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i live in fear
fear of resentment
fear of abandonment
fear of myself.
im afraid I won’t amount to anything
that my life will be a waste
im afraid i won’t truly live
that i will be just another cookie cutter
replica of the  blonde hair,
blue eyed girl next door
i can’t live like that
because that’s not living
thats existing
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
51 Days
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
What if I showed you all the poems I wrote
Would you taste the asphalt
I felt
As I sat and scribed
Would you see the graffiti
The street signs, city life
Would it mean anything
I stopped counting when it stopped making sense. There's no point in going back now.
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
All I ever wanted was for someone to listen
I wanted someone to pay attention
To tell me things would get better
And that happiness would last forever
I wanted someone to give me advice
All about my life to notice
I wanted someone to understand
To support and lend me a hand
I wanted someone who'd never leave me alone
To know me from deep inside my bone
I wanted someone to love me
As far as the end of the galaxy
I wanted someone to treat me with respect
To make me feel a little perfect
I wanted someone to make me feel special
And to not make my life seem so small
I wanted someone to wipe away all of my tears
Helping me get over my fears
I wanted someone to be my friend
To always bring my misery to an end
And amid the tumult.
Of my life.
I find nothing other than the despair.
That this will always be it.


Sinking feeling in my gut.

Falling apart.
All over.
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
it doesn't matter what I have through the day if I feel alone in the end
i am the best
version of myself
when i am comfortable
surrounded by my loved ones
and knowing there are no time restrictions
tell me
how to
end these fantasies
and i'll happily
let you go
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
She is but a dream;
a dream that would not fade,
even long after waking up.
And will remain a dream.

A meager attempt after a long break.
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