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I’ll figure out the title later
first lets turn the spigots on,
hot for words
cold for reality
and tepid when intermix
is draining out at the beck
and irrefutable demand of
gravity, the great **** that
is the great equalizer of the
hunanity crew

even Elon must obey this
law of gravity, unless he
gives the world a break
and gets stuck up in space,
and no one takes his calls
of “pretty please save me?”

you know something?

This “poem” is pretty,
pretty poor,
that’s all,
just maybe I
won’t be
bothered to figure out
its family name, just
leave it orphaned like
so many others that
never even made it
out of the birth canal

so long, farewell, be
content you will be
forever known as #4
K D Kilker Apr 2023
Today, 4/9, turned 29;
in '94, 9th hour born;
4 craves stability,
9 thrives on change;

if you believe in
that sort of thing.
But like the dogwood,
its burnt-edge blooms;
the same each spring,
abscission looms.
Roots in the past,
leaves up for the storm
in '94, 9th hour born.
Mixing numerology with birthday feelings
Eli Feb 2021
i felt miserable,
the crushing self rejection,
that a lover cannot fix,
the acceptance of being what broke you before.

i stopped,
and realized i wasn’t alone,
for i was surrounded by garnets.
Twinkling, beautiful, crimson friends.

maybe it’s not so bad after all
Isabella Dec 2020
A new love, could it be?
A chance to start again
We have not spoken, really
And you know nothing of me
Yet you say those words
“I’d love to get to know you”
Those awful words
Awful as they sparked a hope in my heart
A hope that only grows over time
Despite your late messages
And our dry conversations
And the fact that you are much better than me
I still cling the idea
That you and I could become something lovely
Do you think so too?
Is this the one chance I have?
It feels more real that the last time
But every moment is crushing me
Glenn Tachera Dec 2020
Small talk, no conversation
That look makes me impatient
I can't tell what you’re thinking
Yes or no?
Last night we were more than fine
Just tell me if you changed your mind
At least show me a sign,
If you changed your mind
Cause I'm all in
I’m calling, no answer
But you text me when you feel like
When it feels right to you
When those feelings spike your heart of doubt
You know you got me in palm of your hand
And I love those hands
But you only let me hold you when he can’t
Wish you wouldn’t kiss me
Right now, on your lips just leave it
If you don’t mean it
Don’t build me up just to let me down
Don’t tell me you’re falling
With your feet still on the ledge
Leaving my heart on the edge

You picked me up
Put us down, and put me through this
Started off as a good thing, a sure thing
You held back but I know
Reminisce our time in spring
In that moment our lips touched the rush sent us straight to the moon
I should’ve known that we’d be coming down soon
Every time I think I love somebody
I always find a way to throw it away
Feel the air around us become soggy
I don’t wanna hurt anybody
I don’t wanna be the one to say
That we gotta have a conversation
And I thought you would stay forever where we lay
At the end, you watched the tears run down my face

To be young and in love in…
To know who I am but still know that I am good long as you’re here with me
Midnight sun into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking
I knew from the first time, I’d stay for a long time
****, I liked me better when I was with you
Wish you would stay awhile
Stay here with me
My mind, whispers in the nighttime
That voice always keeping me up
Telling me that I shouldn’t give up
Lately, I’ve been stuck in the backseat to my own life
Tried to take control, but I don’t know how to
I don't wanna be sad forever
I’m calling to the other side
My sequin tears flood away my sorrow
Cause that’s all I can do today
But I’ll make it through tomorrow
After I am desolate from these feelings which betray…
Wrote this for a very special someone. Though we will never be the same ever again, I know she always got my back!
coerced and inundated,
demands insistent, strident,
prioritize me before-the-less-restless,
escape to the land of
reply all.

our dictionary is now closed.
all words are currently unavailable.
delays are currently unavoidable.
no guarantees re punctuation accur,acy imp lied.

your on your own today.
common sense is still open and trading.

make your own words.
clarity, your burden, innovation, your standard,
all one words spoken.




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