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Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
The title of this poem is from an unknown wise man
Who said: ‘Today I voted, I did not vote for a person’
I love his honest and serious words. I love his wisdom
And I’m unequivocally proud to quote him
This genuine gentleman truly inspires me
His heartfelt message touches me deeply
Like him, yesterday, I voted for life and the future
I voted for equality and Mother Nature
I voted for values and decency
I voted for respect and dignity
I voted for fairness and equal opportunity
I voted for the rules of law and sanity
I voted for comprehension and transparency
I voted for a healthy and better economy
I voted for the truth and Social Security
I voted for money for the children and the elderly
I voted for safety and security
I voted for principles and a cease fire everywhere
I voted for over here and over there
I voted for tolerance and acceptance
I voted for harmony and common sense
I voted for patriotism and the Constitution
I voted for justice and reason
I voted for hope and chance for all
I voted for humanity to walk tall
I voted for compassion and love
I voted for the Spirit above
I voted for morality and peace
Everywhere, especially in the Middle East
And I voted against countless other things
As the lion roars, the rooster crows and sings
And the bell rings
I voted against disrespect and immortality
I voted against chaos and insanity
I voted against violence and poverty
I voted against bombing and killing babies
I voted against baseless rumors and disease
I voted against lies and dehumanization
I voted against hatred and discrimination
I voted against bias and repression
I voted against corruption and exclusion
I voted against deceit and exploitation
I voted against prejudice and marginalization
I voted against contempt and humiliation
I voted against betrayal and treason
I voted against fascism and racism
I voted against injustice and nepotism
I voted against police state and dictatorship
I voted against misery and hardship
Yesterday, I also voted for love, not hate
Yes, indeed, I voted for love, not hate
I did not vote for a person
I did not vote for a felon
Please hurry to vote, it’s not too late
Tuesday November 5th is around the corner
Make America friendlier and better
Thank you for the inspiration
I don’t know the identity of this wise man.

P.S. This poem is dedicated to this anonymous wise man
And to all the readers.

Copyright © October 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
Please hurry up to vote.
MetaVerse Sep 2024
Donald Trump
******* King Chump,
And now he's gonna take down
Queen Clown.
Anais Vionet Jul 2024
Republican Vice-Presidential nominee JD Vance’s comments on the catastrophe, that is Donald Trump:

In DMs, he wondered whether Trump, “Is America’s ******.” (2015)
“Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man. Lord help us.” (2016)
“Donald Trump is a moral disaster.” (2016)
After one meeting with Trump, Vance wrote “My god what an idiot.” (2016)
“What percentage of the American population has DonaldTrump sexually assaulted?” (JD Vance, 2016)
Vance tweeted: “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. (2016)
“I’m definitely not gonna vote for Trump because I think that he’s projecting very complex problems onto simple villains.” (2016)
“Trump’s a total fraud who doesn’t care if regular people call him reprehensible.” (2017)
“Trump’s cultural ******, just another opioid for Middle America.” (2017)

On Twitter (X) Vance liked tweets saying Trump committed “serial ****** assault.”
and called Trump “One of USA’s most hated, villainous, and ******* celebs.”
A song for this:
The End of the Innocence by Don Henley
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Catastrophe: a momentous tragic event, an utter failure.
वाह भैया क्या बात हो गए,
अखबार-ए-सरताज हो गए।
कल तक भईया फूलचंद थे,
आज हातिम के बाप हो गए।
गढ्ढे में हीं रोड पड़ा था,
पानी बदबू सड़ा पड़ा था,
नाली से पानी जो बहता ,
सड़कों पे सलता हीं रहता।
चलना मुश्किल हुआ बड़ा था,
भईया को ना फिक्र पड़ा था।
नाक दबा के भईया चलते,
पानी से बच बच कर रहते।
पर चुनाव के दिन जब आते,
कचड़े भईया के मन भाते,
टोपी धर सर हाथ कुदाल ,
जर्नलिस्ट लाते तत्काल ।
झाड़ू वाड़ू लगा लगा के,
कूड़े कचड़े हटा हटा के,
खुर्पी वुर्पी चला चला के,
ठीक पोज़ में दिखा दिखा के।
फ़ोटो खूब खिचाते भईया,
सबपे छा जाते तब भईया,
पंद्रह लाख दे देंगे पैसे ,
फ्री वाई फाई के हीं जैसे,
रोजगार की बातें करते,
झाड़ू जाके चौक लगाते।
वादे कर आते फिर ऐसे,
जनता के मन भाते वैसे।
अपने मन की बात बताते,
अखबारों में न्यूज़ छपाते ।
सपने सब्ज दिखलाते भईया ,
जनता को भरमाते भईया,
अच्छे हैं भईया जतलाकर ,
पार्टी को ये सब दिखलाकर।
जन प्रत्याशी  खास हो गए,
वाह भैया क्या बात हो गए।
अखबार-ए-सरताज हो गए,
कल तक भईया फूलचंद थे,
आज हातिम के बाप हो गए,
वाह भैया क्या बात हो गए।
अजय अमिताभ सुमन:
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित
समाज के बेहतरी की दिशा में आप कोई कार्य करें ना करे परन्तु कार्य करने के प्रयासों का प्रचार जरुर करें। आपके झूठे वादों , भ्रमात्मक वायदों , आपके  प्रयासों की रिपोर्टिंग अखबार में होनी चाहिए। समस्या खत्म करने की दिशा में गर कोई करवाई ना की गई हो तो राह में आने वाली बाधाओं का भान आम जनता को कराना बहुत जरुरी है। आपके कार्य बेशक हातिमताई की तरह नहीं हो लेकिन आपके चाहनेवालों की नजर में आपको हातिमताई बने हीं रहना है।  कुल मिलाकर ये कहा जा सकता है कि सारा मामला मार्केटिंग का रह गया है । जो अपनी  बेहतर ढंग से मार्केटिंग कर पाता है वो ही सफल हो पाता है, फिर चाहे वो राजनीति हो या कि व्यवसाय।
A ride today in Des Moines
that appraise law and counteract
any that country may enact
where Wichita lineman forthwith

and mackinaw shall really embellish
furthermore with Granny Smith
awhile down stream on a riverboat
that foregoing is never behind

where a river is always wide
and bourgeois with a paddle wheel stride
why his atropine smile
reach the delta with such desire
and let him take the home route

in an abode of parish shanty
where river dance makes day long  
a simple beast, a man

with chinchilla wrap round his neck
that sweep her off flourishing deck
these stratospheric ideals now  
for sovereign witness entail campaign.
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
I don't trust Hillary Clinton because of the allegations that she's facing.
A future with her as President is something I would have a difficult time embracing.
Bernie Sanders is the Presidential candidate for me.
I've contributed to him and voted for him in the primaries.
Many years ago Sanders opposed segregation.
That was awesome and deserved celebration.
Congress passed Sanders' first piece of legislation for the National Program of Cancer Registries.
All 50 states now run registries to help cancer researchers gain important insight because of the effort of Bernie.
He was re-elected to serve eight terms as a Congressman by the people in Vermont.
Bernie Sanders has integrity and that is the kind of President that I want.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2015
He, the rumpled bumbler,
Stumbled, mumbling, bungling
Through his self-made jungle
No mote of humility, his abilities
Were not inclusive of subtlety.
He settled for a public identity
Of propriety and normality,
Obvious hospitality but falsity
Like the nose on his face, exposed.

What a verbose, but artificial
Government official he was.
His cause was never for us
It was for that he was notorious;
How laboriously he dissembled.
But he resembled his opposition
Then took a position of submission
Until his mission was complete
Then he beat his feet in retreat
To those he knew could beat
The highest price and that was nice.

Twice as nice for rental cars
And pretty movie stars
Who weren’t too humble
To stumble the red carpet
With the rumpled bumbler,
Mumbling, no longer bungling
Through his self-made jungle.
Still no humility, a perfect facility
To take from the poor, give to the rich
And not care who calls him sonofabitch.

— The End —