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Jay M Apr 2019
Following me
Chilling my bones
Sending ripples through my muscles
Fear slowly injected into my veins

But none show
None are there
Only you

Looking back
Only to see you are lost
In a forest so dark and unknown
Stealing the light
Not even doing so much
As to put up a fight

Feather falls
Bird unseen
Cries into the void
Echos returning

Fragile soul
Yet ever so bold
Stronger as it grows old
Scrape away the mold
To reveal the marvel within

But this mold
Cracked and chipped
Will it ever break of its prison?
Will it ever glimpse a future
Beyond this childhood?

Wailing from the depths of the heart
Only one of two emerges
Taking the child in
Arguments burst
For years...

It overwhelms

Temporary stability
Then the world quakes
Your life shakes
Then all is quiet
Only for a little while

Yelling, shouting,
Whilst I am hiding
Trying so hard to escape it
But you're too caught up
In your terror and rage
That you don't think of me
Hiding in the dark
Waiting for the sweet
Yet haunting
Sound of silence...

- Jay M
April 17th, 2019
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Every time when you
my heart breaks.
Every time when you talk
about leaving,
I think it's because of my mistakes.
Every time that you
hurt me,
I try to hide the scars and make them fake.
Please don't do this to me...
Poetic T Mar 2019
Where just *******
               on a fire
        isn't even  lit

Expecting to keep
                        us warm
           with smoke choking
                      our resolutions.
MicMag Feb 2019
Let's sit down together
And have a discussion
And by that I mean
Lots of yelling and cussin

To your own opinion
You're entitled - that's fine
But your view is wrong
If it's different from mine

If you don't echo my thoughts
I don't care what you think
You're bad for our country
Taking us to the brink

Here's the way it is
No room for debate
And if you don't agree
You're deserving of hate

Evil, conniving,
Dumb or deplorable
Lazy, elitist,
Whatever - you're horrible

Our problems all stem
From the other side
So much for United
We'd rather divide
But don't worry, our side definitely isn't like that at all
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Please don't fight;
it turns the beautiful day
into an ugly night.
Please don't argue;
it has no value.
Please don't shout;
it's a verbal shootout.
Please don't yell;
I hate it,
can't you tell!?
Glenn Currier Sep 2018
Several college students stood around
arguing about the meaning of God.
Nearby sat an old Indian woman.
They asked her what she thought.

With a wan smile
she took a small blue bowl
from a plastic shopping bag
laid the crinkly bag on her lap
and pointing to it she said
“This is the universe.”
Then she pointed inside the bag’s opening
and said,
“This is God.”
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