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Mar 2021 · 402
quinn Mar 2021
grey snow rushes at me
just how the world would be if i
understood it. the sky
is spread out, mystified, as if
i read its hieroglyphs
and from them gain the gift, the one
guidance long forgotten,
lest it pulls us undone. i read.
trying out new poetic forms lol!
Feb 2021 · 1.2k
their tradition
quinn Feb 2021
let’s pretend that our ancestors danced in forests and ate flowers
so that we can do the same, without feeling embarrassed,
because, really, we’re just honouring our forebears, their tradition.
the past was apparently full of flower crowns
Feb 2021 · 953
quinn Feb 2021
you just awaken every day
to stumble through unknown places
and trip through the gaps in spaces;
you are not safe, you’re lost, you relay
stolen lines all the same. you say:
“i just need to get through this week”
as if, after sunday, unique
places will appear, that you will
understand, at last. a standstill
comes, but now your world is oblique.
just words on paper, babey!
Feb 2021 · 664
the portal
quinn Feb 2021
the mouth of the wide vortex is in esse,
made of the same atoms as flowers and
oceans, organs and soundwaves, it demands
physics, laws, follows them with faithfulness
just like one of us. nothing more nor less
is it, no great power does it command:
in disbelief we shoot it from our land
back to its ‘place’, no boundaries transgressed.
how could we believe in those new places
viewed from the jaws of the living threshold?
that it’s all like our home, all vast and old
and developed. if we just go into space,
the secrets we long for would then unfold.
with care, accept the vortex’s embrace.
yeaah i'm just obsessed with portals and other universes!
Jan 2021 · 448
200702 (male bodies)
quinn Jan 2021
sometimes i get so jealous of people with male bodies.
i look at them and they’re dressed boringly or they chuck it about like it’s nothing and i think
i could do such great things if i had a body like yours!
if i had a body like yours i would be so happy and confident and i would find a way to conjure up great things with it!
and you don’t know how much i long and pray and yearn for a body like yours.

i know there are people who want a body like mine, although it’s hard to imagine anyone ever wanting this.
i wish there was a way we could swap.
from the 7th of february 2020.. what can i say, i'm transgender
Jan 2021 · 1.0k
202301 (elite pretty)
quinn Jan 2021
can i be one of the elite pretty too?
there are an apex species,
and they come in so many wonderful forms.
they don't have to crush their jaws together
or **** in their bellies or fix their hair
when a camera is staring them down.
they smile and a million people smile back,
but less brightly than them.
they have a ticket to the highest floor of the building
in the pockets of their jeans that just fit them nicely.
so easy to love and want and crave,
and all for a construction of our own.
from the 23rd of january 2020. i just want to be pretty, is all.
Jan 2021 · 1.3k
202801 (paper gold)
quinn Jan 2021
yellow is a colour that goes nicely over another;
the halo surrounding the saint's head on a
stained glass window;
watery yellow acrylic pressed onto
cream canvas with a soft, wide brush;
yellow-tinted glasses pushed too far
up your nose, that make you see the sky hazily;
sunlight that envelops us all, submerges us all,
makes us warm, makes us precious,
covers what is underneath with the gold it is worth.
from my diary, 28th january 2020. that's nearly a year ago! i just love sunlight so much
Jan 2021 · 436
quinn Jan 2021
i like to imagine myself trekking across
a great desert, or tundra, or wasteland,
and it’s dark but the sky is glowing
with stars and the sun on the horizon
and everything is that beautiful natural violet.
there is nothing for miles and miles and miles
and in every direction is the same thing.
i walk over hills and through ditches
but in the hugeness of the landscape
they are nothing, and it’s still wide and flat.
i wonder and i dance and i shout at the sky
and i flail my arms around and trip over
and i yell and grin and shake to the stars
and to the space beyond them, that infinity.
i tip my head upwards and smile to
infinite amounts of infinite things up there.
i am confused and i am lost and i am scared
and in all of that i’ve found the most joy
that is even possible to be felt.
i scream at the infinity in a friendly way
as if i’ve figured out its secrets,
as if we’re on the same page.
i thank it and i laugh at it and i scold it
for everything that i feel and know and am
because one of the infinite things up there
must have given it to me,
whether it knows it or not,
and i feel safe and tiny and fleeting
and i am so happy to be the
tiny second of useless time and phenomena
that i am.
from the 22nd of november 2020. there's this song that i like and it makes me see this image and i think it's important.

— The End —