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 Jan 2020 Tatenda Ncube
I know you tried
We weren't very close
But i still loved you.

I know you tried
You couldn't make it
That's okay.

I know you tried
Not sure why I haven't cried
Your note broke my heart

I know you tried
Another year would have hurt
You are happy and can breath now

I know you tried
And I know you will be by my side
The day I graduate

I know you tried
The day I graduate
I will look up and tell you I did it

I know you tried
But you will be by my side
Not in body but in heart and mind
I was never very close to you crazy old man but I still miss you. I know you tried to make it and its okay. I love you grandpa
I taste you.
The drops of your being
Sweet on my tongue

I hear you
The waves of your voice
Swirl in my ear

I see you
The vision of your eyes
Drifts in my mind

Yet there is no touch
No smell
You are not here
Nor there
You have slipped beyond
The cage
Some recoil at the scars,
some wish to know how you received them.
of your neglect.
They say the pen is mightier than the sword,
but I chose both.
When you cannot stand or face
the person looking back at you,
it might be best to change yourself
instead of changing mirrors.
People walk on by and only glance in my direction
unaware that I am suffering from a deep rooted infection.
For don't you see that I'm painfully dying
and in the future you'll know that I could've been saved,
all it took was a simple moment of trying
and to hear the things that I always craved.

They tell you a drowning man will drag you down
but I've always been a strong swimmer,
we can easily take on another pound
just focus on the waves surfing glimmer.
Keep going, keep rowing,
don't inhale that salty sea.
The wind's blowing, exhaustion is showing,
I'll hold you up even when you can't hold me.

People walk on by and only glance in my direction
they aren't the slightest bit shocked at my self inflicted dissection.
For I desperately need to remove my organs of rot,
these days feeling just takes too much of a toll on me,
and they're so badly damaged that no customer has bought,
even when I offered them up for free.

They tell you a drowning man will drag you under
but I've always been gifted with a swift stroke,
how I made it out this far truly is a wonder,
or maybe just another sad tasteless joke.
Keep going, keep towing,
don't you give up so easily.
The wind's blowing, pace is slowing,
I'll hold you up even when you can't hold me.

So call me Ismael 'cause I'm lost at sea,
was caught up in a current very swiftly,
and my white whale has lost all interest in me,
I guess there's some other place it would rather be,
than stuck in my sad excuse for company.
Do I glimpse land's salvation or am I just succumbing to insanity?
This Poem

is going to be “the poem” that moves you,
has you flying out of your chair. The one that resounds
in your head like something your mother said. This poem

is going to “be it”, take you away to foreign lands, to sparkling waterfalls and grand canyons, a poem  that orbits
you out of this earth, gives you rebirth. This poem

is going to be “so wonderful” you are going to place in a twenty-four karat gold frame, engrave it with my name
and display in the Louvre.

This poem “says I love you”
 Jan 2019 Tatenda Ncube
 Jan 2019 Tatenda Ncube
Have you ever felt so lost,
that even if you wanted to be found,
you couldn't describe where you were?
Stranded on an island in which the waters
that surround you are created by your own mind.
You can try to swim away,
but the waves carry you back every time.
On the occasion a boat will pass,
but you won't let it close enough to save you.
You're stuck and alone,
writing poems in the sand.
2:02 AM
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