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56 · 1d
Child Like Faith
simmer 1d
Wondrous, curious, in awe
Everything is new and exciting
Oh what it is like to have a faith
A faith without fighting

Questions on questions wanting to know more
The deeper they look, the more they long to explore
Lord please let this faith
Child like faith
Repeatedly be restored

Vulnerable and okay being so
Guard down, knowing my problems are not my own
For I have someone greater than I to fight my battles
And through every storm a hand to hold

Without a deeper thought help me to love, learn and obey
Lord my greatest ask is to forever restore my childlike faith
simmer 3d
The clarity of the Lord is something that can never be mistaken
For you know not how much you change
That is, until he frees you from a situation

Confident, walking again as though you know who you are
For your identity is not in you, but in Him, you lost yourself in her
thankfully God only lets you wander so far

Her words brought stress, and disarray
As does anything of this world
Yet you built your house on their sound which was utterly splintered in every way
In the destruction of this distraction, I am found

Ask and you shall receive and indeed I did ask
So I watch peacefully as the splinters fall
Never have I seen a prayer work so fast

And as the dust settles and smoke clears
Then shines through a heavenly mansion built on the rock
Why was clarity ever something that I feared...
simmer 3d
Sitting and waiting for something that is certain in a world where nothing appears as so
In this I am found in realization that something so small has control
For many aspects of my life are seen as clear
From an outside eye, or an outside ear
Yet for me I am stuck
My whole world is on hold and there is nothing that I don't confuse
I have the power to clear the air, wipe my eyes, and know the truth if I so choose
Yet I'd rather see hope through smoke and blurry eyes
So then even if I did not win, I can find bliss in the fact that I did not lose

And in this bliss lies comfort, but not the kind that calms the soul
Rather numbs the mind and fills the brain with temporary dopamine
Like an empire in the peak of its reign
Enjoying success knowing that soon it will all come down in flames
Problems unaddressed and communication unclear
The flames lay fire, empire down, and nothing but smoke and blurry eyes I fear

So the empire of uncertainty is where I reside
Peering through smoke with blurry eyes
Forever fearing the day of clarity..
40 · 2d
Sight by Faith
simmer 2d
What if I told you
Our eyes are not what allow us to see
In fact no part of our physical is entrusted in this way
In the end it is entirely what we seek

As we clumsily stumble around this broken world
Running into one thing after the next
Our eyes not able to perceive

For the blades and thorns of each collision are masked
Then we walk away, in utter confusion
wondering as to why it is we bleed

We are only given sight by spirit
The Holy One at that
Tired of being cut while blinded, lost in deceit?

Draw close to the one true God
And the blades will glimmer
What was once hidden, now in the light
In faith granted sight, at last finally freed
simmer 10h
Your appearance is pretty in every way
Nice smile, kind words, kind eyes
seeming as though you could never cause dismay
But the truth is that you twist your truth
So that you and those around can believe a lie
For only when you cut through the cloth of appearance
that’s when you can see what is inside

Therefore you dull every blade that comes near
Never let people get close, and deny anything you hear
For even if the words are true and things come to light
On them alone is the blame so that you can stay in the right

Where actions are not done than words are not said
And even if disproved the impact is shallow
For you know who you are, what you did, and can leave the lies as lies
Only the truth can penetrate the cloth, cut deep, and leave one rattled

So I ask you one question, at what point does it end?
I would rather be with someone who is perfectly imperfect
Than someone who hides themselves to obtain protected perfection
29 · 21h
simmer 21h
To choose the world is to drive reckless in the rain
On the highway speeding
Thinking yourself as invincible  
Incapable of pain

The faster you drive the harder you fight
Thinking by your abilities, and own will, you can gain control out of spite
Whole time nothing works as your speed only increases
Your arrogance blinding you, as is the rain
Not knowing that your actions will leave you in destruction, broken in pieces

Relief is found only in split second surges  
Driving under a bridge  
Then thrown back  
This is the only reward of acting on those ill rooted urges

So many of us are lost in this constant battle
When the reality is, it’s out of our control
All we can do is be still and trust
Through humbling ourselves God grants peace to our soul

— The End —