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Francie Lynch Sep 2024
Those two are so often seen,
That one might see them as one.
One wouldn't, one said,
And one would be wrong.
The other said, Yes, one would.
One won't.
We know.
It's all show. Civility. Cruelty.
One knows.
Ivan 5d
you're on her ship of fools
but she didn't know the rules
and what could hurt a man
so take it like a gentleman

she's young and having fun
yet her lips are the gun
that shot you in front of others
when she tasted your brother

but you brought her half your age
and that set the stage full of rage
for a shakespearean tragedy
a malady in literature
Ivan 6d
every new September
upon the summer's end
velvet soft, your lips I touch

my being you crushed
red eyes now gush
as memories forever hushed

every new September
sixteen days therein
emotionally vested, deeply bound

admired you, for love I'd found
yet, I can't stand a pain so profound
it's killing me, I'm run aground

every new September
thirty eight years today
divine wisdom

your birth this day
with love at sight on Corner's Bay
your now and ever former slave

every new September
I thank god for bringing you life
given daydreams of husband and wife
then betrayed by love's wielding knife
Ivan Feb 25
could you please look in your purse?
you see, I gave you all my love
and left none for me

I'm sure I gave you plenty
and I so desperately need some now
please, could you return
a bit of that love I filled you with?

because I still have none for me
as you throw it all away to an abyss
could you please look in your purse?
I'm sure my love is spilling from it!
this was my first poem
Ivan Feb 24
if ever there was a morning called glory
it'd be an angel's whisper of your name
softly blowing dawn's early dew
onto red orchids

a whisper from above, honoring...

Ivan Feb 23
sweetest poet,
climb forth from the deep trench
in my heart's wound
and quench my thirst for love

doctor of sensual phrases,
compose the melody, cure this malady
with verses that expose the affinity
that is inherit between her and I

satisfy the insatiable desires
of lustful humans yearning
for each other's skin

word smith,
chisel the spell to summon an orangy sunset
for the light will soon expire
as we conspire to set our bed on fire
for here, no consequence is dire
master lyricist, 
orchestrate wisdom in phrases
of sensual whispers that ripens
her delicious fruit until it drips
her brand of honey

and last
to the dear poet within,
"the muse awaits, so let's go
set the night on fire!"
Dom Feb 7
Touch me like a thousand threads
And stitch me to your heart,
Fasten me in crochet pattern,
I wish to feel the rise and fall of every beat
And kiss every broken vessel

Let me drink you in,
Become a vassal
An aegis to ward off the hordes of hell
Who hound like hungry wolves
Nipping at your beauty
Distorting the white in red bit marked linen.

Even as I dissipate,
Slowly eroding like ancient oak
Borrow the strength of my core
And burn the rest to shine the light
And warm your soul,
In the afterglow of a life once lived
May the smoke of knowledge
Fill your lungs like autumn air.

Remember me,
When too tired for goodbyes
And the bridge falls apart
With me in the middle,
Caught in the grasp of a morrow
I can never achieve,
If only to give you life
In a single breath

Know that I love you
Always, and in every passing moment
Yesterday, now, tomorrow,
A thousand years in either direction,
Across many names and faces,
As star dust intertwined in helix
Broken but for magnetic dealings
Black magic in practice,
Bound like tomes that read our story
Arcane in its kinetic energy.

Forever was but a fools errand,
I have loved you since the spark,
Since the dawn of stars,
When planets were but scattered marbles
Seeking a purpose, I have loved you then.
As I always will.
Archer Jan 31
And yes I do want someone
I want someone to hold me and
I want someone to hold
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry

And yes I do want someone
I want someone to talk to and
I want someone to listen to
Someone to learn from
Someone to love

And yes I do want someone
I want someone to be with and
I want someone to be away from
Someone to watch smile or
Someone to watch frown

And yes I do want someone
I want someone to work and
I want someone to stay
Someone to help us
Someone to understand

And yes I do want someone
Sharon Talbot Dec 2024
You know I love you
You must know all the things I do,
Big things, small things,
Despite your worry, I will not go.
But sometimes you annoy me,
With lots of small things,
Is it your way to avoid me?
Or do you miss the pain it brings?
Toilet seats, left up all the time,
Open ******* boxes all over the pantry,
Crumbs on the floor and ants in a line,
Towels stuck in the microwave; I'm angry!
Why can't you do these simple things?
It's not a lot to ask.
Don't get me started on your room:
Clothes and junk are just too much,
And in the other one, A Temple of Doom,
Your record collection sits untouched.
Downstairs, there’s a pile of tools,
filling up the dining room,
It'd be great if you used these "jewels";
You're so attached they should be in the bedroom!
They're just lots of small things,
Why won't you clean them up?
To me they're irritating things,
And they just keep piling up.
All the small things
Sitting here for twenty years.
Are they the talismans
Against your fears?
You used to bring me flowers
To show me that you cared.
Now you shop online for hours;
I sometimes forget you’re there.
When you ignore the small things,
I’ll dig them out of a pile
And see what money they bring;
You won’t notice after a while.
Maybe in twenty years more
I’ll have all these things
Whittled down and cleared
And we could be each other’s things
Once more.

Sharon Talbot - 2010-2024
Borrowed the title from Blink-182, but my aged romance is not as fresh as theirs!
Robert Ippaso Nov 2024
This can't be a mistake

The morning light
Is just too bright

We've overslept
Curled up in bed

Now we must rush
Gone that soothing hush

Toilet flushing
Teeth fast brushing

Coffee churning
Toast now burning

Swallow fast
Needs to last

Stuff all over
Where's the roller

Switch off lights
Well miss our flights

Connections short
Should we abort

No time to think
I need a drink

Get in the car
The Airports’ far

Traffic's a pain
This is insane

Check-in slow
With bags in tow

Our gates a mile
All rush - no style

People milling
My headache drilling

Boardings slow
I'm about to blow

The seat's a squeeze
But I collapse with ease

At least we're here
I need that beer

Our chatter muted
With strength diluted

We crack a smile
Gone is the bile

Thoughts of the beach
Within our reach

Where we can lay
For the whole day

Fall in a heap
Recover - sleep

Sand in our hair
Without a care

The sound of waves
Heavenly daze
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