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Caminas adentro de ti mismo y el tenue reflejo serpeante que te conduce
    no es la última mirada de tus ojos al cerrarse ni es el sol tímido golpeando tus párpados:
    es un arroyo secreto, no de agua sino de latidos: llamadas, respuestas, llamadas,
    hilo de claridades entre las altas yerbas y las bestias agazapadas de la conciencia a obscuras.
    Sigues el rumor de tu sangre por el país desconocido que inventan tus ojos
    y subes por una escalera de vidrio y agua hasta una terraza.
    Hecha de la misma materia impalpable de los ecos y los tintineos,
    la terraza, suspendida en el aire, es un cuadrilátero de luz, un ring magnético
    que se enrolla en sí mismo, se levanta, anda y se planta en el circo del ojo,
    géiser lunar, tallo de vapor, follaje de chispas, gran árbol que se enciende y apaga y enciende:
    estás en el interior de los reflejos, estás en la casa de la mirada,
    has cerrado los ojos y entras y sales de ti mismo a ti mismo por un puente de latidos:
                                  EL CORAZÓN ES UN OJO.

    Estás en la casa de la mirada, los espejos han escondido todos sus espectros,
    no hay nadie ni hay nada que ver, las cosas han abandonado sus cuerpos,
    no son cosas, no son ideas: son disparos verdes, rojos, amarillos, azules,
    enjambres que giran y giran, espirales de legiones desencarnadas,
    torbellino de las formas que todavía no alcanzan su forma,
    tu mirada es la hélice que impulsa y revuelve las muchedumbres incorpóreas,
    tu mirada es la idea fija que taladra el tiempo, la estatua inmóvil en la plaza del insomnio,
    tu mirada teje y desteje los hilos de la trama del espacio,
    tu mirada frota una idea contra otra y enciende una lámpara en la iglesia de tu cráneo,
    pasaje de la enunciación a la anunciación, de la concepción a la asunción,
    el ojo es una mano, la mano tiene cinco ojos, la mirada tiene dos manos,
    estamos en la casa de la mirada y no hay nada que ver, hay que poblar otra vez la casa del ojo,
    hay que poblar el mundo con ojos, hay que ser fieles a la vista, hay que
                  CREAR PARA VER.

    La idea fija taladra cada minuto, el pensamiento teje y desteje la trama,
    vas y vienes entre el infinito de afuera y tu propio infinito,
    eres un hilo de la trama y un latido del minuto, el ojo que taladra y el ojo tejedor,
    al entrar en ti mismo no sales del mundo, hay
ríos y volcanes en tu cuerpo, planetas y hormigas,
    en tu sangre navegan imperios, turbinas, bibliotecas, jardines,
    también hay animales, plantas, seres de otros mundos, las galaxias circulan en tus neuronas,
    al entrar en ti mismo entras en este mundo y en los otros mundos,
    entras en lo que vio el astrónomo en su telescopio, el matemático en sus ecuaciones:
    el desorden y la simetría, el accidente y las rimas, las duplicaciones y las mutaciones,
    el mal de San Vito del átomo y sus partículas, las células reincidentes, las inscripciones estelares.

    Afuera es adentro, caminamos por donde nunca hemos estado,
    el lugar del encuentro entre esto y aquello está aquí mismo y ahora,
    somos la intersección, la X, el aspa maravillosa que nos multiplica y nos interroga,
    el aspa que al girar dibuja el cero, ideograma del mundo y de cada uno de nosotros.
    Como el cuerpo astral de Bruno y Cornelio Agripa, como las granes transparentes de André Breton,
    vehículos de materia sutil, cables entre éste y aquel lado,
    los hombres somos la bisagra entre el aquí el allá, el signo doble y uno, V y ^ ,
    pirámides superpuestas unidas en un ángulo para formar la X de la Cruz,
    cielo y tierra, aire y agua, llanura y monte, lago y volcán, hombre y mujer,
    el mapa del cielo se refleja en el espejo de la música,
    donde el ojo se anula nacen mundos:


    La tierra es un hombre, dijiste, pero el hombre no es la tierra,
    el hombre no es este mundo ni los otros mundos que hay en este mundo y en los otros,
    el hombre es la boca que empaña el espejo de las semejanzas y dice sí,
    el equilibrista vendado que baila sobre la cuerda floja de una sonrisa,
    el espejo universal que refleja otro mundo al repetir a éste, el que transfigura lo que copia,
    el hombre no es el que es, célula o dios, sino el que está sienpre más allá.
    Nuestras pasiones no son los ayuntamientos de las substancias ciegas pero los combate y los abrazos de los elementos riman con nuestros deseos y apetitos,
    pintar es buscar la rima secreta, dibujar al eco, pintar el eslabón:
    El Vértigo de Eros es el vahído de la rosa al mecerse sobre el osario,
    la aparición de la aleta del pez al caer la noche en el mar es el centelleo de la idea,
    tú has pintado al amor tras una cortina de agua llameante


    En el espejo de la música las constelaciones se miran antes de disiparse,
    el espejo se abisma en sí mismo anegado de claridad hasta anularse en un reflejo,
    los espacios fluyen y se despeñan bajo la mirada del tiempo petrificado,
    las presencias son llamas, las llamas son tigres, los tigres se han vuelto olas,
    cascada de transfiguraciones, cascada de repeticiones, trampas del tiempo:
    hay que darle su ración de lumbre a la naturaleza hambrienta,
    hay que agitar la sonaja de las rimas para engañar al tiempo y despertar al alma,
    hay que plantar ojos en la plaza, hay que regar los parques con risa solar y lunar,
    hay que aprender la tonada de Adán, el solo de la flauta del fémur,
    hay que construir sobre este espacio inestable la casa de la mirada,
    la casa de aire y de agua donde la música duerme, el fuego vela y pinta el poeta.
segi504  Jun 2014
segi504 Jun 2014
I see you vividly in the rails of trauma
Call it drama
Possibly trailing from my mama
A grand pa she had
Michael T Chase Feb 2021
What is it that I'm "in my head"?
The shape of my brain and skull act as a maze through which frequencies are played by the thought constructs which I employ.
It is like every attribute has a string or key which can be played, and every time it is played, it conjures all the processes which that key has encountered before.
Eyes half closed places me in my head, and body sometimes too.
Looking up is paying homage to the sky.
The ability to walk on two legs places humans between earth and heaven, two limbs can reach up, and two limbs touch bottom.
I have no visible tail, only a remnant of one, which makes my movement dependent on just these four limbs.
The head and spine being shared by all vertebrates, means that its sign is more diverse in nature.
Humans have the largest brains compared to the rest of the body.
However, an extra-terrestrial skeleton proved to have a brain/skull even larger than humans.

Consciousness is held much like using all the controls while driving a car: the eyes adjust, pressure in the skull and body is adjusted with muscles, the position of the body, neck, and head is adjusted.
Sounds are drown out or given attention.
The body can be divorced from emotion, virtue, and the universe.
The Self can be divorced from virtue, organization, emotion, and the universe.
Everything in such a state is local.
When things are local, I can only observe the scattering amplitudes.
If the scattering is very low, then the gross or macro-level world is all I see.
But what is different from a chair or sofa and a star or moon?
Both are made from the same universe.
The difference is that one was formed by humans, the other a part of nature.
What makes nature a better object of focus than man-made objects?
The man-made object tends to already have a use while the natural are base elements.
They signify the lowest grade of complexity.
Thus, my body is the lowest grade, the simplest, structure in the local home.
Being simple, it is like a canvas that can be painted, or a quarry from which a rock can be sculpted.

Now I switch to morning mode, which is about waking up and making progress.
But meditation is just as hard waking up as it is staying up sometimes.
I must once again ask the same questions in a new day.
What is consciousness?
Can it really be defined as a particular mechanism?
Wouldn't DNA be the best candidate, and it is made of compounds, which are found with the elements.
Yes, it seems science must switch from a "finding a particle" mode to a global life-form mode.
One which knows that life is a web of different things without any one of which the whole planet would fail.
"Finding a particle" mode has proven to be at the end of its run for finding them, as to find a graviton would prove impossible due to the amount of energy needed that would then create a minature black hole.
It seems like I'm a couch scientist, or a science critic not contributing to the picture.
The "finding a particle" mode is so hard to give up because it has been a part of science for over 100 years, which has shaped what a scientist does, how one thinks too.
However, the "web of life" mode gives a harder picture to deal with: one of thinking about social relationships between and within species and kingdoms.
It means that insight will no longer come from a "gold rush" type mentality of a find, but rather insight gleaned from a cooperative consultative stream of thought.
It takes the center away from the individual and places it on the community and the biosphere.
The biosphere or world civilization perspective takes away a lot of physics needed and instead offers a simpler picture, far simpler.
Now, I ask: how can social groups become more enlightened?
How will personal growth, science, the humanities, and social justice play a role?
How will spirituality, which so often is "other worldly" actually weaken this social structure if it is not focused on the simple practical matters in the "web of life" outlook?
I now see that asking "what is consciousness?", if asked too much, will prove to individualize and hamper people's worldview by placing its concern on minutia.
This "find a particle" view could even be seen as an illness which keeps people from having a more social outlook.
It means giving up the personal glory of the scientist, for the practical glory of the community, of the whole.
Instead, what will cause love to grow and hatred to end?
What will make conversations and interactions become more mature?

Now I turn to the element of virtues, which can be divorced from the human body if its goals are not aligned with them.
Addressing trama and how to cope, or simply depression and anxiety too.
The goal of course being a utopia where all can flourish physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
We must come to some shared understanding of how society best operates, or else we will keep contending with each other for a millennia.
I feel these shifts occur form injustice and the rally for justice in its wake.
It really comes down to the people in power making decisions today.
To how we treat those who share different beliefs, and how we distinguish from mere differences of opinion from a difference between knowledge and ignorance.
I can see both sides of abortion having good points.
I can see good all the way from a flat tax (like religion) to very high taxes on the wealthy.
I can see the difference from helping poeple survive to helping them thrive and knowing the good sides of both issues.
Moreover, I can see why too much nationalism and too much globalism could both be unjust due to the particular opinions of a mother nation, and the need for global unity.
I can see why adherence to one religion will only work if it is based on love and freedom, for love without freedom is not unconditional.
Meanwhile freedom without love leads to destruction.
However, erasing safety and protection from love and freedom would also lead to disaster.

Where is the balance?
That is what the "web of life" mode needs to deliberate.
This is a slow process.
The willingness of one can only affect others through wisdom not fanaticism in any degree.
What is consciousness?
The highest consciousness is deciding public affairs and interacting with others about public affairs.
Therefore, read, write, interact, and work.
Then reflect again and see how far we have come.
4 hours of journaling
ClawedBeauty101 Sep 2018
Let's all be honest... for once... let us all admit this statement...
Each of us has impaled a dozy pill of mistakes... inhaled regrets fragrant

A prescription of the many countless regrets... failures... and stupid moments
They come back like a drug side effect, attacking you as their opponent

Losing your sense of reality as you drunkenly laugh at the blessings
Numb to kindnesses touch as you roll off the couch of security... nervously sweating

Openly abusing the precious, pure body of wisdom... deaf to her rejecting scream...
She stood by your side... Telling you not to take another drink... not to get lost in marijuana's dream...

A foolish smirk sneaks on your face, your mind clouded by the vape and tobacco, blocking your judgment
Carelessly touching in all the wrong places... pleasurable? Your conscious shows no lament

Your lips are a bite... Your touch is a knife... your words are a poison... to not only wisdom... for it will backfire
You are finally evicted from Illusions hallucinations... you fell for such a devilish liar.

Your brain has rung the alarm to your entire body... memories of unwise choices bring head trama
A heavy alcoholic breath escapes your mouth of regretted words... full of gossips drama

You wobble on unstable feet.. and do not achieve your desired balance...
Falling to your knees... you see the blood... the tears... and the saliva of someone who is guilty... no use in using words of parlance

No lies can hide the guilt that clokes your face...
All evidence leads you down to your fate...

"Drugged and Drunk of Regrets" was the charge placed against you... then you were sent away
But be careful... Memories, thoughts, and feelings can lead your mind astray.

"Set them free... You have been given mercy..."
The Judge granted, without one drop of regret and worry

...Mercy... You have been given mercy for your crime...
So why continue to drug your self on regrets? It's not worth a dime!!



We all have been Drugged and Drunk of Regrets...
but the best thing to do... it to apologize... and forget...
Apologize... and Forget...
Liz  Jul 2018
Post trama
Liz Jul 2018
Afraid of what I think is there
Feeling suffocated by air
Acting out when things don't feel right
This is my fight or flight
Losing control
Grasping whatever I can
I hate this was caused
Just by one man
Unexpected reactions
Full circle disfunction
Stop the cycle please
Becka Vees  Jun 2012
Giving Up
Becka Vees Jun 2012
Bare in mind every hair-splitting detail:
Giving up was growing up.
Retail prices of bail bonds, re-told crises turned stories
Have gotten old so we painted the white roses red
Instead of trite and true head-loss.
Blah Blah brain trama drama, tears for dear old mama
Mean-time spent
While we've met cross-breeds with clarinet reeds
Never shoved down tiny child throats.
Too fat to fly.
Too fat to ****.
Hook -- one for the money.
Line -- two for the show.
Sinker -- three to turn back and tinker with hands as toys.
Cut out and crafty make-shift girls with faulty gills
Flop and flail on glue-covered decks next to
Peeled and punched newspaper clipped boys.
Giving up was growing up.
Moving on, and I'm still growing up.

(Written 3/12)
Levanten sus copas
que hoy la suerte
se cierne a la botella

Dionisio pagó con sangre
el trago amargo de la pérdida.
Laureada la seda que envuelve
el óbito de tu destino,

sobre el tinto que ateza de luto tu pecho
atribulan sus enemigos
en la cómplice oscuridad de un bar olvidado
que arrulla en secreto la muerte bajo un mar de Ginebra

Que aguarda entre mentiras al
íntimo ritual que sienta el pulso
y añeja el vértigo de tus palabras

Petaca en mano que enciende tu aliento
desgaja tus venas de oporto y ron
y pinta de sanguinos matices
la náusea ...

que apacigua el lamento
de tu Ménade solitaria
que entre espectros alcoholizados
maldice el acre juicio del azar

Danza macabra que
funde sus lenguas profanas,
en la misma apática letanía

Maldita esa noche de julio
parda como el veneno que rezuman tus vísceras
parda como la trama endeble
que corrompe tu hígado enfermo

Maldita la sed en tus ojos vidriosos
negros como el nectar que escancian la Nísiades
en la viña de tu cárdena mortaja.

Maldito el recuerdo
que aún te ve

Sentado con beoda inocencia
donde van a morir las ratas
y un perro viejo sella
con vos su pródigo pacto secuaz

Que entre pitada y pitada
escapan a vos en susurros los versos del turco Jayyam
batiendo suspiros al aire
flotando en castillos de alquitrán

Que pensando en la muerte
borracho y con voz cansada
solías preguntar

¿Habrá allí una pizca de lima que bese
el salitre de sus dedos renegridos?
iHave Your Mind
In Circles.
Stressed And Worried over me.
All Because of my disease
Yes I know its so unfair
That You Have to go through this
Through My Comedown And Rages iThrow All
Because of tweak.
Your Minds In Trama
Because Of what you know about my past
Feeling Tortured
Once i Spoke About the lies ive told you.
This Problem i Have Affected Us Too.
Its daily Thoughts & Doubts
Wether im really where i Say Im At
If il Pick Up Or if i used.
Instead Of Missing me And waiting till You See me
Having Thoughts Of Always Wanting to be with me
You Have the complete Opposite
Cause you dont know If you should believe me
My boyfriend was there By my side the 3rd time i Was sent to residential
he was there supporting me and helping me.
he seemed to develope feelings for me through the phone calls we would give eachother
when i had gotten out of rehab he suprised me with baloons and gifts.
so happy i made it.
2 weeks later i relapsed and he was devastated
felt all his help and time was all worth less
time passed bye
arguments after fights
we later go together
made a deal
i give up drugs for his love
i lied and still went on using
later on i confessed about so much
since then hes been doubtful on my every move
Voy a contarte en secreto
quién soy yo,
así, en voz alta,
me dirás quién eres,
quiero saber quién eres,
cuánto ganas,
en qué taller trabajas,
en qué mina,
en qué farmacia,
tengo una obligación terrible
y es saberlo,
saberlo todo,
día y noche saber
cómo te llamas,
ése es mi oficio,
conocer una vida
no es bastante
ni conocer todas las vidas
es necesario,
hay que desentrañar,
rascar a fondo
y como en una tela
las líneas ocultaron,
con el color, la trama
del tejido,
yo borro los colores
y busco hasta encontrar
el tejido profundo,
así también encuentro
la unidad de los hombres,
y en el pan
más allá de la forma:
me gusta el pan, lo muerdo,
y entonces
veo el trigo,
los trigales tempranos,
la verde forma de la primavera
las raíces, el agua,
por eso
más allá del pan,
veo la tierra,
la unidad de la tierra,
el agua,
el hombre,
y así todo lo pruebo
en todo,
ando, nado, navego
hasta encontrarte,
y entonces te pregunto
cómo te llamas,
calle y número,
para que tú recibas
mis cartas,
para que yo te diga
quién soy y cuánto gano,
dónde vivo,
y cómo era mi padre.
Ves tú qué simple soy,
qué simple eres,
no se trata
de nada complicado,
yo trabajo contigo,
tú vives, vas y vienes
de un lado a otro,
es muy sencillo:
eres la vida,
eres tan transparente
como el agua,
y así soy yo,
mi obligación es ésa:
ser transparente,
cada día
me educo,
cada día me peino
pensando como piensas,
y ando
como tú andas,
como, como tú comes,
tengo en mis brazos a mi amor
como a tu novia tú,
y entonces
cuando esto está probado,
cuando somos iguales
escribo con tu vida y con la mía,
con tu amor y los míos,
con todos tus dolores
y entonces
ya somos diferentes
porque, mi mano en tu hombro,
como viejos amigos
te digo en las orejas;
no sufras,
ya llega el día,
ven conmigo,
con todos
los que a ti se parecen,
los más sencillos,
no sufras,
ven conmigo,
porque aunque no lo sepas,
eso yo sí lo sé:
yo sé hacia dónde vamos,
y es ésta la palabra:
no sufras
porque ganaremos,
ganaremos nosotros,
los más sencillos,
aunque tú no lo creas,
dennis drain Aug 2018
Take my winnings and leave me with my mistakes...
Brighter days be gone from memory.
I've seen the sudden loss of life that only comes with ******....
memories of happier days are clouded in my head,
I try and find a simple thought, to over think and push away the images that that staind my brain and hid so much of myself away....
See I try and be a good guy,
Most child killers do!
Most of us, not all of us but certainly some, myself  included.
Take what they see and then forget it all.
It's easier to sit in the moment, relive the trama, and resee the colors and hear the screams because after that life was gone so we're our dreams....
We keep so much away from others,at 12yo I saw a homie blow a pleading man's head off.
I don't wanna think more about the good times...... Take my happy days back.....
At 13yo i watched bodies drop after I took the shot I was told to take.
How can I see there fate so suddenly come to an end, and smile at the birth of my son....
There souls set heavy on my shoulders, I say nothing of there demis. Who am I to speak apon another man's life that my hand has taken?
I'm sorry, that I at the time I was a stone and showed no hesitation, taking away the one person that could have saved us....
No I cry in my sleep... when they come back in my thoughts and create nightmares as vengens....
Others see me  distant and angry but
I just lose myself in practicing apologies.....
So when you holla and I ignore ya, or turn around and unload on ya. It's cuz I'll never find the words that'll make my theft of life ok......

Send my happiness to the souls
HED TRAMA  Sep 2016
HED TRAMA Sep 2016
I explode on paper,
words stolen from tongues jaded,
Walkin through the bones of satan on roads paved in gold on bloodstained stones,
Quoting ravens,

Unchained vocals spoken through molten statements,
Cant contain the shine they hold on glowin pages,

My flow is hatred,
Found my place unknown with souls forsaken,
Amongst the ancients and shadowy faces,
Scorched and tainted,
Sent from the lowest places to translate the words from a foreign language,

Holdin the flame within,

became one With the mass of woes and anguish Transformed to greatness,

Decayed corrosion controlled and vanquished,

Found my place in the shadows of this world
HED TRAMA Sep 2016
Lost in love,
A call from above,

Lost in translation,
A fascination,

Lost in the real,
Trying to feel,

Lost in my heart,
For we've grown apart,

Lost in my thoughts,
But never forgot,

Lost in the past,
With memories trapped,

Lost in her voice,
My walls destroyed,

Lost in my tears,
Just trying to hear,

Lost in my want,
My need to touch,

Lost in my dread,
Calling for death,

Lost in my void,
Without a point,

Lost in her dream,
Too high to reach-

Oh, un terribile timore;
La lietezza esplode
Contro quei vetri al buio
Ma tale lietezza, che ti fa cantare in voce
È un ritorno dalla morte: e chi può mai ridere -
Dietro, sotto il riquadro del cielo annerito
Riapparizione ctonia!
Non scherzo: ché tu hai esperienza
Di un luogo che non ** mai esplorato,
È vero che la mia terra è piccola
Ma ** sempre affabulato sui luoghi inesplorati
Con una certa lietezza, quasicché non fosse vero
Ma tu ci sei, qui, in voce
La luna è risorta;
le acque scorrono;
il mondo non sa di essere nuovo e la sua nuova giornata
finisce contro gli alti cornicioni e il nero del cielo
Chi c'è, in quel VUOTO DEL COSMO,
che tu porti nei tuoi desideri e conosci?
C'è il padre, sì, lui!
Tu credi che io lo conosca? Oh, come ti sbagli;
come ingenuamente dai per certo ciò che non lo è affatto;
fondi tutto il discorso, ripreso qui, cantando,
su questa presunzione che per te è umile
e non sai invece quanto sia superba
essa porta in sé i segni della volontà mortale della maggioranza -
L'occhio ilare di me mai disceso agli Inferi,
ombra infernale vagolante
E tu ci caschi
Tu conosci di ciò che è realtà solo quell'Uomo Adulto
Ossia ciò che si deve conoscere;
lei, la Donna Adulta, stia all'Inferno
o nell'Ombra che precede la vita
e di là operi pure i suoi malefizi, i suoi incantesimi;
odiala, odiala, odiala;
e se tu canti e nessuno ti sente, sorridi
semplicemente perché, per ora, intanto, sei vittoriosa -
in voce come una giovane figlia avida
che però ha sperimentato dolcezza;
Parigi calca dietro alle tue spalle un cielo basso
Con la trama dei rami neri; ormai classici;
questa è la storia -
Tu sorridi al Padre -
Quella persona di cui non ** alcuna informazione,
che ** frequentato in un sogno che evidentemente non ricordo -
strano, è da quel mostro di autorità
che proviene anche la dolcezza
se non altro come rassegnazione e breve vittoria;
accidenti, come l'** ignorato; così ignorato da non saperne niente -
cosa fare?

Tu doni, spargi doni, hai bisogno di donare,
ma il tuo dono te l'ha dato Lui, come tutto;
ed è Nulla il dono di Nessuno;
io fingo di ricevere;
ti ringrazio, sinceramente grato;
Ma il debole sorriso sfuggente
non è di timidezza
è lo sgomento, più terribile, ben più terribile
di avere un corpo separato, nei regni dell'essere - se è una colpa
se non è che un incidente:
ma al posto dell'Altro
per me c'è un vuoto nel cosmo
un vuoto nel cosmo
e da là tu canti.

— The End —