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Got Guanxi  May 2015
Got Guanxi May 2015
One year on....

My Nana has unfortunately passed away after a valiant fight against cancer. In this passing we have lost a lovely woman who meant the world to our whole family. Me and my cousins affectionally called her 'straight Nana' as when we were younger we were lucky to also still have our great gran around who we called 'curly Nana' this was based on the fact that Nana Pauline has Straight hair and her mother had curly hair. In all my years I've have never heard even a choice word said against her spirit or character which is truly a rare commodity in this day and age.

She lived a full life and had three amazing daughters and a step son who she raised as her own. Thirteen grandchildren one being myself and five great grandkids. Thankfully we recently all got together and she was able to see her whole family together for the first time. I could see how happy it made her that day to see the legacy she had created and more importantly that we all were in a good place before she left us for the final time.

'May the wind always be on your back and the sun always upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars '

My mother was very young when she had me so the support that my Nan gave her as I grew up was vital. Without her me and my mum would of struggled but we always had a safetynet of support that we could rely on that was invaluable to us both. I know this notion is appreciated by my aunties and cousins too. We all share our own individual special memories as well as collective moments too that we will never forget. I would appreciate it so much if anybody has any memories stories that they wish to share as I know they will help us all as a family as we cope with this difficult time.

Cara: ". I once mistakingly rang there (labour club) instead of nanas house looking for mum, nana answered anyway, and passed me on to mum! Good job I got the wrong number! 

Her husband John is a great man who was with my Nana for her last 20 years. He is a part of our family and I hope he knows that we will always be here for him and I look I will look forward to his Sunday Dinners in future and having a beer in the back garden in tribute to our usual routine. I know I'm not alone when I say we are always here for you and we love you
and respect you so much. If you ever need anything please do not forget that.

She had a a gift for poetry that was exposed when she made her way to Facebook. I would always giggle at the little dittys she would loving, yet embarrassingly post to our Facebook walls with affection, nailing little pockets of the personalities of the protagonists each time she wrote them. Reading back some of these small potent poems know I smile as a proud Grandson and I'm happy we will all each have our own little prose to refer to in the future. 

From Moat Road, to Winterslow Avenue, Clover  Croft and finally your home in Widnes - I'll always remember each place fondly for reasons as they represents different periods of my life as I've grown up. My blue bear and parties, your back garden at Moat Road. Snowballs and magic tricks, teddy football at Winterslow Avenue. Clovere Croft was a place of refuge in my teenage years, your naughty rabbits and old school cooked dinners and misbehaving Malig. The dog who you took in and never left your side. The Labour club, where you worked hard and played hard! The beautiful garden you have created that will grow and remind us of your colourful nature as the flowers grow and bloom each year. I know John will tender them with care and think of you with a smile as he listens to smooth FM and remembers all the great times that you both spent together there. 

'if winter comes can spring be far behind?'

As a woman she was truly beautiful, a short stunning blonde. Her three daughters each different in ways but each a  reflection of there mother in their own unique ways.  Looking at them now they are all testament to her gorgeous genes and gentle, kind nature.

Nana was the most amazing crossword completer I have ever met. I was consistently surprised by her ability to finish these crosswords as she watched daytime TV and it was one of the small funny things that made me really proud of her. She filled in the gaps that was synomomus to her life.

Each of her daughters have fought through hard times and she provided a back bone of support that helped them reach the stability and happiness in their lives today. I know she said to me personally how she had comes to terms with her fate and that she was especially happy my Aunty Julie has found happiness with a good man like her sisters. I feel this represented the final piece to the puzzle for her and as usual she was able to complete this before she left. She took great solace in this fact - and so she should. It made me feel a small element of contentness when she told me this during one of our last conversations together.

To all my cousins now is the time to step up and being there for your mums. I have no doubt you will be.  I am proud of you all and you all have a special place in my thoughts. You all have great qualities and potential and it's been a pleasure to watch you all grow up into fine young men and ladies, even mothers.  Please never hesitate to contact me if you need to talk or share your thoughts. I know we will remain strong as a unit and we will get through this tough time together as a family!

In closing I want to thank my Nana just for simply being her. I will hold you in a special place in my heart forever and you will never be forgotten. Each Christmas I will toast you with a Jack Daniels (Nan would always buy the guys a JD related present every year) I will never taste that whiskey again without a passing thought for you as it passes my lips. I know I will not be the only one with this sentiment.

Even as a close family - I still hope this brings us all together and that we use this experience to better ourselves in our own personal ways. Fight hard to reach your potential and stay true to your essence and the person you desire or have chosen to be. It's these times that expose what really matters to you - embrace those thoughts and do not lose them in grief or forget them in time.

I am so proud of you.
Goodby Nana. I love you.
Your Grandson,
Nathan x
this was difficult to revisit but it's important to remember those you love most and don't take a fleeting moment for granted.
Its been 3 years since you left this world,
Since then I'm always feeling alone and cold .
I miss you nana , you meant the world to me..
I wish you would just come back to me
What I wouldn't give to have things go back
to the way they used to be .

You were my best friend , my angel
the one i thought would never leave me
but god needed an angel , he called you up to heaven
the fondest memory of you i have is when i was seven.

You were more than my nana
you were my best friend
the one i wanted to follow right to the end.

You were the one who taught me to play piano and sing
You taught me to love
you are my beautiful angel whose high up above.

I miss you nana , i try to fight back the tears
you taught me to always face my fears
How i wish I could feel you near.

One day I will see you again
forever my angel we will be
together forever till the end.
So... I wait for the day ,
and I wait for the hour
a life without you is never what i desired.

I pray you are at peace
and that you are happy
cause nana life without you sure has been ******.
Aric Wheeler Jun 2013
Nana thinks the magazine is the devil.


Whatever you say, Nana.

When we left my Nana made us tacos and tamales. She gathered all the food in the house to send us off and took all the cash she had and stuffed it in my pocket. She purged the cupboard of all the bananas, plums, nectarines, and apricots and placed them in a bag with two bottled waters a coke, a diet coke and sprite.

She told me that she loved me and that she hated to see me go. That, “I had just gotten there” and that she would “miss me so much.”

Before we left she sent me with a card that was “very important”. It was a picture and a coin embossed with my guardian angel that she bought at the church gift shop.

My nana loves me more than anything else in the world.

My nana still calls you my friend.
Perri Jun 2015
words cannot explain
the love you shared with me
no one
to this day
saw in me what you'd see

our souls were intertwined
from the day of my birth - 08/10/92
to the day you died - 08/11/2010
Eighteen years and one day
lovely nana, you had never left me astray

Nana, I loved how we'd feed off
each others curiosity
to me, you passed down  
your warm soul
genuine mind
and extreme generosity

your love for me was so pure and deep,
and you would tell me no other compared
and that is a secret I will surely keep

I hope you are now watching me, nana
as I hurt knowing your love is part of the past
But just so you do know, nana,
the love you shared with me
is imbedded in my soul and bones
and I know it will forever last.
she was my best friend and no one will ever have a love for me like she did.
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
It varies from woman to woman, however
this girl will always hate giving birth

Maybe she wouldn’t even get married nor have ****** *******
More than forty years ago those childish thoughts kept circling in my mind
It didn’t take long for her to realize that *** and babies had something in common
Nana so often said to us girls with her Island slang
“What sweeten a goat mouth, would burn his tail end”
So girls you're worth it, don’t do it

The after effects, the after effects so complex and powerful

Nana woke us up in the wee hours of the morning
either with her singing, or the rattling of the *** and pans
I knew at some point I would come to hate being a nurse
I probably wouldn’t be able to show Compassion
If you aren’t compassionate enough: being a Nurse isn’t for you
I hated those homebirth early morning deliveries
Not enough light, no running water in the homes,
And the list goes on in late sixties on the Island

When I finally woke up that morning
I noticed Nana’s black bag on the table:
  Her lily white apron on the back of the chair
How she got her uniform to stay so white was a miracle to me
Granddad was outside fixing something under the old Wolseley bumper
Using an old flittering kerosene paraffin lamp to get the job done

Our country farm house sat the bottom of the hill
So Grandad needed the old Wolseley car to be in good condition
To pulled Porte hill and there I was about to be Nana’s Nursing Assistant

Was I up for the yelling, screaming, crying? At my age, I wasn’t,
  However, being defiant wasn’t appealing, Nana played on our emotions
  another one of her favorite island slangs
“Some children are to be ****** to death if they are defiant to their parents said Nana”
I was also too sleepy to sulk so I sat and quietly listen to her rambling on and on:

So I turned all my thoughts and energy to Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

And that was my last words to Nana: No man shall have control over my body

  and that was my last trip with Nana on her delivering baby route.
A Lopez Oct 2015
Handprints I left on the window of the homemade bread factory
When I was thirteen years of age.
That was my time of adolescent memory,mixed with moral decay.
My father had left me, mother was sold out to ***, pills, and her grave.
I was a fiber bug to the world of technology,
Just trying to escape.
The homemade bread factory was Nana's. My daddy's mother.
Me and Nana cooked real Mexicali dishes, made butterfly catches, and dream catchers to go with my teen wishes.
Nana's house was the bread factory.
The factory no longer up and runs.
How I miss Nana, her cooking, her being momma and daddy both.
I miss Nana's love the most,
How our Nana's can be daddy and mother at the same time.
Gods gift to any grandbaby.
Peacefully sweet Nana
Maria boudega conshito.
Dark n Beautiful Feb 2014
I look through Nana's broken window so many times
However, today it seems so different
watching the blackbirds in the
avocados trees pecking at the fruits

Nana harvests the best ripe avocados pears
The color of dark burgundy, and green
All came from that old worn out tree;

Every year we would carefully inspect each pear
before packing them in the  brown barrel
they were moist and delicious on the inside
so easy to peel , those lovely ripen pears.

Here I am today about to,
open the last mark box of Nana's things
I unfold the last item slowly;
All wrapped up in old newspaper
was her bread pan;
the one with the two handles
an old  burnt crumb lodged in the corners of the pan
I smile, I weep,

Hello! To you too Nana
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
She Gives praise when you climb a tree
She will kiss a boo-boo or scraped knee
She understands what you say
She can chase the monsters away

Nana’s touch  
She kiss All your tears
She soothes your nerves and fears
She is there by your side
She will walk with every stride

Nana’s touch
She loves you with all her heart
A special bond that will never part
She makes you feel 10 feet tall
Just with her look doing nothing at all

Nana’s touch
Gives you the encouragement you need
To conquer the mountains towards succeed
To ease disapproval that makes you cry
Her smile, she has a gleam in her eye

Nana’s touch
Her arms are a warm embrace
Being around her is a safe place
Even after you meet your husband or wife
That special bond is for the rest of your

Nana’s touch
She changed your world
She misses you so much

If your Nana’s is alive,
give her a call today
Brighten HER day
Michaela Ferris Oct 2015
I know you’re slipping away, fading away
And I can’t be there.
They say your giving up now
But I know you’re a fighter, so please hold on.
I can’t bear to see you go yet,
Please hold on, I’ll come back home
Nana, please make it through the night…

Please, if there’s a god above I’m begging you
Don’t let this be the last time, I won’t get to say goodbye
I’m asking for a chance to let her stay.
Please if you hear me, let her make it through this lifetime
don’t take her away from us, too many will be heartbroken
I won’t be there to wipe away my little sisters tears at night.
Please I’m begging, Nana make it through the night.

I’m praying that this is just a nightmare
And that when I wake tomorrow it will be fine.
I never thought it would hurt this much
But oh how I’m wrong, how know they will hurt much more.
Please Nana, I know you’re tired and I know you must want the pain to stop
And I wish for anything in this world that could
But I just want to see your face again…
Please Nana, just make it through the night.
Shay  Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
You are the water to my seed,
you push me to grow, blossom and succeed.
You are the hope whispering in my ear
when my despair is growing near.

You are a superhero in disguise and inspire me
to become a strong independent woman and be the best I can be,
I hope that when I'm older I'm even half as remarkable as you are -
you are the most supportive, caring, beautiful person I know by far.

You are so special to me and every day we spend together is so sublime,
and no amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years with you will be enough time.
And out of all the grandparents in this universe so divine,
I'm so glad that you got to be mine.

— The End —