate with your "Fam" to linger like wastrels outside the Spar in the hope of cheap cider, stolen smokes and easy girls...
And I wonder at the devoid nature of our future while it rests on your rounded, work shy, knuckle dragging shoulders.
I fear the brush thats tars us all.
I hate youths... I'm 16... don't believe the hype.
Austin Heath Jun 2014
Hearing someone you thought was a friend of yours say,
"Women can totally look to get *****".
Then you scratch one friend off the list.
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