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Knock Knock (Yet Not TickTock)
Maybe or Mightily. Where shall we start?

Feeding up with our own ego.
Fearless knight ready for a battle
Stand on your own! Is there a path
lead to solitude? Look down
where those dropped
Stars squeezed echo.
They all reunified at valley bottom.

Fearless knight dawn your Armor
Who will be prepared to a cosplay night
Angel or Devil? Hold on tight
True heart's desires 
Fearless Knight.
Stand your ground.
Due time for battle.
Maybe, Mightily No fearless.
Together, not alone.

#Dedicated to an official from Aung San Suu Kyi's party has died in custody in Myanmar.
Filomena Mar 2021
When on a modern battlefield,
You shouldn't wield a wooden shield.
Sometimes I find that less is more, when I try to write a metaphor.
(Same idea as last poem but less elaborate.)
(Subtitle: Spoonerism 1)
Filomena Mar 2021
On this one bit I will not yield:
When on a modern battlefield
Where not one thought can be concealed
As hidden things can be revealed

You Shouldn't Wield a Wooden Shield
Simple idea worked out over a few days.
JKirin Mar 2021
Visions of you give me strength. I'll survive this
war full of pain and destruction around us.
Soon, I'll be home with you, darling, I promise,
back in your arms, greeting you with a soft kiss.

I fight through this long night thinking of you, only of you.
Around, canons are loud, I will pull through, I will pull through.
Absurd! You'll hear a word that I am gone, that I am gone.
Believe, darling, believe – I'm coming home, I'm coming home.

I will ****, cut, slay
every foe, every last foe
that is on my way
from this war, pointless long war.

I must go, must run
and escape this wretched fate.
Early with the sun
you will wait for me, my mate.

Visions of you give me strength. I'll survive this
war full of pain and destruction around us.
Soon, I'll be home with you, darling, I promise,
back in your arms, greeting you with a soft kiss.

The enemies strike
with spears and spikes.
They advance, advance, advance.

They all think I'm weak!
Their future is bleak.
In this fight, they have no chance.

They fight to death not knowing
I have someone to live for.
I've made someone a promise
to survive this wretched war.
I will go through hell and fire,
to return to you, my love.
There is nothing that can stop me, when you wait for me, my love.

Visions of you give me strength. I'll survive this
war full of pain and destruction around us.
Soon, I'll be home with you, darling, I promise,
back in your arms, greeting you with a soft kiss.

I imagine you standing
waiting out there all alone.
From the dawn to dusk, worrying,
if I'll come back from the front.
Thinking of the hell and fire
between you and I, my love.
There is nothing that can stop me, when you wait for me, my love.

Visions of you gave me strength. I survived this
war full of pain and destruction behind us.
Now, I am home with you, darling, as promised,
Come to my arms, welcome me with a soft kiss.
a song about a man caught in the midst of a battle, thinking of his lover, who is waiting for him back home
Regulus Cayapata Mar 2021
I swim into the depth of sulpiride every night
where those times I died like the dead roses
when I took the stairs right to the light
every composes derived the harmony of doses

To swear upon the streams of reckless
To the labyrinth of happiness
here I go to come fire the enclaves
Maybe nobody in home, hopeless
It has been long time, I been medicating for over one month and battling now I just wanna write again. Pardon me.
Hannah Christina Dec 2020
I gazed at her, the warrior woman,
standing on the hill
where crum'bling stones of castles made their home.
Her form against the solemn sky stood noble, tall and fierce;
tenacity bespake her ev'ry stride.

The clouds before her only served
to frame her fairer still;
through richly dark, they parted just enough
to filter drops of sunlight to where she stood like the moon;
an argent gleam shone in her mane and eyes.

I frowned at her from where I hunched,
longed for her iron will,
clawed my lackluster hair and tore my heart.
The flat grey fog above the hole where I shrank in the dust
had only seen me cower, curse, and cry.

As we prepared to march again
I struggled up the hill
in hopes that I could find what grace she knew.
I didn't know she was still there, her back against a rock;
I caught her eye and realized

she had been crying too.
Edited 3/1/21, 3/2/24
Kamal Mar 2021
Swinging emotions
Deafening palpitations
Racing thoughts
Laying down
Standing up
Pacing around

A still quiet
No peace
Take a breath
Think less
Try harder

It will pass
You will survive
Another day

xjf Feb 2021
Sitting here
in my cardboard abode
I found it to be laborious
and a hassle
to find my joys hidden
in forbidden code

I've made my peace
with being this castles rascal


T­he bile tongued prince
sat upon his minced words
trying to dismiss the news
that he had heard
But the taunting is ever present
To think that all this haunting
was brought on by the peasants

The advisor was all the wiser
for remaining silent
He'd learned his words
are sometimes better unspent
Letting youth flap carelessly
like the sigil above the hall
With a clap and a tap
the prince barks to answer the call

He seemed hesitant
as any should be in this time
He bluffed confidence
as he declared the act a crime  

So pick up arms
This burden befalls on all
who can woo
No telling by the yelling
on how many sons
mothers went through
Red and black
a snake like tide
walked and waved
as it passed through the gate
A shimmering glide
the baking sun glinted
off every single armor plate
Acting accountant
for how many would be lost
The sun an abacus
showing what it would cost    

To war
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