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May 2022 · 938
Amrita Tiwari May 2022
I had forgotten how it feels to be touched by you
You left my heart broken and mind askew
The longingness to see you
For eternity and eternally, or just seconds, few
I, henceforth remained unbothered and sad,
Even in a gala milieu!
You came back by a whisker and feelings, see through
And asked me to gather something new and old , something borrowed and  blue
I felt some jitters and saw love inked hues
I felt so lost when it should've been good in lieu
Then one day you woke up and away you flew
You told me it's over, out of love, you grew
I then remembered how it feels to be hurt by the cruel,
I then learnt, love leaves you unscathed and glad, if true
And seems precious than any material, money or jewel
You will find it in the world, first find it in YOU.
Self love is the most important kind of love that you can begin with...the rest will follow itself :)
May 2022 · 678
What could be....
Amrita Tiwari May 2022
The silence after chaos,
The urge to feel less
To tag along or to lay off
Just gasps and deep breaths!

I knew this was coming
But took my chances,
Some imagining and humming
Stealing some glances!

There's always a dilemma!
I think it's a ridge
I knew, I was killing her
Pushing her off the bridge!

Even after many instances
Why the heart never learns
Expects flowers and dances
In the end, it only burns

Had my pupils dilated,
Everything seemed like an oasis
The resolutions violated
Now everything is in crisis

Oh, this circle is so vicious!
I always end up tangling
Poison is always delicious
Leaves my life dangling!
Inspired by real life events
P.s I am talking about the pupil dilation:)
This is a product of a very brief moment in my life
Mar 2022 · 2.2k
Escape from what?
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
Escape from what?
The pieces impalpable
Once part of thy self, are
Nowhere to be found
How many times will you try
To cope up
From some feeling
Very profound.

Escape from what?
Your own self or the world
Is only one force governing you?
Or is it dyarchy, through and through!
You try to split from the other
But it has an embrace
Around you
With the tightest glue

Escape from what?
The happy or the gloom
Calm or chaos,
You do have a clue
Or do you?
Is it numb or very eerie
Always sad, never cheery?

Escape from what?
Reality, harsh and smooth
O dear, stay here
It is going to be a tough root
Though all the impalpable
Would unravel
Someday on a blue moon!
escape, what, good, bad, unravel, impalpable, blue moon

should we keep escaping? what is your take on this?
Mar 2022 · 3.2k
Pieces of a woman
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
Pieces of a woman
Gloom, glee, distance and intimacy
Attitude, gratitude, strength and vulnerability
Heartbreaks, Happiness, Longingness and poetry
Calmness, boldness and a bad *** stree.

Pieces of a woman
Stretch Marks, cellulite, miscarriages and then bossy
Shallow, Intense, blur and then some glossy
Cute, cheerful, lazy, sane and naughty
Benevolent, bizarre, shy and much hotty

Pieces of a woman
Family, friends, kin, acquaintances
Risk, safe and then out of the world chances
Society, sub-urb,rural and them glances
Some music, some writing, some shying and couple dances

Pieces of a woman
Marriage, adoption, career and grace
Clarity,focus,concentration and haze
Red,green, black, purple and beige
Independence, freedom, self-doubt and cage

All this and endless…..
And then some and then some
Nothing can totally define
The ultimate human
The beautiful, the wonderful
Pieces of a woman.
Just gave a thought to pieces of a woman on Women's day
Mar 2022 · 2.5k
Last Love
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
You have your eyes on someone else
I am happy gazing at the shell
It's a nagging zeitgeist, well
I tried to keep a pretence
Could you tell?

I spinned in endless circles
Blinded by the sparkles
Thought there will be tell-tales
Measured self on  bad scales
Contemporary delusions hail
Careful calculations also fail

I am trying to move on
From something
That was only drawn
In my thoughts, which pawned
My heart, which still prolongs

Tell me
What should I do?
Everyday I am filled with blues
I could throw this forever
If I knew a little, how to!
Or if I had the slightest clue!
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
First Love
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
Trying to make it to the end
By trying to pretend
That you will comprehend it all!
It all, one some weekend

Listening to TS
Imagining scenarios, O yes!
This could be us
She says
But the world is our nemesis

You have your eyes on others
Might have a couple of lovers
I just shudder and hover
On love songs’ acoustics and covers

I know if we become a thing
You’ll break up and say it was a fling
I will write sad songs and sing
And give my friends a ring

You have your eyes on someone else
I am happy gazing at the shell
It's a nagging zeitgeist, well
I tried to keep a pretense
Could you tell?
Feb 2018 · 293
Amrita Tiwari Feb 2018
It was chilling outside
White layers enveloped the town
Snow was so alluring
Always craved to see it falling
On the sea shore!

It’s been raining since morning
Cats and dogs they say
In the mountains
Here’s it soothing
What would it like be?
On the sea shore!

Scorching heat beneath
Huge heap of grains
Other crops standing still
In the mighty land
How would the sun shine
On the sea shore!

I am finally here
Being pulled by the tides
What time is it?
Dusk or dawn?
I don’t know
I can just see the varied colours
Pint of blue,green,yellow and pink
Sand touching my feet from beneath
The reflection of the oysters
Is also what I can see
Wanted to be here so badly all my life
But cannot feel
The satisfaction, the relief
On the sea shore

Maybe it is deep within me
The sea shore!

— The End —