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In my heart
It's deserving
To be heard.
Body's whispers
Become screams.
Thought streams,
Where are their hot springs?
Body-mind connection
Currently a hurtful interaction,
Heaviness inside.
Whether the mind's full or empty-
Hard to tell,
The spiral repeats,
Energy depletes,

As if under a
Leaving the body
A heavy but empty,
A burning but cold,
A lifeless but longing
A hard but soft
Grateful that poetry is always there. A home of it's own kind. Without judgement it receives and listens.❤️
The uncomfortable can be real icky at times. Don't forget that it's just a feeling.

It's just a feeling.

It won't stay forever.
Oftentimes this feeling is needed for us to move forward, to evolve.
Let us infuse this day
With gratitude awareness, hey
Let us infuse this day
With gratitude awareness, hey...
A spontaneous song I sang recently in the morning 🌻☀️
You're not behind. You're on your own unique path. Trust your journey.
Don't forget to rest. It is essential. Your body will remind you whenever you forget.

This is to combat all judgement when we feel like we're not doing enough. We believe that we know everything but we don't.

Check in with reality. Ask for feedback. Check if what you're assuming is actually true.

This will help you reduce projection and also gain a more accurate picture of how true is what you think and believe.

It may put your insecurities at display and make you more vulnerable but that is nothing to fear.
Notes to myself after realizing the benefit of saying what I truly think and asking questions. This is how we evolve. Addressing the uncomfortable.
silvervi Mar 17
Even the smallest warm interaction with other people counts.
And it has a ripple effect if we let it 💗
  Mar 15 silvervi
Carson Dees
Maybe God
Sends us nightmares
So our living reality
Doesn't seem so bad
When we wake up.

Until we wake up
And remember
We are living in a nightmare
We can't escape
Except by going
To sleep
                                                               -Megan E. Freeman, "Alone"
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