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 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
I have new pronouns!
But first this poem doesnt rhyme.
I'm not sure if this is even a poem.
More of my...coming out.
A clarification of sorts.

At birth, the doctor said,
"It's a girl!"
Well, whoever stared into my mother's ******, looked at mine, and determined my ***/gender for me...
(Those were buzzer sounds.)

My name is not Madison.
And though I am the proud owner of a ******™.
I am not a female.
My pronouns are not she/her.

My name is Ty. Short for Tyrus.
I am the proud owner of a ******™.
And I have not one, not 3
but 2 pronouns.

Either one of those is fine.
To be honest really don't mind.

I just ask that you stay away from she/her. :)

Thank you for following this "thing" to this point.
And thank you for using correct pronouns!

Please read the bottom thing:
I'm working on turning this into an actual poem that rhymes and has nice grammar and ****. But for right now here you go, and BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE!
how is it
condemnable when we
only choose to
Post-Pride Week blues.
What good do swimming lessons do
For men already drowning?
One outstretched arm lends far more aid
Than 1000 kind words sounding.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Every now and then
I’m haunted by memories
What happened to me
Just had a particularly uncomfortable flashback...
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
It sounds like you
telling me,
that you've been
searching for me
in the sky
among every star
you ever came across.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Take off
your skin
and show me
the magic happening inside
which you refuse to present to everyone else.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
There are
no apologies for being.
Find me
where the
people aren't
To my dear fellow introvert poets and writers. Sending you love from the heart of an introverted girl!
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Confidence says: "Thank you!"

Arrogance says: "I know I am."
Learn the difference.
Stay humble. :)
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