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 Dec 2015 Sonia Motwani
The moon...
it is so beautiful.
"Don't let the moon fool ya! It's nothing but trouble. It leaves all day, and doesn't come back till the dark hours approach. Moon ain't meant to be trusted."
I see the moon in my sleep.
I see the moon when I'm awake.
"The moon hates ya! It'll never love ya."
Have you ever seen the moon?
Have you ever touched the moon?
"I say curse that wicked moon."
Sometimes I think the moon hugs me.
It knows I'm scared.
The moon can be anything you want it to be.
 Dec 2015 Sonia Motwani
The First Day:

our eyes met
and the plot was set
I acted my best
to get you impress

our eyes met
your mind got preset:
"throw him out at instant
he's a poisonous serpent"

The Next Day:

we met the next day
I dreamt in my own way:
you said words you'll never say
and the reality brings me dismay

we met the next day
you planned it in your way:
to reject me anyway
'SORRY' was all you say

you stood in front (of me)
I gathered my courage to confront
and express the feelings my heart prompt
you stop me in mid giving me goose bump

you took a while
streaming words from your pile (of words)
your 'S-O-R-R-Y' travelled a mile
you left me with apologetical smile

P.S.- Another illusionary tale (Luckily an illusionary tale!!!)

apologetical smile- a smile (not exactly) at times we don't know exactly how to react!
 Dec 2015 Sonia Motwani
I sit on the step
And draw
The cold around me
Like a blanket,
Savouring the numbness
And the heat
That begins within.
Swallowed by the night
Drunk on wine
And stars.
Hot tears on cold cheeks.
Seasoning for
Chapped lips
Bringing fresh tears.
I take refuge
In the silence,
Under the gaze of
Sympathetic eyes.
My friends.
My constant companions.
Drunk on wine
And stars.
Don’t look down and frown
Tilt your head towards the sky
See the millions of stars
Like glitters spilled on a black parchment

Look at the stars
See how they shine only for you
To make you happy
The universe loves you

You don’t need any special lad or lady
The universe loves you
The universe which is the most beautiful
The most powerful
The most important amongst everything else
The universe loves you
And it’s more than enough

Stop for a second and embrace the night
Stare at the stars shining
They shine for you
Feel the wind hug you
Sing to you in a chilling voice
Like the most melodious soprano
Hear the leaves whisper your name
Murmuring encouragement and happiness

You might not realize it yet
Because your thoughts are seized from you
Of who or what you might need and have and want
But they don’t matter
Once you learn to love yourself
Truly love yourself
You’ll see the stars shine only for you
The universe is there to make you happy

Oh, little girl
You’re the most beautiful thing
Don’t be sad
The universe loves you
And it’s more than enough
I fear,
Do I care less for you?

Sometimes I feel am so involved loving you, that I forget u as an individual. I love you.

Those tears drops at the edge of your eyes, are on a brim to break free and flow, am I the dam?

your soul should deserve to someone who is more clean than me, less wounded , who can be your muse.

Love cannot be static, I know. I wish to caress those wrinkled eyes and when we turn old, maybe.
This uncertainty is inevitable. there are small nicks- knacks  i want to share with you to grow together as you said.

I fear I shouldn’t lose that baggage of experience and exposure I wish to wove with yours, to create a memorable tapestry of our love.
© 2015 by Sneha Mundari. All rights reserved.
 Dec 2015 Sonia Motwani
Amy H
Like stars
we rise
we shine
we flicker
we turn
we blaze
we burn
we die
we fall.

We live
with mystery,
but beautiful.
The energy
we show, misunderstood
except by our creation.
Dwarves compressed by pain,
displayed in open sky
where we hide
all but what we think is light.
But life is in the dark
between us all.
Somehow we see
like stars.
Inspired in the moment I remembered those two shooting stars from last night.
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