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yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
heyy, old friend
could you invest your time in me, please?
i'm little short on it
you probably won't get it back
'cause i will forget
but you doesn't need to know that, right?
yellow-thoughts Mar 2018
i'm painting my nails yellow from now on
i need this refreshing color in my life
i need sunlight and warmth
but in the same time it's so pathetic
like if my nail color could change anything
but still, call me stupid, but i will do this
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
i can't depend on my feeling
they are so untrustworthy
they make me do stuff i don't like
and hate things i love
they are confusing me
and the best part - they blame me in everything
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
if you ask me- fairies are so tempting
i would want to be a part of their world
that dangerous beauty which fascinates
which makes you bleed from eyes
and in the same time makes you fall in love
their love is either cruel or real there's no in between
it sound scary, thrilling and captivating
i really want to change sides, please..
i have always loved stories about fairies..
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
there is someone calling
my name in ocean
i can hear echos in the rivers..
someone's waving
by pushing clouds in the sky
right in the suns way..
someone's watching
i can feel that something is there
like an old memory...

get out of my head
i know it's just my imagination
but you are to blame
i don't want to forget him, even if it was possible...
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
time have already passed
new friends came and went
flowers bloomed and died
sun and rain danced

but my mind have
its own rules
it plays memories
about you repeatedly

my mind doesn't care
that i don't like this game
it's like hide and seek
where it seem that i can't win
i'm feeling really hopeless today .. >.>
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