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when is enough, enough?
when will the end be the end?
when will the darkness fade?
when will the light graze my days?

when is it just you and me?
when will i finally see?
when will tomorrow be ours?
when will i learn to be smart?

when is it love, not pretend?
when will the pain meet its end?
when will the truth be revealed?
when will i not be deceived?

when is this chapter gonna change?
when will we start our pace?
when will our hearts finally collide?
when will it be for love, not suicide?

when is when? when will when?
when will these questions gonna end?
when will i be finally free?
when will i be happy and glee?
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
i have to tell you

the thought of losing you
makes my stomach turn
my fingers tremble
and my chest ache with waves
of pain

because i've never wanted
anyone more
in my entire life
and it scares me that you have me
right in the palm of your hand

promise me you'll stay
unlike the others

promise me
you won't change your mind

promise me
that your promises
won't be bent
by passing time

that i am more than just a passing fancy
that you'd get bored of then leave
once someone with a prettier face
comes around knocking at your door

because you're starting to feel
like home

and nothing terrifies me more.
stay with me
Reminiscent of popular television
all about ratings
not good writing.
I am suffering from it.
Just like you.
Just like everyone else.
It creeps up on us and envelops us,
Turning everything dark.
It is malevolent.
It climbs inside my body,
Grips my heart with its cold fingers.
It destroys me.
Just as it does you.
But it will never be found,
Never be held to account.
Because we are too afraid to expose
Don't be afraid to talk about 'it' with me- I am not afraid to say I have suffered from depression and I will not be embarrassed or awkward if you ask me about it. Depression needs to be spoken about- that's the only way we can eliminate it forever.
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
A college education
diploma's in 3 different fields
But born in a country
filled with poverty

She took a change
for a better life
but without papers
so without rights

She's positive
says her life is better here
And then she gets up, and continues
cleaning my mothers living room
You've made mistakes
Many, you know this.
Lived close enough to the edge to
feel the thrill of it but just far enough to
not fall off, you're strategic.
But the paint on the walls you've been building up is
starting to chip and sometimes you forget to laugh at
things you're supposed to
You don't listen with detail often and
when you do, you forget to care.
Apathy is not pretty on you but
neither is desperation.
You remember when you wanted to
save yourself for the right one and
now it's funny to think about how
your list is too long to keep track and
you can no longer count your reckless on your fingers
There's a boy who brings you sunflowers and
before you can tell him he's too good for you,
you hurt him,
You could say sorry but there's no correct apology for
I can't love you.
There's no believable way to say
I don't deserve you or
don't know how to or
Convince a hopeless romantic that
you're really just pathetic.

You're drifting off the road in your dreams but
The car is still intact the next morning
During the day you think about all of the sleep you didn't get
You couldn't get, you're not sure when rest became
a chore instead of a reward.
Your lonely has turned into habit and
the smell of gasoline is more appealing than perfume
Sometimes you don't appreciate things you should and
that's just normal routine.
But you're tired most days and it has become
a purposeful cycle of
Consciously messing up to fix it later,
the trouble keeps you busy,
The ache is constant but
it keeps you full.
You used to collect records that
now collect dust sitting in a room
in a house that no one really lives in,
Someone does, yes, but only quietly.
There is a doe-eyed girl who has
drowned in your search for passion,
You're guilty for crimes you didn't mean to
commit, mostly careless in intention and
you never meant to hurt anyone but yourself.
Your arms are wide but you're shaking and
there are so many questions that
you'll never have answered.

What happens when your fingers break
from reaching out too much?
What do you do when you've run out of
bones to crack?
Will your spine still stretch after you've bent backwards
so many times?
How can you possibly love someone
when you don't know how to yourself?
You're learning, you swear.
Trying to understand that appreciation
doesn't directly translate to narcissm, that
You don't always have to feel bad for
what isn't your fault.
You've made mistakes,
many, you know this.
Move farther away from the cliff,
don't hold your breath, this is life,
my dear,
you know this.
You'll be okay,
You know this.
Contrary to what society has bread the world to perceive
There is no privilege set to any human born to this earth
There is no just reward for the righteous here
There is no slumber for the fatigued souls
There are no streets paved with gold
Some may claim all the wealth and worldly goods
Yet death comes to all and no wealth can abstain it
The toil of each day falls on us all
No matter the color, the size, or shape of the mass
Gravity pulls us equally, discriminates against none
Dare to bare your soul
Which knows no boarders or limitations
Dream to walk together in heaven along a jeweled path
Where the limitations of earthly existence hold no sway
Bask in the light of the only true gift
Let love be your professor
Let the spirit guide your every movement
Search your very essence to discover your talent
Each individual has so many, if only society would allow it to be shown
Shown with out fear or rejection
Free to be what our creator intended.
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
I was awaken by those footsteps
which gave me shivers
I sat hugging my knees
in the dark silence
No source of light
That odor was everywhere which I breathed
poisoning me inside
Fiercing two eyes glared at me
and I was shaken by the sight
I pleaded everyday to free me
but no one ever replied
Not knowing my fault
I cried,
cried... till all the tears were dried
I was trapped in darkness
loosing myself to survive
I breathed hopeless
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
Another one of his possessive tirades.
His distrust for me displayed.

Revolting words bypass the lock on the door,
Where I lay sobbing on the bathroom floor.

Murmuring that emotional offenses are a form of abuse.
Pleading with him to let me cut him loose.

Exhausted with empty promises of change.
His actions have me seeking to estrange.

He'll call me and stalk me and beg me to forgive.
It's too late, these nights I never want to relive.
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
Ami Shae
tried to save you that one last time--
you told me it would be in vain,
but i stubbornly refused to believe
that i couldn't erase your pain.

did every thing i knew to do--
held you in my arms all night long
and still i just couldn't win --
seems all my efforts were so wrong

but now that you're gone and no longer with me
i sit and weep my heartfelt tears
and i cannot help but wonder what if
we'd just had a few more good years...?
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