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M Solav Jul 2019
...where are those conclusions now?
M Solav Jul 2019
Ô toi qui hélas aura daigné t’ôter la vie,
Mettant un trait au dessein que tu dessines;
Grande n’est-elle pas parfois la jalousie
De qui partage la misère qu’on te devine.

Ô toi qui aura su mettre fin au jour
Pour enfin écourter la longue nuit
En soufflant d’un seul et court souffle
Sur le scintillement de tes bougies.

Jamais ne sauras-tu
Qu'il fût un monde
Et quel monde!
Qui t'eût compris.

Comme il en prend du courage,
Et il en prend du mal de vivre
Pour faire la traversée de l’enfer
À l’origine de toute la vie.
Écrit en mai 2018 - pour un vieil ami disparu.

— Droits d'auteur © M. Solav —

Cette oeuvre ne peut être utilisée ni en partie ni dans son intégrité sans l'accord préalable de l'auteur. Veuillez s'il vous plaît contacter pour toute requête d'usage. Merci beaucoup.
M Solav Jul 2019
I am a beat, I am a clock,
I am a rhythm of some sort;
I’m a carrier on a mission;
The byproduct of an invention;
A battery that is being charged
And depleted low and large.

I am a ball, I am a cell,
I am the will of higher selves;
I’m a layer of the kernel,
Flying on seat "57L";
I’m a letter that was sent to mail,
Set outbound when rings the bell.

I am a curve, I am twirl,
I am sustained motion still unfurled;
I’m necessity in the system;
Of absorption I am the emblem;
I’m a branch of fractal downward;
Of struggles past I ain't no award.

I am a beast, I am a fork,
I am a breach through inert soil;
I’m a head of the hydra snake;
Consolation in all of mistakes;
I’m the blood of the wounded,
The brain of memories faded.

I am a blink, I am a cause,
I am the storm after the pause;
I’m the pity for the angered;
Whose duties have been tempered.
I'm the eye that's about to drool
And the tooth that's bound to fool.

I am silver when I am gold,
Yes I am pale when I grow bold,
Like an etching on a clean surface
I'll be sanded just to be varnished;
I'm the most certain of prediction,
Foreseeable beyond provision.

I am ludicrous, I am lukewarm,
I am commitment amidst cold wars;
I’m the frontier around the form
And the earth that drowns the worm;
Of victory I am some defeat,
Accomplishment left incomplete.

I am a meter, I am a yard,
I am pain that causes no harm;
I'm the scepter of the peasant,
The suffering in the pleasant;
I'm everything that's ever been said,
All that's forgotten once it's been read.

I am a sin, yes I am sought,
I am a child yet to be mourned;
I’m resistance to the inevitable,
Recurrence of the unstable;
I’m the distance of departures,
The first minutes of final hours.

I am a beat, I am a clock,
I am a rhythm of some sort;
I’m a carrier on a mission,
The byproduct of an invention;
A battery that is being charged
And depleted low and large.
Written in June 2019 - on a plane.
Edited in January 2021.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
M Solav Jul 2019
My childhood,
My whole upbringing,
All the things that I've done
And all of whom I have met;
Everything I have seen
In my homeland and overseas;
Every wasted thought,
Stories I have kept to myself,
Words I have shared in vain...
Such a quantity of inputs,
From ears, eyes and touch;
So much thought invested
Trying to uncover new paths;
All this pain for all this time,
All the joys that last a while;

They amount to just a few...
A few more clever taps
On top of the screen
Of an electronic pad.
Written in December 2018.

— Copyright © M. Solav —
This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
M Solav Jul 2019
Mon âme,

C’est à toi que je m’adresse,
Toi mon âme, qui me tiens toujours en laisse,
Qui se plaît à me voir danser
D’un œil drôlement fatigué.

Tu m'auras trainé jusqu’ici
Pour ensuite me laisser faire;
Tu espérais de moi produit finit
Sans fournir matière première.

Parmi les cent pays de l'esprit,
Toi seul reconnait les frontières;
C'est toi-même qui les délimite
D'un air pourtant si fier.

Pourquoi donc à présent ces soupirs
Qui déterrent de vieux refrains?
Je n’attendais de toi rien de pire
Que de ne renoncer à ton propre bien.

Comme ce corps laissé à l’abandon,
Négligé durant tant d’années...
Si jamais il se dérobe de ses dons,
Est-ce par absence de ta volonté?

M'entends-tu, hélas, prêtes-tu oreille?
Es-tu de retour d’une quelque vacance?
Car sans toi rien n'est plus tout à fait pareil:
Et le monde se dénude ennuyé de tout sens.

Ne me laisses pas m'isoler à relire ces mots écris
Sans qu’ensuite ta présence ne se ressente.
Laisse-toi croire en ces mensonges de l’esprit
Si pour te revoir tu exiges que l’on te mente.

Debout maintenant, debout mon seul maître!
Que résonne la sagesse que toi-seul nous confère.
Malgré les chaînes auxquelles tu nous auras fait naître,
Je suis moi esprit à jamais - ton seul et véritable frère.
Écrit en décembre 2018.

— Droits d'auteur © M. Solav —

Cette oeuvre ne peut être utilisée ni en partie ni dans son intégrité sans l'accord préalable de l'auteur. Veuillez s'il vous plaît contacter pour toute requête d'usage. Merci beaucoup.
M Solav Jul 2019
There is sunshine all over my face,
Oh but when will I see the light?
A bright blue veil covers all of space
With only cloudiness in sight.

And figuring out a way out of it
Feels like swimming in the dark
Being dragged by the undercurrent
Holding breathe to find a spark

Yet I’m bathing in the sunlight
But the wind is growing cold
Merriment remains a surprise
With all the things that I can’t hold

So I grasp onto this feeling
A promise in which I can hide
I call vain hopes my fortress
Holding solitude by my side

I see the light is still abounding
Outside the confines of where I’m bound
All the plants are thirst aquenching
Necessity cannot be found.
Written in March 2019.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
M Solav Jul 2019
We live on the ripples of a beating heart
Sailing wide across a great black sea
Each pulses like falling raindrops
As we drift on the surface of destiny

We know the struggles and the storms to come
Foundations the turmoils of passing winds
Are scattering on our way towards the sun
Were raised by none but the breathe of our will

We become landscapes the further we are drawn
Cold mountains, dense forests, oceans and such,
On our carved existence all promise to be found
As we roam from mood to mood and thought to thought

We understand at last what the touch reconciles
When we start to realize what we had always known
That the world was always ours, and it dawns on our mind
That the rainfall had stopped while we’d landed home
Written in June 2019 - for an exhibition in Peking.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
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